I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 274 Xu Qingwan's Changes After Marriage

Chapter 274 Xu Qingwan's Changes After Marriage

After five days.

In the early morning, the east was pale, and the heavy rain that had lasted for more than ten days finally stopped.

On the day of the wedding, Wei Changtian exhausted all the internal energy in his body to forcibly create a sunny day with the help of "Combination", so after that, the heavy rain continued to "go back and forth" for four days, and it didn't start to get smaller until yesterday. It finally "disappeared" this morning.

During these five days, Wei Changtian seldom went out and left everything to Chu Xianping. He played mahjong, ate and drank at home all day long, and exchanged feelings with Xu Qingwan frequently.

Oh, and practice "Moon Picking Sword".

After five or six consecutive nights of hard training in "Meng Dao", Wei Changtian finally practiced this fairy-level Martial Skill to the top level.

It took Qin Zhengqiu about this much time back then, but you must know that "Meng Dao" has a "one to five" time flow bonus.

So if it is based on the real time, it took Wei Changtian a full twenty-five nights to practice the Moon-Picking Sword to the top of the hall, and his martial arts comprehension is at the upper-middle level at best.

But from the perspective of others, this is definitely a genius among geniuses.

"Chang Tian, ​​I never imagined that your comprehension of Sword Technique is so high!"

In the Tianluo Sect that has been rebuilt for less than half, Qin Zhengqiu and Wei Changtian stood side by side in front of a cliff, both holding a long sword in their hands.

"The main reason is that the Moon Picking Sword is too simple."

Wei Changtian shook his head pretendingly, and put the long sword back into its sheath with a "cang clang".

"Grandpa, what do you mean by that feeling?"


Qin Zhengqiu twirled his beard, frowned and lost himself in thought.

Both of them had the feeling of "this power doesn't belong to me" in the process of practicing the Moon Sword, which shows that the problem is not with the person, but with the trickiness of the Sword Technique.

It's a pity that even Qin Zhengqiu encountered this situation for the first time, and he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation after thinking about it for a long time.

"Chang Tian, ​​if you want to understand this matter, I'm afraid you have to practice this Sword Technique to a higher level."

"Well, but this Sword Technique is so weird."

Wei Changtian was a little worried: "What if I practice Qi Deviation?"

"It's simple."

Qin Zhengqiu said with a smile: "Anyway, I don't need to practice Realm any more now. If I concentrate on practicing swordsmanship, I can reach Little Perfection within a few months at the most, and reach Great Perfection within a year."

"At that time, if the Sword Technique is certified, there is no problem, you can practice again for a long time."


Wei Changtian was taken aback when he heard the words.

It was obvious that Qin Zhengqiu wanted to be a "guinea pig" and let himself practice after he was sure that the moon-picking sword was fine.

Although this is really safe for me, but...

"Grandpa, forget it."

After thinking for a while, Wei Changtian refused, "It's just a Sword Technique, and it doesn't make much difference if you practice it or not. Or I'll go there after the battle in Jizhou is over, and I'll ask old Zhangtou first."

"Hahaha, Changtian, you don't have to worry too much."

Facing his grandson's concern, Qin Zhengqiu laughed twice and didn't take it seriously: "I know it well!"


You know it, but I'm afraid you'll be belching too much!

Wei Changtian was worried, but seeing that Qin Zhengqiu was so persistent, he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he nodded helplessly, and at the same time decided to go to Jizhou City again as soon as possible.

In fact, he has already written several letters to Lao Zhangtou, but there has been no reply so far.

I don't know if the reply letter has not been delivered, or if there is no reply at all.

Judging from the way the old man behaved, it seemed that the latter was more likely.

Thinking of the letter written by "Martian Wen" again, Wei Changtian couldn't help rolling his eyes.

It's too irresponsible for me to be a cheap Master!

Unlike himself, he is very fond of Ah Chun.



An hour later, the "responsible" Wei Changtian reappeared in front of Ah Chun after ten days, and said solemnly: "Today, my teacher specially came to guide you in your cultivation, you must listen carefully and study carefully!"

"Today, my teacher will not only answer your questions, but also teach you a top Movement Technique!"

"Yes! Master!"

Ah Chun sat on the small futon, first responded very seriously, and then added in a low voice:

"But Master, Third Master has already taught me Movement Technique."


Wei Changtian's eyes widened: "When did you teach it? Why didn't I know?"

"Just a few days ago."

Ah Chun replied truthfully: "My wife said it's time for me to practice Movement Technique, and then she passed the Fuyao step to me."


Well, Xu Qingwan, you didn't even tell me this kind of thing? !

Wei Changtian was depressed for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and asked Ah Chun suspiciously.

"Did your teacher ever ask you for money when she taught you Fuyaobu?"

"Silver? No?"

Ah Chun kneaded his fingers, looked at Wei Changtian's face, then at the purse hanging on the latter's waist, and muttered softly.

"Master, besides, I don't have money on me."


what happened?

Why is Ah Chun's expression so similar to Xu Qingwan's when talking about money? ?

Who did you learn this from? ? ?

Or do you think you're worrying too much?

Wei Changtian took a deep breath, and asked tentatively, "Ah Chun, what do you mean by that?"

"Master, don't think too much, I'm just a child."

Ah Chun blinked her big eyes and replied "sincerely", "Children have no bad intentions."

Wei Changtian: "."

In a quarter of an hour.

Wei Changtian, who was missing five taels of silver in his purse, returned to the room with a depressed expression on his face, and sat down next to Xu Qingwan, who was seriously looking through the wedding list.

"Why didn't you tell me about how you taught Ah Chun to move?"

"This one"

Xu Qingwan put down the gift list, smiled softly and said, "I just want to see how long it takes for you as a Master to notice it."

"You would rather play mahjong than teach Ah Chun how to practice. You don't look like a Master."


Wei Changtian opened his mouth to argue, but found that there was no way to argue, so he could only drink tea by himself in embarrassment.

"Oh, the tea is cold, wait a minute, I'll make you a pot to warm it up."

Taking the teacup, Xu Qingwan poured the cold tea away and got up to make tea again.

Wei Changtian sat watching her busy back, and suddenly found that since Comrade Xiao Xu passed the door, it seemed that her temperament had changed obviously.

To put it simply, I no longer obey what I said before, but often use some tactful ways to remind myself of what I did not do well.

Wei Changtian actually has no objection to this, and knows that Xu Qingwan will definitely not interfere with his decision-making on major matters.

And Xu Qingwan is indeed very "economically savvy". She understood the charity fund when she mentioned it by chance, and actively "invested" a thousand taels of private house money.

What a good wife!

"What are you thinking?"

Beside, Xu Qingwan, who went back and forth, poured new tea and asked with a smile, "Miss Yang and Yuan'er are playing mahjong again in Zhang Luo, do you want to go?"


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Just as Wei Changtian was about to answer, there was a sudden knock on the door at this moment.

The person who came was Chu Xianping, with an ugly expression.

He reluctantly nodded to Xu Qingwan, then took two quick steps and leaned over to Wei Changtian and said:

"Young master, something has happened!"

(end of this chapter)

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