I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Testimonials For The Third Volume

Testimonials for the third volume

Cough, strictly speaking, according to the outline, the development of the plot is only half of the content of the third volume.

However, when I wrote it, I let myself go, which led to writing more branches that were not in the outline, so I decided to divide it into another volume here.

The third volume has begun to initially involve some content of the court struggle, and there are almost no traditional Xiaobai Shuang points (except for the section on the poetry meeting), and I don’t know how everyone looks at it.

But I personally think that the writing is okay, at least it didn't collapse.

Then the fourth volume "Iron Horse and Glacier Dreaming" will be updated as usual tomorrow.

Hearing the name of this volume, you should know what the main content is.

Oh yes, let's make another announcement, there will be a new heroine in the fourth volume.

That's all for now!

Thank you readers for your subscriptions, rewards, and comments!

Thank you readers for willing to read street novels written by an author like me!

Finally, I wish all the readers good health, the achievements of the student party are improving, and the wages of the working party are improving!

May the epidemic pass soon, and may the motherland prosper!

May everyone be like Xia Chan, who dares to flap her wings and scream in the world even though she knows she is small!

(end of this chapter)

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