Chapter 279 Kill! ! !

It's seven o'clock.

The night is like ink, the moon is in the sky, and there is no wind.

When Wei Changtian and Li Si hurried to their destination at the last moment before midnight, they only saw an empty section of the city wall.

Not to mention Liangzhou soldiers, even Shuzhou soldiers have not been seen.


The two stared at each other, neither knowing what happened during the time between the city wall and the state office.

Why is there no one on the walls?

Isn't this about giving up the cupped hands of Yuanzhou City?

Could it be that Liang Zhen and Wen Wen gave up defending the city?

But even if they abandon the defense, where are the remaining nearly 20,000 people at this time? Why didn't I see a single soldier on the way from the state government office?

Unwillingly, Wei Changtian searched back and forth on the city wall for a long time, but he still didn't find a living person.

On the contrary, Li Si's "soldier oil boy" knew more about military affairs, and finally found a Shuzhou soldier hiding in a cave in the tower.

"Why are you hiding here?!"

Looking at the silent soldier opposite, Wei Changtian frowned and asked, "Where are the others?!"


This soldier obviously didn't know Wei Changtian, but he judged from Li Si's words and deeds that the status of the young man in front of him should be quite high.

"My lord, you."

"answer my question!"

Wei Changtian felt more and more bad in his heart, and his tone was completely impatient: "Say! Where are the defenders here?!"


The military man froze for a moment, and then answered with a wry smile.

"My lord, they have all gone to the west gate."

"What are you doing at the West Gate?!"


Junhan was silent for a while again, and then he uttered two words with some difficulty.

"To die."

child time.



The silver light sprinkled down, and two black shadows tore through the night sky. They were running across the entire Yuanzhou City at the fastest speed, rushing towards the west gate.

At the same time, there were two groups of soldiers gathered in front of the west gate, and there were more than 10,000 soldiers in total.

"Liang Dage, you can figure it out, I'm really happy, little brother."

Standing between two groups of soldiers, Wen Wen looked at Liang Zhen with a difficult face, and spoke calmly.

"Brother Wen, I just don't want so many brothers to die in vain."

Liang Zhen took a deep breath: "Since there is no chance of winning, then let's do it this way."

"What Liang Dage said is absolutely true."

Wen Wen nodded with a smile: "Little brother, I have already discussed with General Meng outside the city. Dafeng will never kill any of us. Liang Dage can rest assured."

"Okay, that's fine."

Liang Zhen turned his head to look at Liang Qin beside him, and when he turned his head again, his vision couldn't help being a little blurred.

Of course Wen Wen noticed the old tears in Liang Zhen's eyes, but he only thought that the latter was ashamed of Daning in his heart, so he didn't pursue the question, but just changed the subject and asked:

"Liang Dage, the Shu State Army seems to be not well-organized? What about the rest?"

"They don't want to join the enemy."

Liang Zhen answered silently with his head down: "There are those who are willing to fight Dafeng to the death, and those who want to hide and wait for an opportunity to escape, let them go."

"Well, everyone has their own aspirations, and you can't force it."

Wen Wen nodded in agreement, and then sighed with regret: "It's just a pity."


Liang Zhen understood the meaning of the words, and couldn't help but feel more complicated for a while.

Contrary to what Wen Wen said, the real pity is actually the thousands of "rebels" behind him.


Outside the city, the sound of imposing footsteps got closer and closer, and then stopped slowly.

A herald ran up to the two of them and whispered:

"General Wen, General Liang!"

"Dafeng's army has arrived outside the city!"


Wen Wen waved his hand, looked at the tearful Liang Zhen again, and sighed softly after a while:

"Liang Dage, I will do the sinner"

"Removal of armor!"


"Clah la la la!"

Under the cold moonlight, nearly ten thousand white armor fell to the ground.

Wen Wen also took off the spotless white feather general armor from his body, and dragged it neatly on his chest.

He just held up the battle armor, looked ahead, and walked to the front of everyone step by step.

Then, stop and drink high.

"Open the city gate!"


From March 27th to April 18th.

The gate of Yuanzhou City, which had never been opened for 22 days, suddenly fell down at this moment.

For Dafeng, whether Wen Wen and Liang Zhen surrender or not has no effect on the battle situation.

Even if the latter chooses to stick to it, Yuanzhou City will be broken tonight.

Therefore, accepting "surrender" is more of a psychological strategy.

The surrender of the generals of the two states is not only an improvement in Dafeng's momentum, but also a heavy blow to Daning.

Therefore, not only would they not kill these surrendered soldiers, but they would give them preferential treatment so that they could be used as "positive teaching materials" for the rest of the soldiers in Daning.

It is even possible that Wen Wen and Liang Zhen will become part-time officials, and they will become typical figures of "abandoning the dark and turning to the bright" in Dafeng.

Of course, these are things to come.

The most important thing right now is to take over Yuanzhou City smoothly.

"General Wen!"

Seeing that Wen Wen had already walked a hundred paces away from him with his battle armor in hand, the big man in golden armor got off his horse and walked two steps quickly to meet the former.

This man is the great general, Meng Shi.

"General Meng, I, Wen Wen, am just a defeated general. Life and death are at the disposal of the general."

Wen Wen raised his armor and knelt on one knee: "I hope the general will not embarrass the brothers behind me."

"No way! General Wen please get up!"

Facing Wen Wen, Meng Shi gave enough face, and immediately took a step forward to help the former up.

"Since General Wen and all the brothers have turned their backs on the dark and turned to the bright, why are they so embarrassing!"

"Don't worry, I, Mengshi, always keep my word!"


Although the two probably reached a consensus on these matters long ago, they still have to express their stance in this kind of public occasion.

So Wen Wen immediately responded loudly:

"The general is tolerant, and Wen is very grateful!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearty laughter reverberated in the night sky. Even though the Dafeng soldiers behind Meng Shi looked at the Liangzhou soldiers with unfriendly eyes, and some were quite contemptuous and disdainful, no one dared to disobey the military order after all, and they all stood honestly. At the same place, he didn't even intend to tie up the Liangzhou soldiers.

There is really no need to tie it up.

Anyway, the Liangzhou army had already discarded their armor and swords, and their combat effectiveness had dropped by at least 80%, so they would not pose any threat at all in a real fight.


"Brother Wen, that is General Liang."

Meng Shi narrowed his eyes slightly as he cast his eyes on another group of Qingjia soldiers who followed the Liangzhou army out of the city.

And Wen Wen's expression at this time was also stiff.

Because including Liang Zhen and Liang Qin, none of the thousands of Shuzhou troops disarmed.


Wen Wen and Meng Shi didn't think that Liang Zhen was going to fight to the death, but that he didn't trust Da Feng's sincerity in "surrendering", so he was on guard.

Faced with this situation, normally speaking, someone should be sent to forcibly remove the armor and tie it up.

But in doing so, it seems that he is too "stingy".

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Shi gave up this plan, and went towards Liang Zhen together with Wen Wen.

"Hahaha, General Liang, look forward to it for a long time!"

Meng Shi shouted "harmoniously" from a distance, but Liang Zhen on the opposite side didn't say a word.

At this time, thousands of well-equipped Shuzhou troops were only a few hundred steps away from the tens of thousands of Dafeng troops, and only a few dozen steps away from Mengshi.

This distance, if you say it is close, is not close, but if you say it is far, it is only a effort of force.


Years of experience in galloping on the battlefield made Meng Shi suddenly stop, and a sense of crisis surged in his heart.

And at this moment, with a burst of yellow sand rising from the ground, Liang Zhen suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist without warning.

"Cang lang lang lang!"

Behind him, thousands of long knives were unsheathed at the same time, and the sounds of the golden ge were connected into one piece.

There are no rhetoric such as "for the sake of peace" or "death rather than surrender", and there are no unrealistic ideas such as "breaking the siege".

All the Shu state soldiers just raised their long swords high and rushed towards the Dafeng army formation that was several times their size.

Their faces were flushed, their veins were bulging, and they knew they were going to die but still screamed the same word with all their strength


(end of this chapter)

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