I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 393 Unfeeling Comrade Xu

Chapter 393 "Unfeeling" Comrade Xu

A celebrity in a previous life once said that there are three ways to win a war.

One, destroy the opponent's army.

Second, destroy the other party's economy.

Third, destroy the other party's culture.

For Wei Changtian today, it is undoubtedly too difficult to lead troops all the way to the capital, and subverting Daning's ideology is even more whimsical.

But with a lot of money in hand, maybe you can try to make a fuss from the "economic" level.

Of course, there are obviously no financial derivatives such as stocks and bonds these days, so Wei Changtian's entry point can only be price.

The "food price" is undoubtedly one of the most important indicators.

If you can increase food prices in places other than Shuzhou, more people will come to Shuzhou for Life.

On the other hand, Ning Yongnian also had to take action to "rescue the market", using the small treasury reserves to buy a large amount of grain and put it on the market, so as to achieve the purpose of lowering grain prices and avoiding riots.

In the end, under the ebb and flow, I can rely on the food in my hand to "surrender the enemy without fighting."


The idea is good, but Wei Changtian also understands that it is very difficult to realize it.

Because this "ancient" method of economic warfare does not take effect quickly, and the effect is not as devastating as in the previous life.

But anyway, there's no harm in giving it a try.

"Wan'er, I have an idea, how about you listen to it?"

After making up his mind, Wei Changtian conceived some words, and told Xu Qingwan his own idea as simply as possible.

And the latter quickly grasped the point.

"I see."

"With large stockpiles of grain in the states, the price of grain must rise."

"At that time, Ning Yongnian had to compete with us for the food on the market."

"This will drag down the war between Shuzhou and Dafeng."

"Changtian, but our foundation in other state capitals is still shallow."

Comrade Xiao Xu suddenly thought of a loophole: "What if Ning Yongnian directly sends troops to steal our food?"


Wei Changtian squinted his eyes: "If he wants to grab it, we'll set it on fire earlier, it's not for making money anyway."


Xu Qingwan was taken aback when she heard the words, but immediately figured it out.

Wei Changtian's motives are different from those of those grain merchants who hoard grain in troubled times.

The latter is to make "national wealth", while the former is to "disrupt the market".

So if Ning Yongnian is really going to use violent means to intervene forcefully, then Wei Changtian can actually achieve his goal by directly burning the stored food.

Of course, this is obviously an act of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred.

But for Wei Changtian, who now has a wealth comparable to that of Daning's national treasury, he doesn't care how much money he will lose because of it.


"Changtian, but this will also affect the people of the world."

After hesitating for a while, Xu Qingwan looked at Wei Changtian and said softly, "The price of food is already very high. If it goes up again, many people will starve to death."


Patting the back of Comrade Xiao Xu's hand, Wei Changtian's expression was calm, which showed that he had already thought about this issue.

"I have my own way, and you will know later."

"Is it?"

Hearing what Wei Changtian said, Xu Qingwan immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."


On the other side, Wei Changtian thought for a while, and then suddenly said seriously: "Wan'er, I want to leave it to you to open the grain shop."


Xu Qingwan immediately opened her mouth wide: "I, can I?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Anyway, you just buy food everywhere and store it up. The specific work is done by the Freemasons in various places. You just need to give orders."

Wei Changtian smiled and said, "Besides, don't you also like doing these things?"

"I like silver, but I'm afraid I can't do it well"

Xu Qingwan was a little excited but a little nervous and said: "Where is Mr. Chu? Isn't it better for him to do it?"

"Chu Xianping is already busy enough, I can't exhaust him to death."

Wei Changtian shook his head: "There are not many people I can trust. After thinking about it, only you can help me now."


Only you can help me.

As soon as these words were uttered, Comrade Xiao Xu no longer hesitated.

The husband has said so, so even if you want to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, you can't back down!

"Changtian, I will definitely do it well!"

With a stern face, Xu Qingwan issued a military order in an extremely serious manner.

And Wei Changtian couldn't help laughing seeing her like this.

"Hahahaha, don't be so nervous, I will let Chu Xianping find some people to help you."


"I-I'm not nervous!"

Although Comrade Xiao Xu was working hard to cheer himself up, the emotions in his heart did not relax at all. It seemed that he was destined to suffer from insomnia tonight.

Good guy, I don't know how she will react when she sees the boxes of banknotes.

Judging from this posture, there is a high probability that he will faint from excitement.

"Okay, it's getting late, go to bed first, and talk about other things tomorrow."

Wei Changtian didn't know whether to laugh or cry and rubbed his forehead, then he was about to change clothes and go to sleep.

However, this sentence seemed to remind Xu Qingwan, causing the latter to immediately recover from the thoughts just now.

"Long days."

She suddenly walked up behind Wei Changtian who was taking off his coat, and asked hesitantly in a low voice, "You seem to have never spent the night with Sister Lu after you came back."


Wei Changtian's hand to hang his clothes was stiff.

what's going on? Is this a warning or a reminder? ? ?

"I can't sleep with her."

Of course Wei Changtian would not tell Xu Qingwan the real reason, so after a moment of stupefaction, he tried to fool him.

But this reason is obviously too false.

"How could such a thing happen?"

Xu Qingwan shook her head seriously: "Chang Tian, ​​are you having trouble with Sister Lu?"

"She has been bored for the past few days, and you don't pay much attention to her. But you can't always be like this."

"Go and coax her, okay?"


I'm kidding!

Did you push your husband into another woman's house like this? ?

Wei Changtian was dumbfounded for a while, not knowing what to say.

Seeing his appearance, Xu Qingwan thought she had guessed right, but gritted her teeth and pushed him directly out of the house.

"Go, I won't open the door for you again tonight."


Before Wei Changtian had time to react, he was pushed out the door, and then...


Behind him, the carved wooden door was slowly closed "mercilessly".


So bad? ? ?

Wei Changtian stared dumbfounded at the closed door, motionless like a stone sculpture.

And as for Xu Qingwan in the room.

Although she was very guilty of "sweeping Wei Changtian out", after struggling for a while, she still "feelinglessly" did not open the door.

On the one hand, she really wanted to "reconcile" Wei Changtian and Lu Jingyao.

On the other hand, she also wants to quickly plan how to complete the important task Wei Changtian entrusted to own.

"Da da da" ran to the table, lit a few more candle lamps, and prepared paper and pens. Comrade Xiao Xu was obviously preparing for the "night battle with lights" to prepare for the "opening of grain shops".

But just as she sat down, she suddenly got up and ran to the door as if she remembered something, and whispered to the figure outside who hadn't left yet:

"Long days."

"Don't go to Yuan'er and Qiuyun, I've already told them to lock the door for sleeping today."



(end of this chapter)

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