Chapter 401

The old man is leaving.

This incident was undoubtedly beyond Wei Changtian's expectations.

But it makes sense when you think about it carefully.

After leaving the Sect experience, I have grown up for decades, from a middle-aged man to an old man in his thirties.

Wei Changtian didn't know how old Zhangtou lived such a long time after Realm fell to the ninth rank.

But no matter what the reason is, the life of the latter is about to come to an end.

Perhaps the old Zhangtou also has this kind of enlightenment, so he thought about going back to the place where he grew up at the last moment of his life.

Therefore, Wei Changtian didn't say much, but asked calmly after a long silence.

"When are you going to leave?"

"Let's go after I teach you the escape technique."

Old Zhang curled his lips: "About two or three days later."


The red glow outside the window is like a furnace of molten steel pouring into the sky, like blood and fire.

Wei Changtian glanced at the slovenly old man in front of him, sighed lightly and asked, "What about Gou? Do you want to go back with you?"

"She's a girl doll, forget it."

Waving his hand, the old Zhangtou expressed a bit of reluctance: "I originally planned to wait until she got married before going back, but now I'm afraid I won't be able to see it."

"So... don't plan to come back?"

Wei Changtian sat down slowly: "How far is the White Palace from Daning?"

"How far."

Old Zhang thought about it for a long time, then shook his head with a wry smile: "I don't remember exactly, but even if I travel non-stop, it will take at least a year to get there."

It will take a year to keep on the road.

That's almost hundreds of thousands of miles.

Wei Changtian estimated the distance in his heart, and didn't speak for a long time.

He actually is not reluctant to part with the old man, but it is not completely indifferent to the other party's departure.

The meeting between the two was a coincidence, and what happened afterwards can be described as "by mistake".

A small chess stand with "Five Sons Connect", the rhetoric of "I used to kill Yama with one sword", the strange and powerful Sword Technique of picking the moon, and the embarrassing story about Zhang Benchu

By various chances and coincidences, I somehow acquired a cheap Master, somehow learned an evil Sword Technique, and somehow witnessed the ups and downs of a top swordsman's life.

But now, when this old man who has been wandering abroad for most of his life is also "inexplicably" preparing to leave, and wants to return to his hometown to spend the rest of his life, perhaps all Wei Changtian can do is say goodbye peacefully.


Turning his head with a smile, Wei Changtian deliberately put on an expression of "giving up his life to accompany a gentleman".

"I'll take you to the best brothel in Shuzhou City tonight, and you can choose as many girls as you want."

"Let's master and apprentice have a good night, it can be regarded as my last filial piety as an apprentice, how about it?"


Shaking his head, Lao Zhang no longer showed the wretched and prudish appearance before.

He just stood up slowly, like an old tree about to wither, with his hands behind his back, facing the setting sun and walking outside the house.

"Didn't you just say that? You are already old as a teacher."



that night.


After all, Lao Zhangtou rejected Wei Changtian's "gracious invitation", and locked himself in his room after dinner, not knowing what he was doing.

And Wei Changtian couldn't force him to go to the brothel, so in the end he had no choice but to rush to Xiaoqingshan in the dark, planning to kill the Demonic Beasts that had been accumulated here for half a year.

According to the previous agreement with Qingxian, one every three days, so far, fifty-two have been saved.

These Demonic Beasts were not randomly tied by Qing Xian, they were basically ferocious beasts that were still a long way from the transformation, and most of them had violated the precepts of the demon race such as "cannibalism".

In other words, it can be understood as the "death row" in the "monster clan".

"My lord, some Demonic Beasts are very knowledgeable, so each one is locked up separately"

In a hidden cave, Zhang San took a large bunch of keys from a Masonic gang: "Fifty-two are still alive, and the deeper the cell, the more powerful the Demonic Beasts are. .”

"The Freemasonry has always been guarded and fed here. There has never been any trouble in the past six months, and no one has noticed."

"Before, Miss Liu Shi was taking care of the affairs here. This time, Miss Liu Shi wants to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains, so she handed over this important task to the villain."


Walking along the dark and damp stone path for a certain distance, Wei Changtian soon saw tightly closed iron doors.

This scene couldn't help but remind him of the prison of Xuanjing Division and the sky prison of the Ministry of Justice.

It's just that the prisoners here are not prisoners, but fierce beasts with a minimum of 30 years of morality.

"Okay, I see."

After receiving a bunch of keys from Zhang San, Wei Changtian stood still in front of the first prison door.

"Are there still many brothers in the cave? Let them all go out."


Zhang San was taken aback for a moment, but immediately conveyed the order truthfully.

The Masons in the cave left immediately, and they all left the cave in less than a stick of incense.

"My son."

After confirming that there was no one in the cave, Zhang San turned his head to say something, but was interrupted by Wei Changtian directly:

"You go outside and wait for me."


Zhang San hesitated to persuade: "Young master, the villain should stay."

"No, there are just a few dozen Demonic Beasts, nothing unexpected."

Wei Changtian shook his head: "Go out, remember to close the cave door."



Like Chu Xianping, Zhang San rarely raised objections when Wei Changtian had already decided on something.

So he quickly turned around and left the cave, while turning the mechanism at the entrance of the cave.


Behind him, the heavy stone door slowly closed, and the huge movement immediately caused a piercing and fierce roar from all the cells.

The torches inserted obliquely on the wall were not very bright, and could only cast a faint red light in the long stone path.


Amidst the soft inhalation sound, a long bunch of copper keys fell to the ground with a clatter.

Wei Changtian did not choose to open the prison doors one by one, and then kill them one by one, which is the safest way.

Ever since he fought against the third rank fat shopkeeper at the Dragon Inn, he hasn't had a serious fight for a long time.

At first glance, this should sound like a good thing, after all, no fight means no danger.

But at this moment, Wei Changtian suddenly had the urge to "kill a lot".

This may be due to the need to release the emotions he had suppressed for a long time after the tragic destruction of Yuanzhou City.

It may also be that the upcoming battle has brought him too much invisible pressure.

Or maybe it's just because too many people have left recently that makes him a little depressed

First Qin Zhengqiu, then Youjia, and then Lao Zhangtou.

Unlike Chu Xianping and others who were temporarily away on errands, these three people may never be seen again in this life.


Sighing moderately, Star's long knives poured out one after another from the scabbard.

"Swoosh! Whoosh, whoosh!"

Fifty-two long knives flew forward screaming, and after a few breaths, they hovered over the heavy locks of the fifty-two cells one by one.



"Clang clang clang clang!!"

At a certain moment, the long knife slashed downward at the same time, and all the heavy locks shattered to the ground immediately after.

"bring it on."

Looking at the cell doors that were slowly opening and the pair of red or green lights hidden in the doorway, Wei Changtian slowly took steps, step by step, walking deeper into the cave.

And as countless sword lights passed by his side, countless roars and roars exploded in his ears.

"Boom! Boom! Boom"

One sword cuts everything, one sword solves a thousand worries.

Rouge tears, keep people drunk, how long will it be heavy.

Naturally, people grow up and hate water and grow east.

(end of this chapter)

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