I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 407 Communication Code

Chapter 407 Communication Code

Putting the Xuantian Sword in the scabbard casually, Wei Changtian pushed the door and walked out of the room.

Chen Bo, who had been guarding outside, immediately greeted him and asked in a low voice:

"My lord, the death row prisoner is already dead? This villain is annoying"

"Not in a hurry."

Shaking his head, Wei Changtian interrupted, "Master Chen, go find another thirty... no, forty death row prisoners."


Chen Bo was a little surprised: "My lord, you want so much."


Wei Changtian frowned: "Not so many?"

"Yes, there is."

"Do it if you have one, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Yes! I will do it right now!"

"Okay, I'll wait here."

"Young master, later! At the most fifteen minutes, the officials will send the prisoner over!"

Sensing Wei Changtian's displeasure, Chen Bo left in a hurry, while the former was still standing at the door of the dark room, leaning his back against the wall and sighing softly.

"Boy, if the old man has to ask for your lifespan this time, I wonder if you will give it?"

"Jie Jie Jie! But sincerely? You weren't like this when the old man saw you last time."


What the remnant soul said just now kept reverberating in his mind, which also made Wei Changtian start to examine own's answer again.

In exchange for the safety of Lee Parasol Tree with his thirty years of life.

Since when did you become so "selfless"?

If the remnant soul is not hypothesizing, but really put forward this condition, will he agree to it?



Wei Changtian, who had calmed down, suddenly lost his decisiveness just now, and even felt that if he asked himself to answer again, he might give a different answer.

Scratching his head, his expression gradually became anxious.

In fact, this is just a very simple question of value judgment. The two sides of the equal sign are "my life span of 30 years" and "Li Parasol Tree's life".

But such a simple judgment made Wei Changtian more and more confused.

He wasn't looking for trouble.

Because as more and more people gather around him, the more likely he will encounter similar choices in the future.

Unlike Xu Qingwan, who is the only one, Li Parasol Tree's status in his heart is basically the same as that of Yang Liushi, Lu Jingyao, Liang Qin, and Chu Xianping.

So Wei Changtian needs to figure out where the bottom line of what he can "pay" for these people is.

After all, he still has time to think carefully this time, but he might have to make a quick decision next time.

Wei Changtian didn't want to regret himself at that time, and he didn't want to act impulsively, so he wanted to make a "pre-plan" in advance. It's just that this "red line" was too vague, and he couldn't find it clearly.


Slowly exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, he shook his head helplessly.

Wei Changtian, who was thinking hard and fruitless, was just about to give up "self-torture", but at this moment he suddenly remembered the words of old Zhangtou——

If you can't see clearly, only your heart can be trusted.


Like a thunderbolt exploding beside his ears, Wei Changtian suddenly understood the intention of Old Zhangtou at this moment.

Perhaps, I was too "rational" before.

Everything wants to be measured by the value scale of "worth it or not", and any behavior wants to maximize the so-called "benefits".

At first glance, this way of thinking seems to be no problem.

But what you need to know is that no one can really calculate every "account" clearly.

Are those "worthy" or "unworthy" that you think are really their true value?


Breathing gradually became rapid, and then slowly returned to normal.

Wei Changtian just stood there straight, but his brows that had been tightly furrowed finally relaxed slowly.

Now he suddenly has a feeling——

That is, I will never hesitate or worry about similar things in the future.

Because, only the heart can be trusted. He finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

In a quarter of an hour.

Chen Bo led a few guards to escort forty death row prisoners into the dark room, and then watched the iron door in front of him slam shut.

"My lord, this is Mr. Wei."

A young jailer couldn't help being curious, and wanted to ask Wei Changtian what he was doing.

But before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Chen Bo:

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

"My lord calm down, it's the villain who talks too much."

The jailer quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "The villain is only worried about Mr. Wei's safety. After all, some of these death row prisoners are practitioners."

"Okay, what are you worrying about?"

Chen Bo glanced at him: "Only this group of trash, even if there are a hundred more, they will not be the opponent of Mr. Wei."

"Yes, yes, the villain knows his mistake."

The jailer didn't dare to say anything more, but asked in a low voice, "My lord, shall we wait here, or come later and take the prisoner back?"

"Bring it back?"

Chen Bo glanced at the iron gate in front of him, then shook his head thoughtfully.

"I'm afraid I don't need to take it back."

"Ah? My lord, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing, you go, it's enough for me to stay here."



Just as the jailers left in a hurry outside the dark room, there was a strange silence inside the dark room.

The smell of blood was pungent, and forty corpses fell to the ground in a haphazard manner, without any life left.

There were no wounds on each of the corpses, but most of them had withered skin and pale hair, and they looked exactly the same when they came in.

Chen Bo guessed right, these forty death row prisoners really don't need to be sent back.

You may even need to bring in a few more.

Because I don't know if it's because the health conditions of these condemned prisoners are generally not good, the remaining natural life span of the forty people is actually less than a thousand years.

"Senior, how far is it?"

Randomly pushing aside a few corpses, Wei Changtian bent down and squatted in front of the Xuantian Sword floating in mid-air: "It should be almost there, right?"


Having absorbed so much life energy at once, the voice of the remnant soul sounded very excited: "Nine hundred and ninety-six, there are still four years left!"

"Oh, I see."

Wei Changtian curled his lips, got up and prepared to ask Chen Bo to get another death row prisoner over.

But at this moment, the piercing villain's classic laughter suddenly sounded behind him.

"Jie jie jie!"

"Boy, I want you to give me the last four years of longevity!"


Wei Changtian suddenly stopped and turned his head, his expression turned cold in an instant: "Senior, do you want to go back on your word?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! This old man has never been a gentleman!"

Remnant Soul's tone seemed somewhat complacent: "If you don't want to give it, then we will let go of what we agreed before!"

"What? It's only been four years, so you can't bear it?"


Staring at Xuantian Sword, Wei Changtian squinted his eyes: "Then what if I give it to you but you still don't keep your promise?"

"You can rest assured that the old man is not so not wanting face."

Remnant Soul smiled and said: "Furthermore, the Xuantian Sword is in your hands now, I still rely on you to cough, anyway, I will never lie to you this time!"

rely on me?

What do you rely on me for?

Naturally, Wei Changtian didn't miss this part of the sentence, but he didn't ask questions immediately, he just took a step closer, and nodded calmly.

"That's fine, then I will give you these four years."


Wei Changtian agreed to the new conditions very easily, but Remnant Soul seemed very surprised by his attitude.

"Boy, you, you really want to?"


Wei Changtian casually pulled out the Louying Knife: "It's enough to fill the lines on the sword with my blood, right?"


"never mind."

Remnant Soul's voice was a little puzzled, but also a little discouraged: "The old man just wanted to try you again."

"Just four years, I'll treat you like a kid."

"Okay, this is what you don't want."

Wei Changtian's expression remained calm, as if he really didn't care about the four-year lifespan.

"Since this is the case, can the senior pass the order to the people of Kuilong?"

"Okay, you go out and come back after a stick of incense."

"it is good."

Wei Changtian knew that Remnant Soul didn't want him to see how he delivered the message, so he turned around and left the dark room.

And not long after he left, the patterns on the Xuantian Sword began to flicker regularly.

long long short short long long long

Judging from the flickering frequency, this communication method is very similar to the "simple code" Wei Changtian made up himself, and it is obviously a "code" that uses a combination of long and short signals to transmit information.

As such a mysterious and ancient organization, it is normal for Kuilong to have its own set of "communication codes".

After all, many major powers in this world have "secret codes" established using similar principles, and most of them are kept secret. If there is no "code comparison table", there is no possibility of deciphering them.

So even if Wei Changtian saw this scene with his own eyes, it was impossible to know what it represented.

But if it were a senior telegraph operator in the 1990s in his previous life, he might feel familiar.

Because the "coding" used by Kuilong was actually the "Standard Code for Chinese Characters" that was widely used at that time.

Half an hour later, Wei Changtian, who went in and out again, finally settled his mind.

The remnant soul has sent an order to five second rank masters belonging to Kuilong, telling them to rush to Fengyuan immediately, and then quietly take Li Parasol Tree to Shuzhou when the time is right.

The surnames of these five people, where they are now, the remnant souls didn't say anything, and Wei Changtian didn't ask either.

Anyway, as long as you can do things, it doesn't matter even if the other party is Li Huaizhong.

Of course, this is definitely impossible.

After all, members of the Kuilong ban participate in secular power struggles, so there is a high probability that these people will still be "Rivers and Lakes people" like Wu Tianqing.


"Master Chen, find some reliable people to clean up the inside."

Stepping outside, Wei Changtian casually said to Chen Bo: "Tell them, no matter what you see, you are not allowed to say anything."

"Your officer understands."

Chen Bo looked pale, nodded and then said another thing: "By the way, my lord, someone from the palace just came and said that His Majesty wanted to see you."

"Huh? Did you ever say why?"

"It is said that Dali's envoy quietly arrived in Shuzhou City today, and is now in the palace."

Chen Bo replied truthfully: "Accompanying him is the Chief Assistant of Kuixing Academy and Shen Ran."

At the Spring Dragon Poetry Conference more than half a year ago, Shen Ran almost humiliated the entire Daning poetry circle by himself, so Chen Bo naturally knew such a number one figure, and even more knew that he had a "confrontation" with Wei Changtian.

So now when this name is mentioned again, Chen Bo can't help feeling a little nervous.

However, Wei Changtian's reaction was somewhat unexpected.

"Oh? Shen Ran is here too?"

Wei Changtian was only slightly taken aback, as if he had no other feelings other than a little surprised: "Then what is Your Majesty calling me into the palace for?"

"It seems that the chief assistant of the Kuixing Academy wants to see you."

Chen Bosheng was afraid that Wei Changtian would not know the details of this person, so he immediately added: "My lord, this person's name is Gui Pei'an, and he is a second rank Confucian of Wen Dao. Many scribes of the Three Kingdoms of Daning and Dafeng honored him as saints."

Gui Pei'an, second rank Daru, Saint.

Remembering a few key information, Wei Changtian nodded.

"Okay, I see."

"To put it simply, this is because of his outstanding literary name, and his strength is second rank, right?"


Chen Bo asked in a low voice: "My lord, do you want to prepare a car to enter the palace?"


Wei Changtian didn't hesitate much.

Although it can be expected that once I see Gui Pei'an, I will have a high probability of answering the other party's cloud-covered questions.

But since a second rank Saint has come all the way, it would be too disrespectful to see him.

More importantly, Wei Changtian still wanted to chat with Shen Ran.

Ning Yongnian and Bai Youheng, the two sons of Heavenly Dao, can "get together" together, so I should also find a son of Heavenly Dao to be my helper. This is not a problem, right?

At dusk, Wei Changtian stepped into the palace under the rays of the setting sun, and went straight to Ning Yuke's study.

Although it is a study, it is actually a Great Hall, named "Fengming".

"The grass people have seen His Majesty."

Smiling at the corner of her mouth, Ning Yuke, who was sitting in the first place, arched her cupped hands, and Wei Changtian turned his head to look at the people sitting on the left and right sides.

In addition to the two civil servants of the Shu Kingdom, there are three remaining, undoubtedly the "messenger group" of Dali this time.

A genuine envoy wearing Dali's official uniform.

A white-haired old man in a white robe and a fairy-like crane bone.

And Shen Ran, whose temperament is completely different from that of Chunlong Poetry Club.

Staring at them for a moment, Wei Changtian politely gave the three of them his cupped hands.

"Lord Li, return to Shoufu, Mr. Shen, and Wei Changtian."

"Hahaha, Young Master Wei, I have admired your name for a long time."

The envoy surnamed Li immediately got up with a smile and returned the salute, which was inevitably another burst of politeness.

As for Gui Pei'an, he waited until the two of them finished talking nonsense before slowly standing up with Shen Ran's support.

"Young Master Wei, this old man has long heard that you have the posture of a jade tree facing the wind, a martial arts that is unrivaled in the world, and a talent for poetry in seven steps. Now that I have seen it, I know that these rumors are not all false."


Is this old man so good at boasting?

Undoubtedly, Wei Changtian was "unexpected" by Gui Pei'an's first sentence.

He always thought that the world-famous Confucian scholars must be the kind of rigid and boring old scholars, but he didn't expect this person's mouth to be so sweet.

Good guy, this touting is too comprehensive!

"Hey, it's the first assistant's misrepresentation."

With a dry cough, Wei Changtian was about to return a few compliments in return.

But before he could say something like "You are famous all over the world", Gui Pei'an suddenly shook his head again.

"Oh, it's just Mr. Wei, don't blame this old man for speaking directly."

"Actually, after I saw you just now, I felt a little disappointed in my heart."

2 in 1~

(end of this chapter)

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