I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 414 Only One Can Be Saved

Chapter 414 Only One Can Be Saved


"Young master, that's about it."

"Now Dafeng's army is dispirited. Although they have the will to resist, they no longer have the ability to resist."

"In my opinion, it is estimated that it will be defeated within half a month at most."

In the study, Chu Xianping had already finished talking about the latest situation.

Wei Changtian, who didn't have time to finish the meal, frowned and didn't say a word during the whole process.

The situation on Dafeng's side is already clear, but I don't know how the Li family will choose.

Fight to the death?

Or just live with restraint?

Unlike Zhu Tianhong, in Wei Changtian's view, the Li family actually only had these two options.

As for continuing to retreat westward or bowing your head to seek peace, this is just another way of the above two choices.

"Hasn't Lee Parasol Tree replied yet?"

Raising his head, Wei Changtian asked softly, "Have the spies found any news about her?"

"Return to son, Princess Wuping has never replied."

Chu Xianping replied truthfully: "I have sent secret reports to the princess three times today, but I have never received a response."

"However, according to the spies, the princess is still safe and there is no accident."


People are fine, but no reply to messages

Li Parasol Tree's actions made Wei Changtian very puzzled, and he didn't know whether she hadn't received the message, or if she had received it but deliberately didn't reply.

Could it be that Li Qi's serious injury and coma made her have no time to take care of these things?

Thinking of Li Qi, Wei Changtian couldn't help thinking of that mysterious second rank master.

Now that the information I have is more detailed, I have a rough guess about the identity of this person.

If nothing else happened, it should be Bai Youheng.

After all, Ning Yongnian used the "Yuanzhou City Tragedy" to wipe out 500,000 Dafeng elites in one fell swoop, and as another important figure in this matter, Bai Youheng naturally won't get nothing.

The benefits he got are probably not less than Ning Yongnian.

Although there is no solid evidence, Wei Changtian always feels that Own's guess is correct.

From the sixth rank to the second rank, breaking through four big Realms overnight, this matter certainly sounds unbelievable.

But if it is at the cost of three million lives, then nothing seems impossible.

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

On the other side, Chu Xianping asked seriously: "There are still some generals in the Daning Army who are in the same boat. If they make some small moves in secret, maybe the situation can be delayed for a while."

"it's useless."

Wei Changtian shook his head: "If the outcome cannot be reversed, what's the point of delaying it for a few more days?"

"Besides, there must be countless pairs of eyes staring at Feng Yuan right now. If they have any abnormal behavior at this time, it will be too easy to be exposed."

"I see."

After a short pause, Chu Xianping already understood Wei Changtian's meaning.

In the eyes of the latter, it is not very important how Dafeng is, and he may help a little within his ability, but he will never pay too much for it.

Not to mention the almost irreversible situation now.

After all, Li Parasol Tree is the only person Wei Changtian really cares about and has the ability to "save".

"Continue to send a letter to Lee Parasol Tree."

As if confirming Chu Xianping's guess, Wei Changtian said slowly, "Until she replies."


Chu Xianping nodded, and immediately took out a piece of Mother-Child jade with a special mark from his bosom, urging the Internal Energy to heat it up non-stop.

And Wei Changtian got up and walked to the window, looking up at the night sky.

The starry, slanting Milky Way is like a gauze ribbon, hanging alone on the zenith.

Fengyuan City, West City Wall.


"Ah!! Help!!!"

"Fuck you! Get off!!"

"Where are people?!! Top! Top!!!"

"The lackey of the Ning family!! Let Grandpa die!!"



Unlike battles on the plains where the two sides fought each other, siege warfare was never very tactical.

There is no need for interspersed encirclement, no tactical depth, and no formation strategy.

In most cases, the victory or defeat of a siege battle depends only on the stacking of the numbers and strength of both sides.

I use my life to attack the city, you use your life to defend the city.

It's that simple.

As for the offensive and defensive strategies mentioned in the previous "Sun Tzu's Art of War", such as "Empty City Strategies" and "Ten Rules to Encircle and Five Rules to Attack", they are actually not applicable in the world of self-cultivation.

The huge increase in the personal force of soldiers has made many powerful defense equipment in the previous life useless, and it has also made the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of the attackers and defenders no longer obvious.

Things like boiling oil, falling rocks, and nail boards have basically no lethality on warriors.

Even the siege side didn't even need a ladder, and it only took a few breaths of effort to climb up the ten-foot-high city wall with bare hands.

This is why Daning only has 100,000 more people than Dafeng, but dares to directly attack the city with all its strength.

"Ding ding ding!"

Standing by Li Parasol Tree's side, Zhu Tianhong waved his sleeves to deflect several flying arrows for the former.

Unlike Li Qi, who "raised the fanfare" to inspire the army two days ago, Li Parasol Tree climbed up the city wall secretly this time, so there is no possibility of being attacked again.

These Bai Yu sharp arrows are just the "indiscriminate firepower coverage" of the Daning army under the city wall.


Zhu Tianhong carefully observed the surrounding situation, and at the same time advised in a deep voice: "The city wall is too dangerous, let's go back."


Taking a deep breath, Lee Parasol Tree did not answer.

She just stared wide-eyed at the battlefield not far away, seeing the screaming and fallen soldiers one by one, the blood and gravel splashing everywhere, and the tooth flag with the word "Feng" fluttering in the air. Stop trembling slightly.

It was a scene she had never seen before.

Although Lee Parasol Tree grew up in the army and even went to Wonju with the army, she has never seen the scene of war so close.


A severed hand suddenly flew over from nowhere, and landed not far in front of her.

Li Parasol Tree stared blankly at the severed palm, and at the fingers that seemed to be still curled up and tightened, his heart contracted suddenly.

She didn't know why she was in such pain, but she knew it wasn't out of fear.

"Hand! My hand!!"

A man in a military uniform staggered over, knelt on the ground and picked up the severed hand.

As long as the treatment is timely, this hand can still be connected.

"God bless! Found it!"

The military man seemed to be a little happy with his "recovered" palm, and he didn't care about the empty wrist that was still bleeding. He picked up his severed hand and wanted to go down the city wall to find a military medical officer for treatment.

But just as he raised his head, he happened to meet Li Parasol Tree's bewildered eyes.

"You, you are."

For a moment, Jun Han's eyes widened suddenly: "You are Princess Wuping!"


Li Parasol Tree nodded almost subconsciously, and her actions made Jun Han as excited as if he had been pumped.

"Princess! The city wall is dangerous, what are you doing here!"

"You just have to rest assured! We will never let the Daning dog step up the city wall!"

"We have to send them all to King Yama! To avenge the brothers who died in Wonju City!"


The high-pitched shouts were a bit chaotic, but they showed Jun Han's extremely excited mood at the moment.

And this also made Li Parasol Tree suddenly relieved, and the haze in his heart dissipated a lot.

"I have blood coagulation pill here, you take it first to stop the blood"

She smiled, and shook out a vial from her sleeve, intending to hand it to the soldier to stop the bleeding.

But in the next second, the sharp arrow suddenly pierced through the soldier's chest from behind without any warning.


The arrow full of blood drilled out of the armor, and also froze the expression on the soldier's face.

The latter couldn't say a word, just stared at Li Parasol Tree with wide eyes, and immediately swayed and fell heavily to the ground.


The vial containing the coagulation pill slipped from his hand and fell apart.

Li Parasol Tree ran over in a panic, bit his lip, and stretched out his hand to test the soldier's breath.

Besides the warm blood, she didn't feel anything more.

"For, why."

When a man's life just disappears in front of his eyes, the same thing is happening hundreds or thousands of times on this battlefield.


Zhu Tianhong sighed and walked over, as if he wanted to comfort Li Parasol Tree.

However, before he could speak, the latter suddenly picked up the long skirt, and immediately ran towards the outer side of the city wall desperately.

ps: Well, let me know, I feel that I am too salty, so I will try three shifts from today, for a month at a time, to see if my body can bear it and whether my grades have changed.

The update time is about 8:00, 10:00, and 12:00 in the evening.

(end of this chapter)

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