Chapter 417

the next day.

When the news that the imperial court had sent troops to crusade reached the ears of the people in Shuzhou as quickly as possible, the reaction of the people was not too intense.

Maybe everyone has expected such a day, at most, they just didn't expect it so soon.

Therefore, except for a few discussions after dinner, most people did not take this to heart.

There were no early escapes with families and families, no hastily closing the market, and no "abandoning the dark and turning to the bright" to welcome the imperial army.

Of course, this does not mean that the people of Shuzhou have recognized Ning Yuke as the "new king", nor does it mean that they think that the "Shu Kingdom" can resist it.

The reason why they are so calm is simply because the war has little impact on them.

Unlike previous lives where people were arrested and exiled from house to house once a war was fought, the threshold for "becoming a soldier" in the comprehension world is very high.

Except for a small number of food and logistics soldiers, the remaining 70% to 80% of the soldiers must at least be warriors who have already entered the ranks.

About 30% of the people in the world have access to all eight main arteries.

If we exclude those who gave up martial arts due to extremely low talent, and most of the women, then less than 10% of those who will really embark on the path of cultivation.

This also means that at least 90% of people do not have the most basic conditions to "participate in war".

To put it bluntly, if you can't even catch a strong man, you can't catch yourself, so why worry?

As for the impact of the war on other aspects of life. Now in Daning, only Shuzhou is the safest place to live. The rest of the states are having a hard time. Even if they are fleeing, where can they go?

Besides, after all, I was still a citizen of Daning two months ago, even if the imperial army came, I guess they wouldn't do anything to me.

When Shuzhou City is breached and Weiyang Palace is destroyed by a fire, it will be nothing more than changing back to the previous emperor, and it will not be a big deal.

With similar thoughts, most of the people in Shuzhou continued to do what they should do. At most, they prepared some "affordable food" at home to prevent food prices from skyrocketing in the future.

I heard that food prices in other states and counties have increased by three or four times.

Thinking about it this way, the new queen seems to be really good

"Have you heard? This time the main general of the imperial court's anti-rebellion army is Han Zhaoli, the general of Zhenguo!"

"Brother Zhang, what are you talking about, now that Weiyang Palace is our court!"

"Hahaha, I'm used to it, and I can't change it for a while."


The small tea stall was not far from the Xinyamen of Shuzhou City. It was noon at this time, and many porters and shopkeepers were gathering here to drink tea and play jokes.

Ever since the Shu Prefecture Yamen was converted into a royal palace, Wei Changtian re-selected a mansion in the north of the city for the new Yamen.

Because it is located in a busy city, there are quite a lot of people coming and going around here.

At first, everyone was a little afraid of those official posts with knives on their waists, but after a long time, they also found that these official posts seemed to be different from before.

He never arrests people indiscriminately, he pays the price for food and tea, and patrolling the streets to catch thieves is not as perfunctory as before.

More importantly, they are extremely kind to others.

It's like someone said something wrong in the chat just now, even if the yamen guards overheard it, there would be no big trouble, at most they would be reprimanded and fined a few copper coins.

If this were the past, he would have been sent to prison early and charged with "demagoguery, treason and treason".

The sun was rising, and it was sunny again.

Although it is autumn, it is still hot at noon. Some porters who have just finished their work have taken off their sweatshirts, and they just gulp down a copper plate of "unlimited refillable" herbal tea with their upper body naked.

Everyone chatted to get excited, but suddenly they heard a noise coming from the Yamen, which seemed to be accompanied by all kinds of yelling.

"What's wrong?"

Someone looked up suspiciously: "Why are there so many people around the gate of the yamen?"

"It seems that a new bulletin has just been posted!" A sharp-eyed person replied loudly.


All the men lost most of their interest when they heard the words.

The announcements posted at this time must have something to do with fighting, and fighting is a matter for warriors, so it has nothing to do with them.

Such a "reasoning" was originally correct, but as more and more people gathered around the gate of the yamen, everyone was still more and more curious about what was written on the list.

Until the shouts from the yamen gradually became clear.

"The empress ordered that the land tax be reduced!"

"The field tax has been reduced!!"

Someone was yelling and running this way, the excitement on his face was irrelevant.

"This dude!"

A porter grabbed the man's arm and hurriedly asked, "What's going on? What's written on the bulletin board?"

"That's not a list!"

The man in ordinary clothes excitedly said: "That's the new policy of the Ministry of Household Affairs! The empress has ordered it! From now on, the land tax for the common people in Sichuan is only 50 tax per mile!"

"Fifty tax one?!"

All the porters suddenly widened their eyes: "Dude! Did you read that right?!"

"I can't read, but the official said it himself! There's nothing wrong with that!"

The man smiled and pointed at the gate of the yamen: "If you don't believe me, just ask yourself!"



A group of people looked at each other for a while, and then rushed to the gate of the yamen in a swarm.

Even the owner of the tea stall didn't care about the stall anymore, and followed behind in a hurry, just like the old man and old lady who were anxious to grab free eggs in the previous life.

It's no wonder that these people behaved like this, because the reduction rate of 50% tax is too exaggerated.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes and heard it with your own ears, it would have been something you wouldn't even dare to dream about!

"The emperor's grace is mighty! The emperor's grace is mighty!"

The man who announced the good news watched a group of porters run away, and after a few words of heartfelt exclamation, he continued to run forward, intending to continue to tell more people about this great news.

The scorching sun still hangs high in the blue sky, cloudless.

Just like the dazzling golden sunshine, the haze brought to Shuzhou City by "the imperial court has sent troops to quell the rebellion" was instantly dispelled by this new policy of "tax reduction".

One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and the matter has spread throughout Shuzhou in a very short period of time.

Everyone praised Ning Yuke's benevolent government and good deeds, and their ratings for the "female emperor" soared by a large margin.

And many people are no longer indifferent to this war.

They hope that the Kingdom of Shu can defeat the imperial army, and that Ning Yuke can win!

Because only in this way can the new land tax policy of 50 taxes and 1 tax be able to continue for a long time.

This may be selfishness, or short-sightedness, or "seeing profit and forgetting righteousness".

But for ordinary people who face the loess and back to the sky, and work diligently in the fields, their way of thinking is so simple.

They don't have any great ambitions such as "creating a heart for the world, and creating peace for all generations"; they don't quite understand the principle of "loyalty to the monarch and righteousness, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world".

However, they know which emperor is good to the people.

If you treat me well, I will support you.

This is actually what Mencius said, "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world."

It's a pity that many rulers don't really understand this truth.

(end of this chapter)

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