Chapter 431 Public Speaking

The next day, September 25th.

Afternoon, no time.

The breeze is warm and the sky is high and the air is refreshing.

Today seems to be the same as in the past, but it is a very important day for Shu, and even for the whole of Daning.

Because in less than an hour, Ning Yuke will respond positively to Ning Yongnian's crusade for the first time in the form of a "public speech".

Now the 300,000 anti-rebel troops have all left Yuanzhou and rushed towards Shuzhou aggressively, vowing to drive her, the "anti-king", from power in one fell swoop.

Under such circumstances, the Shu army has been standing still and the city of Shuzhou has not moved, making it clear that they are waiting for something.

Everyone didn't know what Liang Zhen was waiting for before, but now they understand.

It turned out that the Shu army was waiting for Ning Yuke to "rectify" their dispatches.

Therefore, this speech is not only a response to Ning Yongnian, but also undertakes the important task of rectifying the name of "Shu Kingdom", "Shu King" and "Shu Army".

In other words, through this speech, Ning Yuke wanted to prove to the whole world the legitimacy of her "self-reliance as a king" and expose Ning Yongnian's ugly face of being unworthy of being a human emperor.

Of course, just like the truth of the "Yuanzhou City Tragedy", this kind of thing is originally "different opinions", Ning Yuke and Ning Yongnian insist on their own opinions, and the people can believe whoever they want.

But at least for the people of Shuzhou, they are indeed more inclined to the new queen who is the mother of the world.

Among them are the role of the new land tax policy, the role of Ning Yuke's appearance advantage, and the role of the Freemasonry secretly manipulating the "wind of public opinion"

Anyway, no matter what, the aspirations of the people in Shuzhou are indeed slowly moving closer to Ning Yuke.

This can be seen from the number of people present today.



It was still the same city tower that was used for the King Conferring Ceremony. With the vermilion city wall as the center, tens of thousands of people crowded within a fan-shaped area several miles in front of it.

Everyone raised their heads, listened to the ceremony officer's long and obscure opening remarks, and looked forward to Ning Yuke's appearance.

And inside the tightly closed golden gate on the tower, the latter in a golden uniform is kneeling in front of a man at this moment.

"Get up quickly."

Looking at Ning Yuke who knelt again after "disagreeing with each other", Wei Changtian said helplessly, "Right now, there are ordinary people outside, and you are not afraid of being seen."

"Yes, master."

Ning Yuke stood up obediently, but didn't sit down, but just stood in the sunlight with her head bowed, her expression seemed a little complicated.

The two haven't seen each other since the last "massage", so she hasn't given the answer to the question of "hate or not".

But Wei Changtian didn't want to mention this anymore.

"All ready?"

After taking a sip of tea, he asked with a smile, "This speech is no small matter, and there is no room for mistakes."

"Well, master, don't worry."

Ning Yuke nodded lightly: "The servant will definitely not disappoint the master."

"That's good"

Wei Changtian has never read Ning Yuke's speech, but Chu Xianping passed it, and it is said that it is very "sincere" and "touching".

He didn't mention the matter of waiting for the speech, but paused and asked another question.

"By the way, has Qingxian ever told you about Tianling?"

"Yes, I said it."

"Then what do you think?"

"Slaves obey their masters in everything."


This answer was expected by Wei Changtian, but it was not what he wanted.

"Yuke, the reason why I asked Qingxian to ask you directly is because I want you to make up your own mind."

"If you are willing, you are willing, if you are not willing, then you are not willing. This matter is about yourself. No one can make up your mind for you."

"do you understand?"


Her body trembled slightly, Ning Yuke was silent for a long time this time.

Then, she slowly raised her head, and said softly under Wei Changtian's gaze:

"Master, this servant wants to try."


"it is good."

Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

Although he didn't want Ning Yuke to become Tianling, since he had already decided to let the latter choose, he would definitely not regret it.

"By the way, Qingxian didn't force you, did she?"


Shaking her head, Ning Yuke said in a very serious voice: "Master, according to what Qingxian senior said, slaves can choose when to complete the last step of transforming spirits."

"Master, please rest assured that this matter will not be decided by slaves."

"If the servant girl is lucky enough to succeed at that time, it is still up to the master to decide when to transform the spirit."

When to transform the spirit is up to me?

Wei Changtian knew that Ning Yuke was afraid that once she became a Tianling, she would delay her own "major event", so he said this.


"I still say that, I can't make up your mind about these things."

"Whenever you think the time is right, just do it."

After a short pause, Wei Changtian added with a smile.

"However, if there is such a day in the future, I hope you can tell me in advance before you become a heavenly spirit, so that I can take another look at you."



In the last sentence, Wei Changtian intentionally put his tone lightly.

But Ning Yuke still burst into tears in the next moment.

She stared blankly at Wei Changtian, wanting to say something, but at this moment, a door not far away was slowly pushed open a crack.

The little eunuch walked over quickly from outside, first greeted Wei Changtian in a soft voice, then lowered his head and whispered to Ning Yuke:

"Your Majesty, you should go out."


Taking a deep breath, reaching out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Ning Yuke turned around and was about to give a speech.

But just when she was about to reach the golden gate facing Wanmin, she suddenly stopped and turned around, and whispered a word under the astonished eyes of the little eunuch.

"Master, this servant has never lost anything because of you, but has gained a lot because of you."

"Slaves only know this truth, and will always understand this truth."


When Ning Yuke directly called Wei Changtian "Lord" in front of other people for the first time, the impact it brought made the little eunuch beside her almost pop her eyes out.

However, Wei Changtian came back to his senses after a brief surprise.

He knew that this was Ning Yuke's own answer, the answer about "hate or not hate".

"okay, I get it."


"Yes, master."

Bowing slightly and offering a blessing, Ning Yuke's expression became extremely elegant and dignified when she turned her head again.

She put her hand on the golden door, and then pushed it lightly.


The door that was as high as two people slowly opened, and the golden afternoon sun fell on her body, reflecting the long gown and shining brightly.

The cloud moved the tail of the pheasant and opened the palace fan, and the sun circled the dragon scale to recognize the holy face.

The shouts of tens of thousands of people came overwhelming in an instant, and all the people kneeling on the ground as far as the eye could see were the bright yellow banners embroidered with the word "Shu".

"Long live my king!"

"Long live my king!!!"


It is said in previous lives that behind every successful man there is an unknown woman.

But now the situation seems to be just the opposite.

Under Wei Changtian's gaze, Ning Yuke stepped across the threshold step by step.

Standing upright in front of tens of thousands of people, she immediately recited word by word:

"Although I live in the southwestern corner of Sichuan!"

"But I wish to seek a peaceful and prosperous world for the common people in the world!"

"This wish begins today!"

(end of this chapter)

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