Chapter 444: Start the War

Early the next morning.

The carriage that had been running continuously all night stopped slowly at a pass, and the mountains on both sides were like frozen waves, which could not be seen clearly under the cover of the morning glow.

This is Niutoushan.

After the pass is the mountainous area that stretches for dozens of miles. Although it is not very steep, it is the only way from Guanghan County to Shuzhou City.

"Long days."

As soon as the carriage came to a stop, a man in a purple robe led someone to greet him.

This person is the current Zuo Elder of Tianluo Sect, Wei Changtian's third uncle, Qin Guanrong.


Getting off the carriage, Wei Changtian, who hadn't slept all night, looked a little tired.

He forced himself to introduce Shen Ran to Qin Guanrong, and then walked towards the inside of the pass.

"Have all the brothers from the Tianluo Sect and the Freemasonry arrived?"


Qin Guanrong nodded concisely: "According to what you said, there are a total of 1,000 people, and they are all within the gate right now."

"it is good."

Wei Changtian walked in the front and entered the pass, and immediately a big man in a hurry appeared in front of him.

Most of them are Freemasons and Tianluo Sect members in black robes, and a small part are Shuzhou soldiers in green armor.

As for the labor of ordinary people, there is none.

"Uncle, the plan has changed."

Wei Changtian looked at these men who were carrying something, and said as he walked:

"The Battle of Niutoushan is very important, and there must be no mistakes."

"The traps we set up before may not be enough, and I am afraid they are not enough to severely damage the enemy."

"So, I came this time to make more preparations."


Qin Guanrong was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and his expression became serious: "Chang Tian, ​​you just make arrangements."

"Well, let's talk about it in the room."

Wei Changtian nodded, and immediately walked to a few small buildings not far away with Qin Guanrong.

Shen Ran, who was dressed in a white robe, silently followed behind Wei Changtian without saying a word.

"Uncle, Mr. Shen is one of our own."

As if guessing what Qin Guanrong was thinking, Wei Changtian suddenly laughed and said, "And he might be of great help to us in this battle."

"Is it?"

Qin Guanrong was a little surprised, and looked up at Shen Ran carefully.

Although he knew that the latter was the holy son of Kuixing Academy, he didn't know what Shen Ran was capable of.

More importantly, he didn't know why Wei Changtian could manipulate Shen Ran so much.

"Young Master Shen is here."

Nodding to Shen Ran, Qin Guanrong didn't ask any more questions.

And Shen Ran nodded slightly in response: "Qin Elder is polite."


Soon, the three of them entered a small building, and walked out again about half an hour later, leading a hundred or so people into Niutoushan on horseback.

The dawn fog is about to rest, and the apes and birds cry out.

There are birds hovering in the sky, but they all seem to be avoiding a certain area.

Every time they pass over this area, they will quickly flap their wings and turn around, and what's more, they will drop a few feathers because of it.

Colorful feathers swirl and fall, across the sky, into the darkness, in the valley, or somewhere on the calm water.

It was like living beings were driven into the abyss of unknown fate by invisible forces.

Four days later.

Twenty miles outside the city of Guanghan, the 300,000 counter-insurgency army is in charge.

"General Han! All the soldiers have rested!"

"We can lead troops to attack at any time and take down Guanghan County!"

"Brothers are waiting for your order!"


In the spacious tent, Han Zhao sat at the head in the center, and in front of him stood a dozen generals in general armor.

At this time, it has been two days since the imperial army arrived at the boundary of Guanghan County. After a full rest, the soldiers are all full of energy. They will launch a full-scale attack on the city not far away just waiting for Han Zhao's order, officially starting this " The Battle of Chaos".

In this case, no matter how much Han Zhao wanted to delay, there was no reason for it.

What's more, now that everything is ready, he doesn't need to procrastinate any longer.

"You wait for the order!"

The moderate voice made all the generals shut up suddenly.

Amidst the sound of armor rubbing against each other, more than a dozen generals stood up one after another, staring at Han Zhao with a serious expression.

"General Li, take your men forward fifteen miles and arrive at Luoyepo outside Guanghan city before Xu time!"

"General Zhang! You lead the Hussar Battalion around Guanghan County, and cut off the supply road from the enemy's rear!"

"General Tan! Take it with you."


One by one military order tiger talismans were sent to the hands of the generals, and the latter responded loudly, holding the white tiger talismans to their foreheads.

The black tiger talisman comes from the Ministry of War, and can be used to adjust the soldiers of the whole country.

The golden tiger talisman comes from the general soldiers of each state, and can adjust the soldiers of a state.

And now the white tiger talisman is from the chief general of an army, who can mobilize a corresponding number of soldiers in the army.

Therefore, the generals who received the order at this moment are all full of energy, and they are all gearing up, preparing to make contributions that will allow them to be promoted in the next battle.

And the other people who haven't received the military orders don't regret it, because they know that sooner or later they will have the opportunity to lead the troops to fight the enemy.

"Have you heard everything clearly?!"

Under everyone's eager gaze, Han Zhao asked in a deep voice.

Then in the next second, a neat and high-spirited answer resounded through the entire military tent.

"Back to the general! I'll wait to find out!"

"it is good!"

Han Zhao waved his hand, and his voice was loud and clear.

"Go down and get ready!"

"Today, at the hour of Hai, the war drums sound twelve times!"



In the distance, the sound of various large siege machines rolling over the road was dull and depressing.

Standing on the city wall, Wei Changtian, who had already returned from Niutou Mountain, had a serious expression on his face, and his eyes lingered on the faint smoke and dust in the distance for a long time.

"Young master, General Han sent a message."

Beside him, Chu Xianping took a step closer, leaned into his ear and whispered, "The imperial army will start attacking the city at Haishi, the main attack is the west gate, and the other three sides will be feigned attacks."



As if his mind froze for a moment, Wei Changtian's answer was a bit sluggish.

He slowly retracted his gaze, and then walked under the city wall.

"Go tell Uncle Liang, let him adjust the defense."

"Also, as long as we defend today's battle, we can properly show the enemy's weakness."

"Yes, I will inform General Liang right now."

Nodding his head, Chu Xianping quickly left first.

At this time, Xu Suisui, who had been by Wei Changtian's side all this time, also joined him.

"Hey, is there going to be a war today?"


Turning his head to look at the excited Xu Suisui, Wei Changtian's tone was a little cold.

"You don't seem afraid."

"What am I afraid of! Haven't you made all the arrangements?"

Xu Suisui was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "I haven't seen what war looks like before! It must be shocking to think about it?!"


Wei Changtian shook his head, with a noncommittal attitude.

He had seen the scene of war in Yuanzhou City with his own eyes.

It's shocking, but it's true

"Trust me, after seeing it once, you won't want to see it a second time."


Xu Suisui was very disdainful of Wei Changtian's "scaremongering": "I am very courageous, I have seen dead people and everything!"


Wei Changtian gave a wry smile and didn't respond right away.

He just turned his head and looked at the Shu soldiers who were still running in formation beside the city wall, and then said slowly:

"You must know the saying that people's fate is always in their own hands, right?"


Xu Suisui was taken aback for a moment, although he didn't know why Wei Changtian said this, but he subconsciously replied:

"I know, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you that this statement doesn't apply to everyone"

Wei Changtian nodded lightly, and nodded with a smile to a group of soldiers not far away who were greeting him.

"At least for them, once on the battlefield, it is no longer their own that decides their life and death."

"Then, what is that?"



After putting down the last two words, Wei Changtian walked away on his own.

But Xu Suisui stood there in a daze, and didn't follow immediately.


When a person's life and death can only be determined by luck. The cruelty of war is revealed vividly at this moment.

The afternoon breeze was calm and the sun overhead was warm.

But Xu Suisui suddenly shuddered.

I am still sick today, so I insisted on writing a chapter.

In fact, I can continue to write, but the entire plot behind is too important, I don’t want to write in a daze, so I will ask for half a day off.

Not surprisingly, I will recover from my illness tomorrow, and I will make up for the few updates in the past two days!

(end of this chapter)

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