I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 448 Misunderstanding

Chapter 448 Misunderstanding

The air surged, and Liang Chen fell down.

In the middle of the night, everything is silent, only the inside and outside of the Shiqu Pavilion are at war, and the atmosphere in the confrontation is tense.

"Cang Lang Lang!"

Outside the hall, there were more and more guards armed with long knives and spears. Zhu Tianhong and Meng Shi also stepped in front of Li Parasol Tree, staring at the seven people opposite with gloomy faces.

Of course they can't be opponents, but they will never allow Dafeng's princess to be taken away from Fengyuan involuntarily.

From the thought of a life-saving straw to the "robber" who tried to "rob" Lee Parasol Tree.

When the gray-robed old man stated the true purpose of their trip in an unquestionable manner, the despair in everyone's hearts was even greater than before the appearance of these seven people.

Yes, if Li Parasol Tree is taken to Shuzhou, then the latter can indeed survive.


Li Qi was critically ill, and Li Parasol Tree escaped. If there is no royal blood left in Dafeng, then why is it necessary for the soldiers to continue to resist?

This is equivalent to pressing the fast-forward button for Dafeng's subjugation, and it directly pronounces the final fate of these people.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for them to want Li Parasol Tree to leave Fengyuan.

However, as the gray-robed old man said.

Facing the seven second ranks that can almost subvert the regime of a country, how can they stop them?


With extremely contradictory and desperate feelings, almost everyone's eyes are fixed on Li Parasol Tree at this moment.

Because the only one who can resolve this crisis now is her.

And Li Parasol Tree, who was the focus of everyone's attention, finally raised his head after being silent for a while, and asked a few words to the nearly hundred court officials who were still kneeling on the ground.

"Who are you guys from Mr. Wei?"


Who is Wei Changtian's person?

Such a question sounded inexplicable at first, but everyone immediately understood what Li Parasol Tree was going to do.

She wanted to bypass these seven masters and talk to Wei Changtian directly.

In fact, if Li Parasol Tree hadn't thrown away that piece of Mother-Child jade back then, she would be able to directly contact Wei Changtian now.

But "I knew today, why did I have to do it at the beginning", since there is no Mother-Child jade, Li Parasol Tree can only hope to contact the latter through Wei Changtian's spies planted in Dafeng.

She knew that Wei Changtian must have placed people in the court, otherwise it would be impossible for him to know everything about Li Qi so well.

It's just that the breath has passed, but no one responded.


With a desolate smile, Li Parasol Tree didn't ask any more questions.

Because she knew that it was impossible for her to ask anything.

Looking at the gray-robed old man with a calm expression not far away, she seemed a little bit out of strength and said to Zhu Tianhong and Meng Shi:

"Grandpa, General Meng, let the imperial guards disperse."

"Princess! You!"

Zhu Tianhong's face changed and he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Li Parasol Tree shaking his head:

"Grandpa Zhu, I believe Mr. Wei, he will definitely explain it to me."

"Oh, all right."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhu Tianhong sighed and stopped talking.

And Li Parasol Tree shifted his gaze to the old man in gray robe.

"Senior, I wonder if you can wait a few more days?"

"I want to clarify this matter with Mr. Wei first."

"If Mr. Wei doesn't send you any new orders by then, then I will go to Shuzhou with you, how about that?"


Frowning slightly, the old man in gray robe thought about Li Parasol Tree's suggestion for a while.

In his opinion, even if Li Parasol Tree got in touch with Wei Changtian, there would be only two results——

Either the order remains unchanged, and they still want to forcibly take Li Parasol Tree away.

Either let Li Parasol Tree stay in Fengyuan, and the mission is over.

As for things like "helping Dafeng fight", it is simply impossible.

"Since you have said so, princess, it's fine."

After figuring out the joints, the gray-robed old man did not continue to be aggressive, but just added a time limit to the process.

"Two days."

"Princess, we will wait two more days in Fengyuan."

"If I haven't received a new order in two days, then I hope the princess will not forget the promise just now."

"It's natural."

Nodding solemnly, Li Parasol Tree finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at the officials of all sizes in the hall again, then waved her hand lightly.

"That's it, you all go down"


After a few breaths, nearly a hundred court officials got up from the ground, and then withdrew from Tianlu Hall one after another with different thoughts.

For most people, what they think at this time is whether Wei Changtian will let these seven masters stay and help Dafeng get through this life-and-death crisis.

However, there are others who think differently.

After half an hour.

In the dark room, two Dafeng officials who were not very high-ranking officials scorched the Mother-Child jade in their hands.

And if the signal sent by Mother-Child jade can be traced, then you will see two messages flying out from Fengyuan and going straight to Daning thousands of miles away.

One went to the capital.

One went to Shuzhou.

At the beginning of the child.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Hear the sound of drums and advance, and hear the sound of gold and retreat.

When the harsh sound of gongs sounded from the night, and the imperial army receded like a tide, the first offensive and defensive battle of Guanghan City was over.

It took less than two hours from start to finish.

The time was not too long, but it was just right as a tentative attack.

As for the result, there is not much difference from the designed script.

Although there were many dangers, the Shu army still "barely" defended the first wave of offensive.

Wei Changtian was very satisfied with such a result.

What's more, he himself killed seven in and seven out on the battlefield, completing the task of "shocking Han Zhao" very well.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Leaping back to the city wall, fifty blood-stained long knives also flew back to the Star scabbard under the adoring eyes of the surrounding soldiers.

Wei Changtian imitated how he acted in the TV series in his previous life, very pretendingly wiped the blood on the last Leaking Knife with the hem of his clothes, and then prepared to say a few more morale-boosting words.

But before he could finish pretending this, Chu Xianping hurried over from under the city wall.

"My lord, something happened in Fengyuan!"


In a quarter of an hour.

Wei Changtian basically understood everything that happened in Fengyuan just now.

Li Parasol Tree's guess was right, there was indeed a secret arrangement by him among the court officials.

But the latter is not stupid, and of course he would not have exposed himself under the circumstances.

However, this person also knew about the relationship between Wei Changtian and Li Parasol Tree, so he immediately sent a letter back asking him how to deal with this matter.

As far as Wei Changtian was concerned, although he didn't know why Li Parasol Tree didn't contact him directly, he could probably guess that the former no longer had the conditions to contact him.

Of course, with this detailed work, it is not difficult for the two to get in touch again. Presumably, Li Parasol Tree is also waiting for him to send her a letter now.


Wei Changtian knew what Li Parasol Tree wanted to ask and what he wanted to say.

She must have thought that she could let those seven second-rank masters stay and help Dafeng tide over the difficulties, at least not let them forcefully bring her to Shuzhou.

However, it is impossible for Wei Changtian to satisfy any of her "requests".

Those seven second rank masters belonged to Kui Long, and he was not qualified to order them at all, let alone directly participate in the war.

On the other hand, it is impossible for me to watch Li Parasol Tree die in Fengyuan.

So, after thinking for a while, Wei Changtian made a "heartless" choice.

"Tell that person not to reveal his identity, let alone say anything to Lee Parasol Tree."

Looking at Chu Xianping, Wei Changtian said slowly, "Just pretend you don't know anything."


Chu Xianping was taken aback when he heard the words, and confirmed in a low voice: "My lord, do you mean that we will stop contacting Princess Wuping?"

"What can I say when I contact her?"

Shaking his head, Wei Changtian patted Chu Xianping's shoulder lightly: "It's okay, I will explain it to her when she arrives in Shuzhou."


"Yes, I'll do it now."

The night was dark, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Chu Xianping seemed to have vaguely understood something, nodded without asking any further questions, and left in a hurry.

Wei Changtian, on the other hand, still stood there, looked up at the night sky, and then sighed helplessly.

Alas, I don't know what Lee Parasol Tree will think.

I'm afraid I may have misunderstood myself.

(end of this chapter)

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