I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 457 One Against Ten Thousand (Part 1)

Chapter 457 One Against Ten Thousand (Part 1)

If we can't break out now, many people will die


The words Xu Suisui screamed at the last moment was like detonating a "flame talisman" in Wei Changtian's heart.

Countless information and guesses that could be deduced from this exploded in his mind, which also made his waving palm stop abruptly in mid-air.

What is "can't break out now"?

What is "many people will die"?

People will definitely die in a war, and Xu Suisui is not a three-year-old child, and he has been in Guanghan County for five days, so he must understand this truth.

So the "many people" in her mouth should refer to a number that "far exceeded expectations".

But why could Xu Suisui make this prediction?

How did she know that many people would die? How do you know that you can't break through "now"?

Could it be that something unexpected will happen in tonight's breakout battle?

But it's impossible! Han Zhao has already made corresponding arrangements, and he just sent a letter to Chu Xianping to confirm it a quarter of an hour ago.

Could it be that Xu Suisui was lying?

But what's the point of this lie.

In less than a few breaths of work, Wei Changtian's thinking was messed up by one question after another.

True or false, he could not analyze the answer to any question in a short period of time.

Fortunately, he has faced this situation too many times before, so he also understands that he must grasp the core problem right now.

The blade pressed down and pressed against Xu Suisui's collarbone.

Wei Changtian leaned forward suddenly, as if an invisible string in the air was instantly tensed, and it also grabbed Xu Suisui's throat.

The latter didn't know if it was an illusion, but she did feel that even breathing became difficult and stagnant at this moment.

Then, a slow and cold voice rang in my ears.

"If you break out now, what will happen?"

"Also, how do you know?"


Under his feet, the torch that Xu Suisui dropped just now was still burning with all his might.

The swaying firelight reflected on the blade, mixed with the dripping blood, leaving a meandering bloodstain on the white skin.

However, compared with just now, Xu Suisui's expression at this time has gradually become calmer.

She bit her lip lightly, her eyes met Wei Changtian's without any evasion.

"Wei Changtian, I'm really helping you."

"Those fire talismans are designed to arouse your ideas, thereby delaying the start of the breakout."

"But I can't practice. Without Internal Energy, I have to use open flames to attract symbols."

"But, but I'm afraid that once I ignite the talisman paper, I won't be able to escape in time, and I will be blown up, so I was thinking of a way just now."

"In the end, before I could figure out a way, you suddenly came."


At the end, Xu Suisui's expression became a little embarrassed, as if he felt stupid.

But Wei Changtian still stared at her with a cold face, just quickly analyzing the words in his heart.

Regardless of the details, it does sound like it could make sense.

After all, once Xu Suisui triggers these explosive charms, the huge explosion will definitely attract the attention of himself and Liang Zhen, and it is very likely that the breakout time will be postponed temporarily out of safety considerations.

And Xu Suisui does not have Internal Energy, and if she uses an open flame to light a talisman, it is really easy to hurt herself, so she has not done it for a long time

So...she wasn't tipping off?

Although it made sense, Wei Changtian certainly couldn't believe Xu Suisui so easily.

Because her explanation just now did not answer the two most important questions.

"I didn't ask you that."

Squinting his eyes, Wei Changtian's expression remained unchanged: "What will happen if we break through at Haishi? How do you know about this?"

"I'll give you one last chance, if you don't say it"

"Don't ask me any more."

Suddenly, before Wei Changtian could finish his threatening words, Xu Suisui shook his head and interrupted, "I can't say it."

"Is it?"

Wei Changtian sneered, and the blade of the saber that was pressing on Xu Suisui's shoulder suddenly sank, even pushing the latter to the ground forcefully.

"What? Does your system have limitations in this regard?"


"No, no."

Holding his hands tightly in front of his body, Xu Suisui looked quite embarrassed at this time, and his voice was intermittent.

However, she still raised her head with difficulty, looked at Wei Changtian with helplessness and compassion, and replied softly:

"Wei Changtian, I think it's better for you not to know."


There are thousands of opportunities, clouds and brocades, and a piece of the Milky Way.

You better not know.

This sentence is very familiar, because a person has heard it before dying.

In an instant, Wei Changtian's figure suddenly trembled uncontrollably.

Then, the Louying Knife slipped down little by little, and slowly hung down by his side.

Realizing his appearance, Xu Suisui, who had finally "escaped from danger", became a little panicked.

She hurriedly got up from the ground, and took a step closer hesitantly, as if she was about to say something more.

However, at this moment, there was a distant and dull "bang" sound not far away.


The two suddenly turned their heads away, seeing darkness in their vision.

Xu Suisui was at a loss, not knowing what the voice represented.

But Wei Changtian couldn't be more clear.

This is the sound of opening the city gate.

He took a deep look at Xu Suisui, then slowly closed his eyes.

"The time of Hai has arrived. Is there still time?"


Xu Suisui was stunned for a while, then shook his head lightly: "It's too late, you can't stop it alone."

"Is it?"

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Wei Changtian's mouth, and it gradually disappeared.

And after a few breaths, when the eyes opened again, there was only firmness left in the eyes.

“Let's try”

As the last sentence was spoken, a golden dragon scale appeared in the palm of his hand, and immediately pressed to Dantian's position without any delay.

next second.

"Crack! Crack!!"


The dazzling golden light exploded instantly, and the majestic air waves surged, rolling up hot yellow sand and gravel all over the ground.

The long skirt fluttered in the hurricane, Xu Suisui's eyes suddenly widened, he stared blankly at Wei Changtian who was in the golden light, and saw a golden dragon flying up and down around the latter.

At this moment, she suddenly had a feeling that couldn't be more real——

Wei Changtian's aura seemed to be soaring, soaring, and soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye, until he broke through the invisible barrier with a flood.


The robe exploded, and the rags all over the sky were submerged in endless golden light in an instant.

However, Wei Changtian, who was naked from the upper body, didn't take it seriously, but slowly put the leak back into the scabbard, and then took a step forward.

"lead the way."


Ten miles north of Guanghan City, the counter-insurgency army is in charge.

When the messenger rushed into the account and reported the news of the sudden breakthrough of the Shu army to Han Zhao, although the latter was calm in his heart, he was very angry.


"All generals obey orders!"


He stood up suddenly, and after thinking for a moment, he gave several instructions one after another.

Several lieutenants in the tent immediately gave the order, turned around and prepared to lead troops to chase the rebels.

But before they got out of the tent, the curtain was pulled open suddenly, and another messenger ran in.

"Report to the general!"

"General Liu Guang of the Zhenshan Battalion sent a message!"

"The scouts from the Zhenshan Battalion just discovered that the rebels were trying to break out from the southwest of Guanghan City. Now General Liu has led the soldiers of the battalion to the south to intercept the enemy!"



His eyes widened for a moment, but Han Zhao was not pretending this time: "Isn't the Zhenshan camp blocking the enemy's food and grass in the south?! Why is it near Guanghan City at this time?!"

"Back to the general!"

The messenger soldier didn't notice the abnormality, and quickly replied: "All the departments of the Zhenshan Camp have pulled out their camps and moved closer to Guanghan City this morning!"

"It's nonsense! Why don't I know about this?!"

"General, general, the villain doesn't know."


The flames flickered, and the main tent suddenly fell into silence.

According to military orders, the latest movements of any battalion headquarters should be kept informed to the general.

But now Han Zhao didn't know anything about this matter, there must be something wrong or wrong in some link.

There may be someone deliberately concealing it, or it may just be an accident.

But no matter what the reason was, Han Zhao knew that now was not the time to think about this issue.

The most important thing right now is how to keep this sudden army from interfering with the Shu army's breakthrough.

Of course Han Zhao has the right to order the Zhenshan Camp to stop the pursuit, but...

"Hmph! Liu Guang's hit is right!"

With a cold snort, Han Zhao squinted his eyes and ordered: "Send Liu Guang immediately, and tell him not to rush in!"

"It's okay to kill the enemy, but don't chase after them, lest you fall into the enemy's trap!"


The messenger immediately responded with a cupped fist when he heard the words, turned around and ran out of the tent.

And the remaining lieutenants in the account also left quickly at this time, saying things like "Let Liu Guang take advantage of this kid" one after another, and their expressions were not as nervous as before.

Indeed, from the perspective of the imperial army, the sudden appearance of Zhenshan Ying is indeed a good thing.

Not only can it intercept the enemy army at the fastest speed, but it may even wipe out the Shu army.

But for Han Zhao

It was impossible for him to order Zhenshanying to stop the pursuit just now, because he didn't have any reason.

If he was forced to do so, he would probably lose his position as chief general tomorrow morning, and Wei Changtian's plan would definitely not come true.

And now, although the situation is also very critical, at least the Shu army still has the possibility of killing some people from the Zhenshan camp's siege and interception.

Don't chase after him, this is all Han Zhao can do.

As for how much the Shu army can escape?

Looking at the sand table in front of him, Han Zhao sighed softly.

There are six small flags with the word "Zhen" in total, with 10,000 people on each side, a total of 60,000 people.

Even if it is impossible for Zhenshan Battalion to send out all members to intercept, at least half of them are there.

If you add that although it is weak in the southwest direction, there are still nearly 10,000 people encircling it, and once the two sides fall into a fierce battle, there will be a steady stream of reinforcements rushing to the battlefield.


Let it be fate.

(end of this chapter)

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