Chapter 467 Moth

You left him in Fengyuan, but you just left.

Under the moonlight, when these words reached Li Parasol Tree's ears, the latter's shoulders visibly trembled uncontrollably.

But she didn't say anything, just bit her lip lightly.

Wu Ding was not surprised when he saw this, and continued on his own:

"Princess, since you dare to climb the city wall to supervise the battle as a woman, you must not be such a ruthless person."

"And now that you are leaving, you already know the future of Dafeng after thinking about it."

"However, what if I say that you actually have a chance to change all this?"


A gust of wind blows from the forest, and it seems to be mixed with the smell that belongs only to the battlefield.

Li Parasol Tree suddenly raised his head, eyes full of surprise.

And Wu Ding's expression also became serious at this time.

He slowly arched his cupped hands to the east, and then said seriously:

"Princess, what I'm going to say next comes from the mouth of my pilgrim. I hope you can think about it carefully after hearing it."

"The Battle of Fengning has been going on for several months now, and people's livelihoods in both countries have suffered as a result of this, and the people have suffered greatly from the war."

"My pilgrimage can't bear the people to suffer from such innocent disasters again, so I would like to withdraw my troops and make a truce, so as to return the world to peace."

"Of course, there are many things involved in the peace talks. After that, the envoys of both parties will choose a day to discuss."

"But there is one thing that requires the princess to agree now."

After a pause, Wu Ding slowly finished his last sentence under the astonished eyes of everyone.

"That is to ask the princess to follow me back to Daning immediately."


The moon is light and the stars are sparse, and there is silence on the mountain road.

Including those seven second rank masters, everyone couldn't believe what Wu Ding just said.

It is not difficult for people to react like this.

After all, now Daning is only short of taking Fengyuan at the last shudder, thus expanding the territory by at least 50% in one fell swoop.

But at this time Ning Yongnian suddenly proposed that the troops could be withdrawn, wouldn't it be the same as spitting out the fat in his mouth?

Can't bear the suffering of the people? Return the world to peace?

Only a fool would believe this kind of rhetoric, so Ning Yongnian has only one purpose for doing this——

Lee Parasol Tree.

Just like what Wu Ding said, as long as Li Parasol Tree does not go to Fengyuan, but is willing to hand himself over to Ning Yongnian, then the latter can retire for a truce.

For a woman, you can give up a country.

In the eyes of others, this incident is undoubtedly too unimaginable, even absurd.

But Ning Yongnian has own plans.

From Ning Yongnian's point of view, the Dafeng is already in his own pocket, and he can take it anytime he wants.

But the increasingly powerful Wei family and Wei Changtian have reached a point where they must be resolved immediately.

The thing Ning Yongnian regrets the most now is that he acquiesced in allowing the Wei family to destroy the Liu family and become the dominant family in Daning.

Although it is not possible to choose again now, it can be used to make up for it.

After experiencing a series of incidents such as Ning Yuke's rebellion, the chaos in the grain market, and Wei Xianzhi openly challenged himself in the court, the emperor finally understood one thing thoroughly——

The key to solving the Wei family is Wei Changtian.

And the key to dealing with Wei Changtian.

Facing such an only son of the Wei family who is always surrounded by a group of masters, acts extremely cautiously, and has the ability to kill second ranks, Ning Yongnian thinks about the former's weakness all the time.

He hadn't thought about it before, until these seven masters suddenly appeared in Fengyuan.

Yes, Wei Changtian's weakness is emotion.

To put it more bluntly, it was his woman.

From the earliest sacrifice to save Xu Qingwan, to Yanyun Mountain to save Yang Liushi, to now sending so many masters to pick up Li Parasol Tree.

All of these are not secrets, and Ning Yongnian finally came to a conclusion that is basically the same as the facts.

However, it is not easy to take advantage of such a weakness.

Because all of Wei Changtian's women are now in Shuzhou City, and the latter has already become a monolith under the continuous operation of the Wei family, and he can't reach into it at all.

Besides, Ning Yongnian needs a woman who holds the most weight in Wei Changtian's heart as bait.

For Wei Changtian himself, this person must be Comrade Xiao Xu.

However, according to Yining Yongnian's guess, this person should be Li Parasol Tree.

After all, sending seven second-rank masters at once to take Li Parasol Tree away despite the siege of hundreds of thousands of troops is in Ning Yongnian's values. This is the biggest price Wei Changtian has ever paid for a woman.

Therefore, as long as he holds this woman in his hands, he can use this to launch a series of layouts and force Wei Changtian to fall into a trap.

But Ning Yongnian was not sure about snatching Li Parasol Tree from the seven second rank masters.

That's why he asked Wu Ding to say these words at this time.

Ning Yongnian believes that Li Parasol Tree will never be able to resist the temptation of "preserving Dafeng", and will definitely agree to this condition.

As for whether he will fulfill his promise of "withdrawing troops and negotiating peace" in the future

You have no jokes.

I'm afraid only children would believe such words.

The wind blows the mountains and forests, and the horse's mane shakes lightly.

When Wu Ding finished speaking, Li Parasol Tree also tightly reined in his hand.

Ning Yongnian is really good at judging people, and she really can't resist such a condition, even if it reveals weirdness everywhere.

Use yourself alone to exchange the whole Dafeng.

This was an extremely cost-effective deal for Li Parasol Tree, which made her willing to give it a try even though she knew that Ning Yongnian was very likely to backtrack.

If Ning Yongnian repented, he would die if he died.

But if Ning Yongnian really fulfilled his promise, then

"Princess! Don't be fooled!"

Suddenly, the gray-robed old man reminded in a deep voice: "Where is such a cheap thing in the world, could it be that Ning Yongnian is a fool?!"


He called the emperor by his real name and used the word "stupid".

The words of the gray-robed old man undoubtedly showed no respect or taboo towards Ning Yongnian, but Wu Ding did not change his face when he heard it.

He wasn't even worried that the old man's reminder would affect Li Parasol Tree's choice.

Anyone can see that it is unreliable to change a country by one person.

But sometimes people are willing to give everything for that hope that they know is slim.

Like a moth going to a fire, how can it be stingy to burn your body.

Now, in front of the fire lit by Ning Yongnian, Li Parasol Tree is that moth.


With his hands trembling slightly, Li Parasol Tree looked at the gray-robed old man who was staring at him, and made a decision in his heart.

In other words, from the moment Wu Ding finished speaking, she had actually made a decision.

"Please tell Mr. Wei that I am sorry for him."


The old man in gray robe interrupted with an angry shout: "Why are you so stupid?!"

"You can't save Dafeng! Ning Yongnian won't withdraw his troops either! Why would you believe such a simple scam?!"


The body shook suddenly, and Li Parasol Tree trembled softly as if persuading himself:

"Or, maybe it's true."


Seeing that Li Parasol Tree was so obsessed, the old man in gray robe couldn't help feeling angry.

But Wu Ding was afraid that he would change if he was late, so he immediately took over the conversation and said:

"Princess, don't worry, you are not joking, I will never do such a thing that goes back on my pilgrimage."

"Since the princess has made her decision, please come to my side."


Looking up at the surrounding seven second rank masters with different expressions, Li Parasol Tree let go of the rein and let the horse walk slowly towards the opposite side.

Her eyes gradually became hollow, watching herself slide into the abyss step by step like a puppet.

And Wu Ding couldn't help but smile on his face, and he admired Ning Yongnian's ability to know people in his heart.

When Ning Yongnian told him this condition for the first time, he still felt that it was impossible for Li Parasol Tree to be fooled.

But now it seems... Huh? ! !

"Cang Lang!"

Suddenly, Wu Ding's face turned livid, and in the next second he pulled out the saber from his waist.

Although Ning Yongnian saw Li Parasol Tree very accurately, he didn't guess Wei Changtian's order to the seven masters, nor the determination of Kuilong to carry out the order.

Since Wei Changtian said "whether Li Parasol Tree wants to or not, we must bring her back", then they will strictly implement it.


At the moment when Li Parasol Tree and the gray-robed old man passed by, the latter waved his hand suddenly, sealing all of Li Parasol Tree's acupuncture points in an instant.

"Hmph! General Wu"

Casually throwing the already limp Li Parasol Tree to a guard behind him, the old man in gray robe turned to look at Wu Ding who had drawn his sword out of its sheath, his voice was extremely cold.

"The old man said it one last time, give way."

"Otherwise, you will die tonight."

(end of this chapter)

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