Chapter 472: Wanderer

Li Qi surrendered.

On the way back to the old woman's residence, Wei Changtian kept thinking about this matter.

In fact, he was not surprised by such a thing.

Ever since they learned that Li Qi was playing dumb, Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping had already guessed that the former would surrender sooner or later.

After all, from Li Qi's point of view, Feng Yuan's current battle situation is unsustainable, and he will lose if he continues to fight.

Rather than waiting until Daning kills him into Fengyuan City and pulls him off the dragon chair, it is better to surrender in advance.

At least in this way, Dafeng can retain part of the army and retain a little capital for peace talks.

Of course, the premise of all this must be that Ning Yongnian is willing to talk to him.

In order to achieve this goal, Li Qi even did not hesitate to pretend to be stupid to show that he no longer has any "threat".

After all, the emperor of the enemy country is already a fool, so it doesn't matter if he is allowed to live

Alas, it is humble enough.

Sighing, Wei Changtian couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

People's emperors are all wives and concubines in groups, high-spirited.

This one is fine.

Falling in love with a woman, but it was a deer demon, who committed suicide in the end.

The queen hated him so much that she hated him so much, and incidentally brought him an unknown number of green hats.

After finally finding the opportunity to make a big splash in his "career", he wanted to take advantage of the civil strife in Daning to take back Yuanzhou, but in the end, Ning Yongnian tricked him into killing half a million elite soldiers, not to mention the strong generals. It's about to die now

Let's just say, isn't it a bit of a failure to be an emperor for this sake?

Wei Changtian didn't know if Ning Yongnian would kill Li Qi, maybe the former wanted to take advantage of this "stupid emperor" to take over Dafeng faster.

After all, "occupying a country's land" and "occupying a country's land" are two different things, and there are many problems involved. It is obviously easier to keep a puppet emperor.

But even if Li Qi can survive, that day is designated as life is worse than death, and life is like years.

Wei Changtian understood that he wanted to save his life first, and then look for opportunities to "restore the country".

But Ning Yongnian is not stupid, how could he give Li Qi this opportunity unless there is a strong external force to intervene.


Thinking about it this way, isn't this external force just yourself?

If he could really fight against Ning Yongnian in Daning territory in the future, and even pull the latter from the throne, wouldn't Li Qi be able to restore the country?

Depend on!

Could it be this idea that Li Qi hit? ?

You forget it.

After all, he is the future father-in-law. If there is such a day, he can help as much as he can.


Thinking wildly in his heart, Wei Changtian walked back to that familiar alley without knowing it.

The open courtyard door, the old woman waiting silently outside the door, the old pagoda tree that has been around for many years

Although Wei Changtian only lived here for two days, he felt an inexplicable intimacy with this picture.


Wei Changtian yelled from a distance as usual, and the old woman turned around and returned to the courtyard after seeing him as usual.

But when Wei Changtian also walked into the courtyard and said a few words with a smile, she stopped slowly.

"Mother-in-law, there have been many troubles these two days."

"My affairs in Guanghan City have been dealt with, and I will leave later."

"I will see you again when I have a chance."

"By the way, here are some taels of silver."


Wei Changtian took out the money while talking, while the old woman looked at him silently, showing a different expression for the first time on her wrinkled face.

It's hard to describe this expression in words, but Wei Changtian has seen it many times in his past and present lives.

In his previous life, he worked out of town, and every time he went home after the Chinese New Year, he would say "I'll come back if I have the chance".

But the mother would look at him with a smile, and softly reply - "You are busy with your work, come back when you are free, and forget it if you are not free."

Including after crossing, the last conversation he had with Qin Caizhen before leaving Beijing was similar.

"Mother, when will I sneak back."

"Why do you come back? Just stay in Shuzhou honestly and save yourself from being caught. If you really come back, remember to tell us in advance."


Same expression, same words, same mood.

At this moment, Wei Changcai suddenly realized that in his previous life, he had never fulfilled his own "promise" once. Every time he was on vacation, he was either working overtime or taking the time to relax and have fun.

And it is the same in this life.

In the past year, he went to Yuanzhou, Dafeng, and at least half of the counties in Daning, but he never returned to the capital once.

Perhaps in his subconscious mind, such a "promise" before leaving was just a casual remark after all.

For those who heard this sentence, although they never asked themselves to fulfill their promises, they must have been looking forward to their sudden appearance in front of them one day

Just like this old woman who is waiting for someone to come back.


His hands were clenched suddenly, and then loosened.

Wei Changtian took a deep breath, smiled and stuffed a small handful of broken silver into the old woman's hand, then asked casually:

"Mother-in-law, where are your children now? What are their names? Are there any items left by them at home?"

"I know a lot of people, so I'm not sure I'll know them."


In the midday sun, the old woman's breathing suddenly became short of breath.

She hesitated for a moment, then hurried back to the house, and came out holding a small wooden box after a while.

It could be seen that she was very afraid that Wei Changtian would leave suddenly, so she tried to walk as fast as possible, and her steps were a little staggering.

And Wei Changtian hurried forward to support her, and then took the wooden box over.

Obviously, this should be the objects of the old woman's children.


The lid of the spotless box was gently opened, and there was only a thin piece of yellow paper inside.

Looking at the words "Daning Military Department" at the top of the paper and "Shuzhou General Military Mansion" at the bottom, Wei Changtian immediately understood that this was a "tax reduction certificate" for the soldiers' families.

As long as someone in the family joins the army, the family members can get a certificate, which can exempt half of the family's taxes.

From this point of view, the old woman's son should have joined the Shu army.

And judging from the "Da Ning Military Department" on this certificate, the time of enlistment must have been before Ning Yuke became king.

"Zhang Shi."

Wei Changtian unconsciously whispered a name, and the old woman hurriedly nodded tremblingly.

"Grandma, I see."

Putting the yellow paper back into the box, Wei Changtian said with a smile: "It happens that I know people in the army, and I will definitely ask them to take care of your son when the time comes."


The old woman was a little excited when she heard this, but at the same time she was a little at a loss.

She seemed to want to thank Wei Changtian but didn't know how to do it, and in the end she bent her knees and prepared to give Wei Changtian a kowtow.

"Grandma, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you pissing me off!"

Of course Wei Changtian would not accept this obeisance, he hurriedly supported the old woman and persuaded her for a long time before letting her give up this idea.

However, although the latter failed to kneel down, he kept looking at the objects in the hut, as if he was trying to find something to thank him for.

Wei Changtian looked at her with complicated emotions, and suddenly pointed to the patched sackcloth on his body.

"Grandma, you sewed this dress for me."

"That's enough for me."

"I promise you, your son will be back soon."


The old woman suddenly stopped and looked at Wei Changtian blankly.

And Wei Changtian didn't say anything more, and quickly turned around and walked out of the courtyard, completely disappearing from her sight.

In the small courtyard, a big goose paced back and forth.

This was brought back by Wei Changtian yesterday, and he planned to eat it today, but he didn't expect the situation to change so quickly, and now he has no chance.

Wei Changtian once again neglected a small promise, and because of this, he escaped by chance. The big goose didn't know how lucky it was, and just looked up at the sky majestically with its neck up.

It is late autumn now, and autumn geese have already flown from the north for the winter, and will fly to the north next spring.

The land in the south is like a mother, waiting for them to go and return in the same place year after year.

Like that person who is always looking at you from the car window.

They would say the same words, show the same expressions, and just stay in place quietly.

Watching the wanderer go, waiting for the wanderer to return.

(end of this chapter)

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