Chapter 475: Scored Twice


The bright moon is in the sky, and the sky is full of stars.

The maroon horse suddenly raised its front hooves high, and stopped abruptly on the empty official road. Wei Changtian on the horse had a look of astonishment on his face.

In his left hand he holds the still warm Mother-Child Jade, and in his right hand he holds a new codebook.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the dark night behind him, and then turned his head to look at the road ahead, his expression turned green and then white.


The imperial army has been marching for four hours, but Ning Yongnian suddenly asked Han Zhao to go to Jinyuan at this time? ?

What's happening here? ?

Could it be that Ning Yongnian sensed something wrong with Han Zhao? ?

But it's impossible.

All of Han Zhao's decisions so far have been quite satisfactory, and there have been no mistakes.

And if Ning Yongnian really doubts Han Zhao, then he should directly remove the latter from the post of chief general

So, is Ning Yongnian worried that there may be problems on the front line of Niutoushan?

Fuck! Are you so cautious? !

Opening his mouth slightly, Wei Changtian's head suddenly became dizzy.

But right now, it doesn't matter why Ning Yongnian made this decision suddenly.

The most important thing is what to do with yourself.


Taking a deep breath, Wei Changtian jumped off his horse, found a random stone by the side of the road and sat down, forcing himself to calm down.

Han Zhao said that currently only he knows this order.

That means you still have a choice.

In short, it can be roughly divided into three options.

One, let Han Zhao block the news, and even ordered to speed up the march, and sent the imperial army into the "hukou" of Niutoushan before Ning Yongnian realized it.

Although Han Zhao would be exposed in this way, but at that time the main force of the imperial army was gone, his mission was basically completed, and it seemed that it made no difference whether he was exposed or not.

Well, it was pretty good at first thought, but Wei Changtian quickly denied this option himself.

The reason is very simple, because it cannot be realized at all.

In the army of more than 200,000 people, except for the chief general Han Zhao, almost all the other middle and high-ranking officers, including the warlord You Wenzong, were from Ning Yongnian.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Han Zhao to conceal the holy decree for too long. It may be okay for an hour or two, but problems will arise if it takes longer.

If he really asked Han Zhao to block the news for a long time, he would be tied up by a group of lieutenants and taken back to the capital for trial before tomorrow morning, and the 200,000 people would not be able to enter Niutoushan in the end.

Therefore, this is no different from letting Han Zhao "explode himself".

So what if the imperial army is allowed to go to the front line of Jinyuan?

Jinyuan County is in the southeast of Guanghan County, the terrain is flat, and there is no place to set up an ambush on the road leading to Shuzhou City.

Although it took at least five more days for the imperial army to go to the front line of Jinyuan to reach Shuzhou City, but.

But the extra time is meaningless to Wei Changtian.

Without the advantage of terrain, there is no way to set up an ambush, so the only advantage of going back to Shuzhou City to deploy is probably that it can wait until all the reinforcements from Dali arrive.

And in this way, the war will evolve into an offensive and defensive battle around Shuzhou City.

More than 200,000 imperial troops attacked the city.

More than 30,000 Shu troops and 100,000 Li troops, a total of up to 150,000 guard the city.

With a difference of nearly 100,000 troops, this battle will undoubtedly be very difficult.

What's more, Da Li also has his own small calculations, whether he will try his best on the battlefield or not is uncertain.

Neither this nor that.

Wei Changtian clenched his fists slightly, feeling as if he was in a situation where he could not advance or retreat.

The whole plan revolves entirely around Niutoushan, which means that if the imperial army does not fall into this trap, everything they have done before will be meaningless.

The Heavenly Dog army that has not appeared yet, Shen Ran's hand in the Niutou Mountain, the 100,000 Demonic Beasts lurking in the 100,000 mountains. The strategic significance of all these arrangements will be greatly reduced, or even cease to exist.

Unless you have a way to "force" the imperial army into Niutoushan.

Yes, this is Wei Changtian's last option.

Although the probability of success is not high, although it is very dangerous, but at this moment he must give it a try.

"Damn it, it's done!"

Standing up suddenly, Wei Changtian gritted his teeth and cursed.

He scorched Mother-Child Yu quickly sent a message to Han Zhao and Chu Xianping each, then got on the horse and swung the whip hard.


Amidst the sound of the whip, the war horse neighed in pain.

It suddenly turned around, raised its hooves, and ran back towards the way it came from at the fastest speed.

Two hours later, Yin time.

"Whew, wheeze."

Beside the gravel-strewn official road, a big maroon horse was kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily and sadly.

At this time, if a horse breeder sees this scene, he should be able to make a judgment immediately——

The horse was dying, exhausted to death.

And it was not because of running for too long, but because of running too fast in a short period of time and overdrawing too much energy to die.

Running the horse to death, the rider is obviously anxious to do something very important.

But now there is no one around the horse, and this person has been away for a while.

At the same time, two hundred miles away.

"Master You, please come!"

In the carriage driving behind the army, Han Zhao put away a piece of Mother-Child jade, then rushed out of the carriage and shouted.


The guards responded immediately, and quickly rode their horses to another carriage further back, and invited You Wenzong to Han Zhao's carriage after a while.

"General Han, why are you in such a hurry?"

Sitting down opposite Han Zhao, You Wenzong asked with a smile, "But what happened to the rebels?"

"That actually is not."

Shaking his head, Han Zhao's expression was calm: "Your Excellency, I just received a secret order from the capital, the emperor wants the army to immediately change to the Jinyuan line to Shuzhou City."


Obviously more than two hours have passed, but he said that he just received the order.

Although there will inevitably be delays in the transmission of military orders, such an error is too long.

But Han Zhao had to wait for these two hours.

Fortunately, judging from You Wenzong's current expression, he should not have noticed anything unusual.

"Change to Jinyuan?"

He was a little surprised and asked, "What's wrong with the line of Niutoushan?"

"This matter was not mentioned in the secret report."

Shaking his head, Han Zhao replied in a deep voice, "Your Majesty should have plans to own it."


Nodding noncommittally, You Wenzong pondered for a moment and didn't ask any more questions.

"General Han, I know about this."

"Since the emperor wants us to go to Jinyuan instead, then we will follow the order."

"Okay, that's my plan too, I just want to tell you first when I invite you here."

Han Zhao nodded lightly without changing his face: "Then I will call the generals of each battalion to arrange the steering."

"Well, General Lao is here."


Soon, the short conversation between the two ended, and Han Zhao was about to call the messenger in.

But at this moment, a huge muffled sound suddenly came from a distance.


If a boulder rolls down from the top of the mountain, the heavy sound is like the roaring of sea waves.

You Wenzong's face suddenly changed, and he immediately opened the curtain to look out.

But at this time, Han Zhao's face showed a complicated look.

There seems to be admiration, and there seems to be shame.

The two of them just looked at the golden light not far away with different moods, until a dozen or so breaths later, a lieutenant hurriedly galloped to the side of the carriage.


"The Chinese army has been attacked by the enemy!"


Han Zhao's face turned pale: "How many enemy troops are there? Where is the ambush? Why didn't our scouts notice it?!"


Swallowing his saliva, the lieutenant quickly replied: "Return to the general, there is only one enemy army, and they are lying in ambush by the side of the road, so we didn't notice it."

"one person?"


The lieutenant general's expression suddenly became weird, as if a little helpless.

"General, Lord You, this time it's Wei Changtian again."

(end of this chapter)

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