I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 488 The Protagonist Of The World

Chapter 488 The Protagonist of the World

A certain hall of the county government office was extremely quiet, and the sunlight shot in from the small window like countless golden arrows, illuminating the furnishings of the room.

"That note, you gave it to You Wenzong, right?"

Without looking at Xu Suisui, Wei Changtian asked her with his back turned.

And the long silence also verified his guess.


"Why, don't you have anything to say?"

Turning around, Wei Changtian's expression was calm, and there seemed to be some disgust in his tone.

Different from the anger and threats he had before, this was the first time he spoke to Xu Suisui in this tone.

And the latter finally opened his mouth, his voice was very small and difficult.

"Wei Changtian"

"I'm helping you"

I'm helping you.

This answer again.

Looking at Xu Suisui, Wei Changtian stepped back slowly half step and shook his head.

Normally, he should ask Xu Suisui how the original plot developed at this time, and then judge whether the latter is really helping him.

But he didn't ask anything.

On the contrary, Xu Suisui suddenly took a step closer, and hurriedly said:

"Wei Changtian, you will understand in the future!"

"Yes, I admit that I do have my own selfishness."

"But I won't hurt you!"

"Trust me, I can explain to you"


Waving his hand, Wei Changtian suddenly interrupted her.

"You don't need to explain to me, and I don't want to know."

"I only see that you are preventing the imperial army from entering Niutoushan, that's enough."


His figure froze suddenly, Xu Suisui's eyes gradually lost their brilliance.

She bit her lips tightly and asked tremblingly:

"Well, then what?"

"What are you going to do to me? Are you going to kill me?"


Sighing lightly, Wei Changtian turned his head to look at the cloudless blue sky outside the window.

"No matter what your purpose is, you helped me in Zhenshan camp before."

"Twice offset, so now you and I owe neither of them."

"Let's go, it doesn't matter to me what you do in the future."

"But if next time you make a move against me and fall into my hands"

After a pause, Wei Changtian lowered his head.

"Then I won't be as generous as I am today."


From acquaintance to breaking up, Wei Changtian and Xu Suisui only experienced less than a month.

The red peppers jumping all over the ground seemed to be still vivid in my mind, and the sound of "Comrade Wei" seemed to still echo in my ears.

Wei Changtian has not fulfilled his promise to help Xu Suisui find a Ruyi Scepter.

And Xu Suisui did not keep his promise, and helped Wei Changtian invent silk stockings and miniskirts

When the "revolutionary friendship" that was supposed to be unbreakable was shattered in an instant, neither Wei Changtian nor Xu Suisui spoke for a long, long time.

As a fellow, no, the word "folk" is no longer appropriate nowadays.

It should be said that there is indeed an unusual emotional sustenance between the two who are also "travelers".

This is why Wei Changtian has always faced Xu Suisui with an almost "infinite tolerance" attitude.

Even after learning the truth about the latter system, he still felt that the two should have a common goal and could become trustworthy companions.

But the note written by Xu Suisui made Wei Changtian realize the reality.

It turned out that a real trust could never be established between the two of them.

Since this is the case, it is already his biggest concession to go their separate ways.


"I see."

The slightly trembling voice was very small, full of indescribable loneliness.

Xu Suisui backed away a little bit, then stopped by the door, and turned his head slowly.

"Can I ask you one last question?"


Turning around and looking over, Wei Changtian was standing in the sunlight with a tall and straight figure: "Ask."

"it is good"

Xu Suisui hesitated for a moment, then asked softly, "If given the chance, would you go back?"


Wei Changtian had asked Xu Suisui this question before, and the latter gave an affirmative answer without even thinking about it.

But when Xu Suisui asked back, Wei Changtian didn't answer.

And at this moment, when his own situation has become "completely different", Wei Changtian probably understands why Xu Suisui asked this question again.

Here, he is the "Young Master Wei" who is above ten thousand people, powerful, and has many wives and concubines. He is the appointed and unique "protagonist" in the novel.

Back, he is an ordinary person who spends 996 hours all day and may not be able to afford a small house in a big city after working hard all his life. He is just one of the thousands of "supporting actors" in the world.

Since Xu Suisui knows her "predetermined ending" in the novel, asking such a question at this time is undoubtedly to confirm whether her arrival has affected her own "values".

Wei Changtian didn't know how his "original" self chose, and he didn't ask.

Facing such a multiple-choice question that didn't seem difficult, he just followed his heart and gave the answer quickly.

An answer that was completely beyond Xu Suisui's expectations.


"I will definitely go back."


His eyes widened slightly, and Xu Suisui's expression was a little dazed for a moment.


"Here, you are the main character"


Seeing Xu Suisui's reaction, Wei Changtian guessed how he was finally chosen in the novel.

Didn't you go back? It doesn't matter.

At least at this moment, what I said is indeed the truth.

"main character."

Seeing Xu Suisui with a complicated expression, Wei Changtian suddenly smiled.

"I think we're all getting one thing wrong."

"In the books I read, Xiao Feng is indeed the main character."

"In the book you read, I am indeed the protagonist."

"But for this world, there has never been and never will be a so-called protagonist."

"In other words, everyone in this world, no matter how high or low they are, is actually the protagonist of this world."


In the Wei Mansion, Wei Qiaoling, who had two braids on her head, had just finished a morning of practice, and was complaining to the little black dog beside her with a bitter face.

"Big ghost, cultivation is so boring."

"You have to grow up quickly, and I still want to ride you."

"Father and mother didn't know what good things happened to them these few days, and they were smiling all day long."

"Oh, and Dage and sister-in-law, I haven't seen them in a long time"

"Ah! Xiaoqing! You spit out Xiaohui! Don't eat Xiaohui!"

In the Fuyun Inn, the sun shone on the big brocade silk quilt, vaguely outlining Xu Qing's beautiful figure.

She really slept in the cage for a long time this time, it's already high in the sun and she hasn't woken up yet.

In the haze, the corners of Comrade Xiao Xu's mouth curled up slightly, as if he was having a good dream.

In the dream, there are Wei Changtian, parents, and countless white money.


Halfway through the sweet dream, Xu Qingwan turned over in a daze, and suddenly turned over half the width of the bed.

But even with such a big movement, she still held a small burden tightly in her arms, and she never let go of it.

After all, this little bundle containing banknotes and scraps of silver is her treasure.

In the Shu Army Company Battalion, a soldier named Li Erzhu was practicing the Saber Technique. Sweat ran across his slightly immature cheeks, and another drop fell into the soil.

Having gone through several battles in a row, Li Erzhu has successfully changed from a recruit who couldn't even hold a weapon steadily to a veteran with some battlefield experience.

And I don't know if it was because of good luck, not only did he really survive as Wei Changtian predicted, he even made military exploits, and if nothing unexpected happened, he would be promoted to Corporal Commander soon.

Although the corporal commander is the smallest official position in the army, there are only four or five people under him.

However, Li Erzhu was only fourteen years old after all, and he felt that his future would be bright.

After the war, I can go home to visit my parents, buy a few more acres of land for my family, and buy some beautiful clothes for Little Sister

In the scorching sun, Li Erzhu kept imagining the scene of "returning home" in the future, only feeling that the hand that swung the knife seemed to be more powerful.

Then at a certain moment, he suddenly thought of Wei Changtian whom he had only met once.

I don't know if I can be as powerful as Mr. Wei one day.

As Wei Changtian said.

There has never been a so-called protagonist in this world, and the world will never revolve around any one person.

For Wei Qiaoling, she is the Dage she hasn't seen for a long time.

But in her world there are still Wei Xianzhi, Qin Caizhen, the big ghost and that group of weird animals.

For Comrade Xiao Xu, he is the husband-in-law she has entrusted to her life.

But there is still abundance in her world, and there are countless silver waiting for her to earn.

For Li Erzhu, he is the "idol" who has given him encouragement.

But there are still relatives in his world, as well as the youthful ambition of "returning home".

Not only them.

Everyone including Chu Xianping, Liang Qin, Yang Liushi, Wei Xianzhi, etc., I may have a very important position in their hearts, but definitely not all of them.

And this is actually the relationship between oneself and the world.

What protagonist, what fate... These are all just the limitations of thinking caused by "wearing books".

For this world, everyone is nothing special, and everyone is indispensable

When Wei Changtian learned that the old woman was not actually waiting for him, and when he saw with his own eyes the hundreds of thousands of people who died on Niutoushan, he finally understood this truth.


"Is that why you didn't ask anything?"

After a long silence, Xu Suisui asked silently.


Wei Changtian's smile remained the same, and his tone was a little free and easy.

"What if you know the original plot?"

"Finish the trick according to the script?"

"Or do we have to deliberately change all this?"

"Both of which are too stupid."

"So I would rather not know the so-called fate, and just do what I think I should do at the moment."


"I understand."

"Thank you"

Looking at Wei Changtian standing in the sunlight, Xu Suisui suddenly whispered something inexplicable after being stunned for a long time.

But Wei Changtian didn't answer again, just turned his head and looked out the window again.

Shu soldiers in green armor hurried past the courtyard, their faces filled with long-lost relaxation and comfort, discussing in low voices when they would be promoted and rewarded, and when they would be able to go home to visit their relatives.

A little further away, in front of a newly opened restaurant in the county government office, there were a few waiters loudly attracting customers. Applause.

The copper plate "jingle ding ding ding" fell into the clay bowl, and one fell out, and was picked up by a beggar in an instant.

He used this copper plate to exchange for a steaming Steamed bun at a small stall not far away, then broke off a small piece and gave it to a lame old yellow dog.

All of these will never overlap with Wei Changtian in the novels that Xu Suisui has read.

But they exist incomparably real, and together constitute this real world.

Including the young man who traveled through time because of an electric shock in his previous life, and countless people like him.

They are, in fact, the protagonists of the world.

The cloudless sky was clear and blue.

A few birds frolicked among the branches, and then, under Wei Changtian's watchful eye, they flew away to a higher place.

(Volume 5, end)

(end of this chapter)

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