I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 5 Self-Correction Of Fate

Chapter 5 Self-correction of fate

Early the next morning.

Houqiu Village, about a dozen miles away from the capital, is surrounded by mountains and rivers. In front of the village, there is a small river that is neither wide nor narrow.

And because of this jade clay, there were two official kilns in Houqiu Village, which were dedicated to firing all kinds of porcelain for the palace.

But the good times didn't last long.

More than ten years ago, the supervisor who was in charge of managing these two official kilns somehow offended a certain big shot. Not to mention his decapitation, the official kiln in Houqiu Village was also closed by a notice issued by the chief secretary, and the whole village Porcelain kilns are not allowed to be built within the territory for 50 years.

Since then, the entire Houqiu Village has declined rapidly, and the registered population has been decreasing year after year. The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled can't even plant land, and can only barely make ends meet by selling some jade mud.

This day was already very sad, but recently there was a demon again.

A fat-headed wild boar monster is not very powerful, but it is not something ordinary people can deal with. After half a month, it has already eaten more than a dozen people in the village.

The yamen can't control this kind of thing, so they can only report the situation layer by layer, and hand it over to Liu Ye, who is in charge of ghosts and ghosts in Xuanjing Division, to handle it.

But who would have expected that when the two "Copper Leaf" masters from Liu Ye arrived in a hurry today, the pig demon had already taken the lead and turned all over the sky.


"Young Xia Xiao! You are really the savior of our village!"

The river was shallow but fast-moving, and the water hit the pig monster's corpse the size of a small elephant, and the splashed droplets were crystal clear.

Two men with Liu Ye knives on their waists were standing in the river to check the situation of the demon corpse, while a group of villagers in rags surrounded the bank. The young man said something.

Xiao Feng could only be Xiao Feng if he was able to do what was right by the way.

"Old man, I just do it conveniently, so don't take it to heart."

Xiao Feng had a gentle expression, and he cupped his fists politely: "Since the officials have already arrived, I'll take a step first..."

"Wait a minute!"

The white-haired old man grabbed Xiao Feng's sleeve, turned his head to a pretty girl next to him and hurriedly said: "Granddaughter, quickly go and get the jade plaque handed down by our family!"

"Understood, Grandpa."

After the little girl responded, she turned around and ran away with small steps, her face seemed to be a little flushed.

Xiao Feng was a little puzzled: "Old man, you are..."

The old man replied with a serious expression: "Young man, since you killed the pig demon, you are the benefactor of our Houqiu village!"

"Our village is poor and cannot produce gold, silver and jewelry, but there is a jade tablet handed down from our ancestors, which is said to have great magic."

"I'm willing to give this jade medal to the young hero in return for saving my life!"


Xiao Feng pondered for a while, but did not refuse: "Okay! If that's the case, then I will be disrespectful."

"Young hero, please don't say that..."


As the protagonist, no matter what trivial things you do, it is bound to be accompanied by big gains and great opportunities.

Obviously, this kind of jade tablet will naturally be a rare treasure.

Xiao Feng has long been used to this.

And while he was dealing with the villagers and waiting for the treasure to arrive, the conversation between the two men wearing Liu Ye knives not far away made him frowned unconsciously.

"Bright Eyes and Smartness" is a supernatural power that can only be mastered at the fifth rank level, which can greatly increase the audio-visual range.

Xiao Feng is only at the seventh rank, but he has cultivated a mysterious Cultivation Technique, so he can clearly hear the conversation between the two.

"...Although this pig demon has only been practicing Taoism for less than ten years, the person surnamed Xiao can kill him with one blow... Do you want to take it back and ask?"

"What's there to ask? One more thing in this world is worse than one less thing. Just write it down in the case file."

"That's right...Brother Li, since I have half a day to spare, why don't we go to Pingchangfang for a drink when we go back to the city later? I heard that Huayuelou has a new handsome boy who is good at singing and dancing."

"I think it's okay. Anyway, Master Sizhong has gone to the Wei Mansion to congratulate... Speaking of which, the Lu family is also unlucky. It's just a daughter who was actually favored by the devil king. I heard from the brother at the sticky pole that Lu Jingyao tried to die several times. ..."

"Be careful! You don't want to die!"

"Hey, it's just you and me here..."


Not long after, the two stopped talking, and the expression on Xiao Feng's face became extremely gloomy.

He returned to the capital this time because of a great opportunity, but who would have thought that he would hear such bad news before entering the city.

The confidante was forcibly captured by the enemy!

You know, Wei Xianzhi, who is in charge of Xuanjing Division, is the chief culprit who ordered the killing of his whole family!

A total of 17 people were killed overnight. Only he escaped because of his travels.

Although the luck of owning has become very good since then, there is absolutely no reason not to avenge such a bloody feud!

What's more, now Lu Jingyao is involved.

With monstrous anger welling up in his heart, Xiao Feng took a deep breath, and quickly forced himself to calm down, not being carried away by the anger.

He knew very well that with his current strength, if he directly killed Wei Mansion, it would be like hitting an egg against a stone, and he would just die in vain.

Fortunately, the members of the Wei family don't recognize his appearance, as long as they hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity, it is not necessarily impossible to find the opportunity...

A plan slowly took shape in his mind, and at the same time, the little girl who went to get the jade token just now also came back.

"Grandpa, jade token!"

"Well, Shaoxia Xiao, this is our village..."

The white-haired old man took the jade token and handed it to Xiao Feng. He was about to say something cheerfully, but the latter's cold expression made him shut up instantly.

Xiao Feng knew that it was difficult for him to have a good face at this time, so he simply stopped talking nonsense, put the jade tablet in his arms, and turned around and walked away quickly.

This kind of leaving without saying goodbye would undoubtedly make people very uncomfortable under normal circumstances, but the villagers present were not dissatisfied except for a little surprise.

Especially the little girl with a pretty face, even blushing and muttering in a low voice:

"This is the real man."

"I don't know when I will see Xiao big brother again..."

The resolute and unrestrained back, the grateful villagers, the young girl with a spring heart...

If Wei Changtian was present at this moment and saw this scene, he would definitely yell at him——Fucking halo of the protagonist!

In addition, there may be a hint of doubt.

Because the plot of Houqiu Village seems to be slightly different from the novel.

It's as if the illusory Heavenly Dao is actively correcting the wheel of fortune that has been changed by him.

(end of this chapter)

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