I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 597 Return To Beijing

Chapter 597 Return to Beijing

Two days later, the eleventh day of the first lunar month.

At dawn, the south gate of Daning capital was under martial law, and the common people were not allowed to enter or leave.

The generals of the city preparation army in yellow armor blocked the inside and outside of the city gate, and more than a hundred gold Yellow Dragon flags were fluttering in the wind. The scene was quite spectacular from a distance.

"Eunuch Li, how long will Mr. Wei be there?"

Standing on the city wall, Ning Wenjun in a dragon robe turned his head to look at Li Huaizhong who was standing beside him.

He did not call this old eunuch who had assisted three generations of emperors "Old Li" like Ning Yongnian did.

And Li Huaizhong's attitude towards the new master was also slightly indifferent.

"Back to the emperor, Master Wei sent a letter a quarter of an hour ago to say that he has arrived in Shanyang County, and it should be here soon."


Ning Wenjun nodded, and his eyes fell on a group of civil and military officials not far away, with complicated expressions.

All the main officials in Daning, including him, the emperor, are here now.

And the person they were waiting for was just a murderer.

Who would have thought that Daning would undergo such drastic changes in just two years, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the world has been turned upside down.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind blows catkins, and the life experience is ups and downs.

Alas, the world of great contention is really unpredictable.


Sighing in his heart, Ning Wenjun stopped talking, but just silently looked at the distant official road until a line of smoke and dust appeared in his field of vision.

"Is it them?"

"Go back to the emperor."

Li Huaizhong, who had better eyesight, nodded lightly: "It's the carriage of the Wei family."

"it is good."

After shaking his sleeves, Ning Wenjun took a light breath.

"Let's go, follow me down the city wall."

"Let's go to meet Mr. Wei."

"Grassman Wei Changtian, I have met His Majesty."

After a stick of incense, outside the South City Gate.

In the rays of the rising sun, Wei Changtian saw the new emperor of Daning for the first time.

Strictly speaking, Ning Wenjun was actually supported by him to come to power.

So Wei Changtian definitely couldn't kneel down, didn't even bend his waist, just arched his cupped hands to give up.

Of course, Ning Wenjun would not be displeased by this.

"Young Master Wei, Lord Wei, Madam, you have worked hard all the way."

Smiling and nodding his head, Ning Wenjun's eyes swept over the Wei family members including Yang Liushi and Li Zimu, and finally landed on Wei Changtian.

And the tall city gate behind him slowly opened with a "rumbling" sound.

Like the ancient times in the previous life, the gates of Daning capital also have a main gate and two side gates.

On weekdays, the common people can only go in and out through the side door, and only the army and the emperor can go through the main door.

But now that Ning Wenjun has someone open the main door, it is undoubtedly a public admission that Wei Changtian's identity is not inferior to him.

"Young Master Wei, please."

Ning Wenjun turned his body slightly, and the civil and military officials behind him immediately moved to both sides of the road, leaving a passage enough for several people to walk together.

"Thank you, Majesty Ron."

Although he said "thank you", Wei Changtian's expression remained calm.

He took a step forward and walked side by side with Ning Wenjun towards the opened city gate, followed by a group of court ladies and eunuchs holding various ceremonial guards.

But Wei Xianzhi and the others slowly followed further away.

Light golden calyx, uniform white jade.

The sky wind follows the holy driver and blows the city of Ninth Stage.

A solemn and solemn atmosphere enveloped the world, as if everyone was a head shorter than Ning Wenjun and Wei Changtian at this moment.

If the "opening the main door" just now was a detour, then Ning Wenjun invited Wei Changtian to enter the city together, which is to directly confirm the latter's status with actions.

I don't know if it conforms to the etiquette system, but in short, no one dares to say "no".

Walking side by side with the king of a country in public, Wei Changtian is probably the first "grassman" to do this.

But in fact, it was just a small scene for him.

What happened to the emperor?

Not only did he kill an emperor with his own hands, the other empress even called herself "Master".

If this spreads, the whole world will be fried.

Shaking his head, to stop these messy thoughts, Wei Changtian turned his head and glanced at Ning Wenjun who seemed a little nervous.

"His Majesty."

After pondering for a while, he withdrew his gaze and said lightly: "The enemy is now, but you don't have to mobilize the crowd like this."


Ning Wenjun obviously didn't expect Wei Changtian to say such a thing, but his reaction was quick, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and replied:

"What the young master said is that I will definitely pay attention next time."


Good guy, you can bend and stretch, are you also going to have a hard time?

"Your Majesty, you should understand what I mean."

I complained in my heart, but there was still that calm expression on my face.

Wei Changtian turned his head to look at Ning Wenjun, and said slowly:

"Da Ning still belongs to the Ning family, not the Wei family."

"As Emperor Daning, you don't have to be so condescending to me, and you don't have to worry that I will take away your Ning family's long-term foundation."

"If I really wanted to do that, you'd be dead by now, wouldn't you?"


The dragon robe trembled slightly, Wei Changtian's unprepared words caused Ning Wenjun's footsteps to pause, and the smile on his face became extremely forced.

Although he was supported by the Wei family, the current Daning court has basically been controlled by the same boat club.

But which emperor is willing to be a puppet for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Ning Wenjun must have a bigger plan, but now he dare not show it due to his weak strength.

But at this moment, Wei Changtian directly pierced his mind, and seemed to be encouraging him to do so?

"Young Master Wei, I don't understand what you mean."

He replied with some difficulty, Ning Wenjun's aura was already much weaker than that of Wei Changtian.

"If you don't understand, you don't understand."

Wei Changtian glanced at the new emperor who was far from Ning Yongnian in every respect, and suddenly changed the subject.

"Your Majesty, I killed Ning Yongnian, do you hate me?"


"My lord, my lord was joking."

Ning Wenjun should have expected that Wei Changtian would say this a long time ago, and he was already ready to answer.

But the tense atmosphere at this moment still made his voice tremble a little.

"Young Master's killing of the murderous king is a good deed to eradicate evil for the world. I, I am more grateful than that, so why not talk about it."

"But he is your father after all."

Staring into Ning Wenjun's eyes, Wei Changtian interrupted: "As the saying goes, killing one's father is a feud that cannot be shared, so your Majesty has never thought about taking revenge?"


In the original answer, Ning Wenjun should have said something about "killing relatives with righteousness" at this time.

However, when he saw Wei Changtian's eyes, he suddenly felt that these words were meaningless, so he still didn't say it.

For a moment, the scene fell into a brief silence, only the distant sound of rites and music echoing in the wind.

"His Majesty."

Without letting this silence last for too long, Wei Changtian turned his head and looked forward.

"Do you know what your father's last words were before he died?"


Ning Wenjun suddenly raised his head, his eyes were extremely complicated.

And Wei Changtian, in this sight full of various emotions, asked himself softly and answered:

"He begged me to keep Daning."

"I agree."

"So, Your Majesty, I will help you defend Liangzhou and repel the invading enemies."

"Before that, I don't want you to have any small thoughts, so that you can fight against the enemy with me."

"As for after retreating from the enemy."

"If you still want to seek revenge from me, I will accompany you at any time."


As the morning glow sprinkled golden light, Ning Wenjun's breathing became more and more rapid.

But when the two walked across the suspension bridge over the moat and entered the capital through the main gate, he gradually regained his composure.

"Okay, I understand."

The word "zhen" is heavier than before, as if until this moment, Ning Wenjun finally became the emperor of Daning.

(end of this chapter)

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