I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 607 Lu Huang Huang Sheng

Chapter 607 Lu Huang Huang Sheng

From arriving in Liangzhou City to deciding to cross the Tianshan Mountains to investigate the enemy's situation in person, the process took only half an hour, and Wei Changtian didn't even sit down to take a sip of water.

The three of Liang Zhen were taken aback when they heard the words, but after thinking for a while, they didn't persuade them.

After all, no matter from which point of view, Wei Changtian is indeed the best candidate for this trip.

Of course, he can't go alone.

It's just that the accompanying people are not so easy to choose.

First of all, for the sake of concealment, the number of people should not be too many.

Secondly, for speed and safety, everyone's Realm should not be too low.

"Yang Liushi and Zhang Sanhui will go with me."

Soon, Wei Changtian was the first to propose two candidates.

He didn't just say it casually, but these two people are really useful.

Before Zhang San followed him, he was at the sixth rank. In the past two years, he has accumulated a lot of training resources, and now he is already at the fifth rank.

The same is true for Yang Liushi, since she was by Wei Changtian's side, the Yaoling Pill has not been broken, and she already has the strength of fifth rank.

Although the middle third rank is not very powerful, it will not hold back anyway.

More importantly, Zhang San's ability to never forget and Yang Liushi's Illusion Art are likely to play a huge role in this "reconnaissance" activity.

And besides that.

"General Han, please find someone in the city who is familiar with the situation of Tianshan Mountain to be our guide on this trip."

After talking to Han Zhao, Wei Changtian turned to look at Liang Zhen again: "Uncle Liang, lend me a third rank lieutenant general, the stronger the better."

"Okay, I'll do it now."

"No problem, just rest assured, Changtian."

Han Zhao and Liang Zhen quickly agreed, and then asked again with some worries:

"Do you need anyone else?"


Wei Changtian shook his head: "When there are too many people, it's not easy to hide their whereabouts, and it's easy to cause accidents."

"Five people are enough."

Half an hour later, in a secret room in the Liangzhou government office.

The aroma of tea was wafting, Wei Changtian was sitting opposite a soldier in white armor.

This person's name is Huang Sheng, who belongs to the Liangzhou Army.

Although the Realm of Huang Province is not too high, the fourth rank is not too low.

More importantly, he once escorted the envoys of Zhan Shifu across the Tianshan Mountains to visit the emperor of Ji State.

Crossing the Tianshan Mountain once, back and forth twice, even if you don't know the overall situation of this snow mountain, at least you know a route that can reach Jiguo.

Therefore, he will be Wei Changtian's guide on this trip.


"Lieutenant Huang, General Han should have told you all that needs to be said."

After taking a sip of hot tea, Wei Changtian raised his eyes to look at the obviously nervous man opposite him.

"Our trip is of great importance, and it may affect the direction of the future war, and even the life and death of Daning."

"But you don't have to be nervous, just do your job well."

"When we come back, I will ask General Han to give you credit no matter what, and I won't let you make this trip in vain."

"The villain dare not be greedy for merit!"

Standing up from the chair with a "bass", Huang Sheng's voice was loud.

Although he was nervous, he still had military qualities and stood upright.

"In the face of a national crisis, a villain should serve the country! He should obey the orders of his superiors!"

"Please rest assured, my lord!"

The sonorous and forceful sound shook the tea in the cup, and Wei Changtian finally had a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, what Captain Huang said is good."

"Then this trip will be a labor of love for you."

"Don't dare!"

Huang Sheng replied loudly again: "It's a villain's honor to be able to serve the Emperor and Young Master!"


First the emperor, then the son.

Now everyone in Daning knows that Ning Wenjun is the half puppet of the Wei family, and Wei Changtian is the half head of the Wei family.

Therefore, if ordinary people want to put the two together, they will often put Wei Changtian ahead of Ning Wenjun.

But this Huang Sheng was not the case. Not only did he put Ning Wenjun in front, but judging from his expression, he didn't feel that he had said something wrong.

So in his heart, he really felt that the Son of Heaven was greater than everything else.

More importantly, he dared to say that in front of Wei Changtian.

I'm a straightforward person

To himself, Wei Changtian was very indifferent to this, and there was no reaction on his face.

He was just about to say something else, but there was a knock on the door at this moment.

"Long days."

The person who came was Liang Zhen, followed by a man in green armor.

"This is Lu Huang. He has been with me for nearly ten years. Although his strength is not top-notch in the third rank, he is not far behind me."

Liang Zhen briefly introduced a few sentences, and the man named Lu Huang immediately stood up and said sonorously:

"The last general, Lu Huang! I've met Mr. Wei!"


After looking Lu Huang up and down, Wei Changtian nodded slightly, indicating that Liang Zhen could leave.

The latter nodded and quickly left the secret room.

And Wei Changtian didn't chat with Lu Huang too much, but turned around and said something suddenly to the screen in the room.

"Miss Li, come out."


Under the watchful eyes of the three, Li Zimu slowly appeared from behind the screen, apparently waiting here for a long time.

Be it Lu Huang or Huang Sheng, they had already noticed this aura long ago, but Wei Changtian didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to ask.

As for what Wei Changtian is going to do.

"Lieutenant Huang, General Lu, this woman is a guest of my Wei family."

"I still have some things to do, so let her talk to you for a while first."

"It's the son, but it's okay to go."

Although a little dazed, Lu Huang and Huang Sheng couldn't disobey their orders, so they had to bow together and watch Wei Changtian leave.

The door of the secret room opened and closed, and then they heard a soft voice behind them.

"Two, please sit down."


Two quarters of an hour later, Li Zimu found Wei Changtian who was drinking tea in another secret room.

"Young master, both General Lu and Captain Huang should be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I dare not say 100% sure, but ninety-nine percent will not be the secret work of the enemy country."


Nodding his head, Wei Changtian didn't ask Li Zimu how he tried it.

Anyway, this move is just in case, it is impossible for everyone to be a spy.

If he hadn't experienced the embarrassment of not enough system points, he would have given each of these two a puppet pill.

Now that we have plum wood, we can save as much as we can. Good steel should be used on the blade.

"Miss Li, you already know why I am here."

After a pause, Wei Changtian looked at Li Zimu and said, "After I leave, you will follow Uncle Liang, and he will take you to meet some people."

"And all you have to do is find out if these people are traitors."


Li Zimu was stunned: "My lord, do you think this is because someone in Daning leaked the secret?"

"I don't know, I just think that if the technique of witchcraft can really distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, then Dajue would have been invincible in the world long ago."

Wei Changtian squinted his eyes, and said in a cold tone, "Besides, no matter what, it's always right to be more careful."


Li Zimu nodded, feeling a little inexplicable in his heart.

Since she was a child, she knew that she was different from other children, but she didn't know exactly where the difference was.

It wasn't until she grew older and matured that she realized that she could read other people's minds.

Of course, this does not refer to the meaning of "know what the other person is thinking at a glance".

It is a comprehensive analysis that combines language, behavior, expression, and logic.

In fact, many people can do this kind of thing if they train deliberately. For example, Chu Xianping also has a certain ability to read minds.

It's just that plums are born with it.

She has always felt that this ability is useless, at most it can always negotiate the lowest price when bargaining with vegetable vendors.

It often even bothers her a little bit.

And it wasn't until he met Wei Changtian and followed him to the capital and Liangzhou that Li Zimu realized that the same ability was used in different places, and the value it could exert was completely different.

Before, even if she guessed the "psychological base price" of the vegetable vendor, she could only save a few coppers.

But now, the objects of her "mind reading" have been changed to the emperor, generals, courtiers and other big figures.

And once she "read" something that shouldn't be "read", countless people may die because of it.


"Young master, I understand."

(end of this chapter)

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