I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 610 Demonic Beasts Gift? ?

Chapter 610 Demonic Beasts gift? ?

After a quarter of an hour, the porridge in the pot bottomed out, and only a few bones of the roasted rabbit remained.

Everyone was full and ready to continue on their way, only Zhang San looked depressed.

Everyone else is fine, but the porridge in his bowl is like shit, it's really hard to swallow.

Of course, Zhang San didn't have a penchant for eating shit, so he had no choice but to throw away the bowl of porridge, and was going to eat a bigu pill to fill his stomach.

But who knew that even this Bigu Pill had a foul smell, which made him suspect that it was really his own bad breath.

Fortunately, a bigu pill is only about the size of a lid, so there is no need to go through the long torture of drinking porridge.

So in the end, Zhang San still closed his eyes, barely swallowing the "shit".

Good guy, if this was in the previous life, Zhang Sanbao must have been earlier than Lao Bahuo.

Seeing Zhang San's appearance, Wei Changtian secretly admired Zhang San's "courage" in his heart.

Of course he understood that this was all Yang Liushi's fault, and although he didn't care much, he didn't want to see Zhang San "eating shit" every day, so he took a chance and whispered to the former:

"It's almost enough, Zhang San doesn't know that you are Fox Demon."

"Hmph! I don't care! Who told him to eat foxes!"

Yang Liushi snorted lightly, with an angry tone.

But after all, she and Zhang San don't have any "deep hatred", so she quickly added:

"Okay, it's just this meal, I know how important it is."

"That's fine."

Nodding his head, Wei Changtian asked curiously, "Is that little fox a male or a female?"

"Young Master, why do you ask this?"

Yang Liushi looked vigilant: "What if it's the male's? So what if it's the female's?"

"Where do you want to go!"

Wei Changtian frowned with an "upright face", "I'm just curious."


Yang Liushi covered her mouth with a smile and said, "That's the public's."

"What is that??"

Wei Changtian looked suspicious: "I always feel that you are lying to me."

"How dare the slave family lie to the young master?"

Yang Liushi pursed her lips and smiled, walking away on her own.

"Really public"


The morning sun is slanting across the vast snow-capped mountains. Yang Liushi is wearing a large white velvet robe, but it is difficult to hide her tall and graceful figure.

At first glance, she is far more in line with Snow God than the statue in the main hall.

"Take it, even eat the vinegar of the same kind."

Wei Changtian glanced at the figure not far away, muttered something, and went outside the temple to relieve himself.

In the courtyard, Huang Sheng was looking at the map to study today's route, while Zhang San and Lu Huang were packing pots and pans.

Everyone didn't realize that at the corner next to the main hall, the little fox who had just been released was hiding in the shadows and carefully observing something.

The fluffy tail was coiled tightly under the body, and the big black eyes swept across the figures of several people in the courtyard, and finally fell on Yang Liushi.

The nose moved slightly, and the four little feet moved hesitantly.

The little fox obviously felt that Yang Liushi was his kind, so he especially wanted to rush over to make out with the latter.

It even wanted to follow Yang Liushi out of here.

But when it saw Zhang San who was "vicious", it shrank its neck again in fright, and quickly dismissed the idea.

No matter what, the little fox still thinks that own life is the most important thing.

Sticking it against the wall, I just watched silently for a long while.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, it seemed as if it suddenly remembered something, and suddenly ran towards the depths of the mountain temple.


In a quarter of an hour.

When the rising sun in the east completely jumped out of the sky, the five of them had packed up and were ready to continue on their way.

Although they didn't sleep all night last night, in order not to miss the opportunity to reach Jiguo as quickly as possible, they are bound to have a hard time resting for a long time these days.

Especially in such a windless and snowless daytime, it is a good time to travel among the snow-capped mountains, so it is natural to walk as much as possible.

"Young master, everything is packed."

Outside the temple, Lu Huang prepared a large package and nodded at Wei Changtian.

The things everyone brought on this trip were not many, but not too little.

And most of them were recited by Lu Huang.

A dignified general in the third rank realm has been reduced to a "hunchback" at this time, and it seems that he is a bit overqualified.

But this is also impossible.

Wei Changtian has a noble status, so he definitely cannot carry luggage.

Yang Liushi is a woman, especially Wei Changtian's woman, so naturally it is the same.

So the luggage can only be shared by Lu Huang, Huang Sheng, and Zhang San.

Among the three, the former had the highest Realm, so he also memorized the most.


"General Lao is here."

After glancing at Lu Huang, Wei Changtian, who was in a relaxed suit, casually said politely, and then prepared to give the order to continue on his way.

The weather is fine today, so we can probably walk a little longer than expected and arrive at a high mountain lake called "Xianchi" in the depths of the Tianshan Mountains to rest.

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian couldn't help thinking of the "Tianchi" in his previous life.

By the way, I have traveled to Tianchi Lake before.

"Let's go."

The magnificent scenery flashed in his mind, and Wei Changtian quickly calmed down and said, "Captain Huang, you will lead the way ahead."


Huang Sheng took the lead to step forward, and everyone followed closely behind, planning to leave the mountain temple.

However, at this moment, there was a soft cry that suddenly sounded from the temple.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, a snow-white animal shadow suddenly jumped out from the temple wall, and came straight towards the five people with an object in its mouth.

Everyone knew it was the little fox, but they didn't know what it was going to do.

If other Demonic Beasts rushed over like this, they would probably die before they got close.

However, everyone knows the strength of this little fox, so they are not afraid of it "revenging its kindness and revenge", but just stand there and watch curiously.

Then everyone saw this little thing rushing all the way to Yang Liushi's feet, spitting out something with its mouth opening and closing, and then fled back to the mountain temple without looking back.


The thing in its mouth fell on the snow, and it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

It was a round bead about half the size of a palm, with a snow-white body.

Obviously, the little fox wanted to give this item to Yang Liushi.

But what is this thing?

Judging from Yang Liushi's expression, she probably hadn't seen this thing before. She bent down to pick it up and looked at it for a long time, still with a dazed expression, as if she was pondering something.

And Wei Changtian saw that the psychological activities behind this scene were extremely rich.

Hey guys, is this the Demonic Beasts giveaway? ? ?

But why did Yang Liushi give it to her instead of herself? ? ?

All good things have nothing to do with you, right? !

Obviously daddy saved you from Zhang San's mouth! !

Wei Changtian complained wildly in his heart, but he was even more curious about what this round bead was.

He glanced at the direction where the little fox disappeared, then walked to Yang Liushi and asked:

"Demon Spirit Pill?"


Yang Liushi shook her head, and handed over the white round bead: "There is no True Qi fluctuation in it, I feel like it's just a rounded white stone."


Wei Changtian frowned, took the ball and observed it carefully for a long while, but found nothing special.

Ok? Is it really just a piece of Shiraishi head?

For a while, Wei Changtian didn't know whether he should be happy or regretful.

I am happy because this thing was given to Yang Liushi by the little fox. If it is worthless, I don't think I have "missed an opportunity".

The regret is that Yang Liushi’s poetry is own, so thinking about it this way, I have “missed an opportunity”.


Curling his lips and handing the bead back to Yang Liushi, Wei Changtian just thought that the little fox took the ordinary object as a treasure, and didn't think about it anymore.

After all, this situation is not uncommon.

He raised a cat in his previous life, and he would often XZ things like bottle caps and packaging bags, making them look like rare treasures.

Just like that, the five of them set off to continue their journey, and their figures quickly became small and blurred.

After all, Yang Liushi did not throw away the beads, but put them in her bag.

At this moment, she still doesn't know what the ball is, and she doesn't know what she will gain or lose because of it.

All doubts gradually disappeared into the vast snow-capped mountains under the gaze of the little fox.

(end of this chapter)

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