Chapter 620 The Second Cave

"Ma'am, watch your step."

The winding cave was gloomy and gloomy, and the flickering firelight reflected the shadows of the two on the cave wall, like ghosts.

The passage in the cave is not wide, so Lu Huang walked in front and Yang Liushi walked behind. The sound of their footsteps echoed in the confined space.

Looking up at the surrounding situation, Yang Liushi walked steadily, but her expression was a little serious.

Obviously, this deep hole is not man-made, but exists here naturally.

It's just that it was discovered later, and stone steps were dug in it to serve as a hidden place for hiding treasures.


Following a few steps behind Lu Huang, Yang Liushi walked for about tens of breaths, but she didn't see the bones everywhere that the former said.

She frowned, just about to ask.

But before they could say anything, when the two of them turned around a corner, they saw that the front suddenly opened up, and there was an open space with a length and width of at least tens of feet.


Yang Liushi suddenly stopped in her tracks, a trace of unconcealable surprise flashed in her eyes.

As Lu Huang said, there are indeed bones everywhere.

White skeletons and skeletons are scattered all over the place, and at first glance, there are no less than a hundred of them.

And since they have turned into bones, it means that these people and beasts have been dead for a long time.

"Madam, the general just checked briefly."

In front, Lu Huang also stopped and stood still, turned around and whispered: "Some of the bones here have been rotten, let alone more than ten years ago."

"But some are still well preserved and should have been discarded here in recent years."

From the decay of fleshy corpses to dense bones, the time required for this process varies according to the environment.

In places as warm as Shuzhou, about one year is enough.

But in an extremely cold place like Tianshan, it will take at least four or five years.

And this means that the owners of these bones have been dead for at least several years.


With light footsteps, Yang Liushi didn't say anything immediately, but squatted down next to a pile of white bones, and observed carefully for a while.

After almost half a stick of incense, she asked Lu Huang softly.

"General Lu, don't you think it's weird?"


Lu Huang was stunned: "I don't know what Madam is referring to."

"Please take a look, General."

Yang Liushi pointed to the soil under the bones: "The color of these soils is darker than other places, and there are many scratches, indicating that these people and beasts should have been thrown in while they were alive."

"But where are their clothes?"


Lu Huang reacted in an instant, and quickly turned his head to look around, but he really didn't see any clothes, weapons or anything like that.

Even small items like jade pendants and hairpins have never been seen before.

In the huge cave, apart from the bones, there are only more than a hundred large wooden boxes stacked on one side, some of which are open, revealing the neatly stacked silver ingots and copper coins inside.

"Perhaps these people were thrown in naked, ma'am?"

Lu Huang thought for a moment, then seriously analyzed: "Those big families who repaired this temple will inevitably have many enemies. Maybe they use this cave as a place to throw their corpses?"

"Throwing away the corpse?"

Yang Liushi shook her head: "General, if it's throwing corpses, why don't they kill the people first, instead throw the living people in?"

"Besides, even if you are afraid of being traced by the government and want to throw the corpse in the wilderness, wouldn't it be easier to just throw it in other places in the Tianshan Mountains? Why do you have to choose this mountain temple where people come and go?"


Hearing Yang Liushi's series of questions, Lu Huang was a little dumbfounded.

Although he is a martial artist, his head turns slowly, but now he has discovered the problem.

That's right, if these bones were really thrown in by those wealthy households who built temples, then the questions raised by Yang Liushi would not be able to be explained.


"Madam, if they didn't do it, who else would it be?"

"I have no idea."

Yang Liushi replied, her nostrils fluttered slightly, and she suddenly said:

"General Lu, there is one more strange thing."

"Although these bones have been here for many years, there is no other exit from this cave except the hole hidden under the statue."

"In such a closed place, no matter how long it takes, there should still be a fishy smell."

"But do you smell the slightest stench?"


Hearing this, Lu Huang gasped again, only to realize that there was no stench of rotting corpses in the whole cave.

"Ma'am, is there another way in and out of this cave?"

"should be."

Nodding, Yang Liushi got up and looked around, her eyes fell on the large wooden boxes stacked on the side of the cave.

At this time, Lu Huang also had some doubts about the strangeness of the pile of wooden boxes. Dang even drew his sword and walked closer, looking back at Yang Liushi.


"Well, General Lao is here."


With a promise, Lu Huang no longer hesitated, and immediately began to check the pile of boxes one by one.

There were no abnormalities in the first few boxes, and they were all silver ingots without official seals, which should be very old from the outside.

But when Lu Huang opened the fourteenth box, his expression suddenly changed.

He froze for a moment, then slowly picked up the box in the direction of Yang Liushi.

The scene of silver ingots and copper coins falling all over the ground did not appear, and the box was actually empty


Yang Liushi frowned, and immediately shouted softly:

"Look at the others!"

"I will understand in the end."

Throwing the empty box aside, Lu Huang turned his head to continue checking.

And after this, the twenty or thirty boxes he opened one after another were all empty.

There are more than one hundred large boxes, only the outermost layer contains belongings, and the others are empty boxes.

This is definitely not because the property was stolen, but it is obvious that someone deliberately used this pile of boxes to hide something.

"General Lu, move all the boxes away."

Yang Liushi has also come close at this time, and her sixth sense tells her that the strange white light and the whereabouts of the little fox may be related to this place.

She gave an order and stopped talking, just stared at Lu Huang as he moved away the wooden boxes one by one, and her breathing gradually became short of breath.

Then, when Lu Huang threw a wooden box aside again, the eyes of both of them froze suddenly.

In the line of sight, there was another hole.


Lu Huang turned his head, with admiration on his expression.

It can be said that the discovery of this hole in the hole is all due to Yangliu Poetry, and if there is no accident, then the real secret of this cave should be in the second hole.

"Madam, I will go in and take a look at the end."

After smashing the other wooden boxes blocking the entrance of the cave, Lu Huang held the torch and wanted to enter the cave again to explore the way.

However, Yang Liushi's reaction was completely different from when she discovered the hole under the statue just now.

"General, don't worry!"

With a soft drink, she stopped Lu Huang, who was only one step away from the entrance of the cave, with an extremely serious expression on her face.

Although in Lu Huang's view, the current situation is not much different from just now.

But from the perspective of Yang Liushi, the hundreds of bones in the cave make the second cave entrance dangerous and unpredictable.

So even if it's just Lu Huang, she doesn't want the other party to take this risk.

"General Lu, let's go back to Liangzhou City and invite more people before we come."

After thinking for a while, Yang Liushi said slowly: "Anyway, no one will come to this mountain temple now, and I am not afraid that this cave will be visited first."

"Well, that's fine too."

Lu Huang didn't refuse, but held a torch and probed the entrance of the cave again, wanting to take a look at the situation inside first.

This is actually a very normal behavior.

However, it was such a simple action that actually triggered a jaw-dropping scene.

I saw that when Lu Huang poked his hand holding the torch into the hole, the originally dark hole suddenly rippled like a water surface, and immediately burst out a huge suction force.

This suction was so strong that it dragged Lu Huang's left arm like a giant hand and went into the hole.

However, the latter is also a battle-tested warrior after all, and his reaction speed is not unreasonable. He made a decision almost as soon as the sudden change emerged.


His eyes widened suddenly, and the veins on his forehead popped out. After a loud drink, he raised the long knife in his right hand without hesitation, and slashed at his left arm that had been dragged into the hole.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the wound was bloody.

After the arm was broken, the suction naturally disappeared along with the broken arm. Lu Huang, who had escaped, also fell backward suddenly, smashing several empty boxes with his body.

The pain was mixed with fear, causing him, who was sitting paralyzed in the broken wood, to be drenched in cold sweat instantly.

However, before Lu Huang came back to his senses, his eyes suddenly widened again in the next second.


In the blink of an eye, he only had time to let out an exclamation, and all the figures of Yang Liushi in his sight had already disappeared into the dark hole, leaving a long skirt and white robe slowly falling from the midair.


Looking at the scene of "people stripping clothes and leaving behind", Lu Huang opened his mouth in a daze, but couldn't take in any air.

At this moment, he even forgot the pain of losing his left arm.

What is this hole? ?

Yang Liushi obviously didn't touch the entrance of the cave, so why was she sucked into the cave? ? ?

Could it be that she took the initiative to go in? ? !

(end of this chapter)

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