I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 635: Thirty Years Like A Dream (Part 2)

Chapter 635: Thirty Years Like a Dream (Part 2)

Every three breaths, kill a demon.

When Wei Changtian took the lives of two demons just while talking, Su Xiu knew he was not joking.

His eyes widened suddenly, and his beautiful face was full of anger and panic.

She stared blankly at Wei Changtian, as if seeing a devil who came to the world from The Underworld, she opened her mouth and couldn't utter a word.

However, Wei Changtian didn't care about her at all. As soon as the three breaths arrived, he swung his knife again, casually chopping off the head of another guard.

In ten breaths, there were three more demon corpses in the room.

According to this posture, nearly five hundred monsters will die every quarter of an hour, and four thousand monsters will die every hour.


Under the extreme pressure, Su Xiu finally came to his senses, shouted aloud and rushed towards Wei Changtian.

However, the latter just waved her hand casually, and the invisible air wall that suddenly rose trapped her in place, unable to move the half step anymore.

"This, this is."

Su Xiu had never seen such supernatural powers as Suolong before, and she couldn't help but turn pale with fright, struggling like a headless fly in the small space.

But no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't escape the shackles under her feet that were less than half a foot away. She could only watch helplessly as Wei Changtian swung his knife again and took the life of the fourth guard.

Like a canary trapped in a cage, Su Xiu pressed his hands firmly against the dragon lock wall, looking at Wei Changtian with despair and hatred in his eyes.

And there were more and more monsters around, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area of ​​the small lake was completely blocked.

They also looked extremely angry and humiliated. If their eyes could kill, the anger in their eyes would have burned Wei Changtian to ashes long ago.

However, when their eyes fell on the four Wei Zhaohai who were already standing beside Wei Changtian, none of them dared to step forward and desperately.

More than ten thousand Demonic Beasts just stood there and watched Wei Changtian kill their companions with one knife after another. This scene is actually ridiculous at first glance.

However, it is also a little sad.

Because everyone knew that if they stepped forward, they would only die faster.

Four second ranks, one third rank, so if five people start killing, the speed of the dead is not as simple as "three breaths and one".

This sense of powerlessness brought about by the gap in strength is the most desperate.

If you can't beat it, you can only be slaughtered by others, there is no way.


Slowly, when there were more and more corpses by the lake, more and more monsters gritted their teeth and cast their eyes on Su Xiu.

They were not waiting for the latter to agree to Wei Changtian's conditions, but waiting for the latter to give an order, and then rushed forward desperately.

Because they would rather die in battle than lose their lives in such a humiliating manner.




The muffled roar sounded like thunder, and the bloody smell stimulated the nerves of every Demonic Beasts, and even inspired their inherent bloodiness.

At this moment, as long as Su Xiu says a word, a doomed cruel battle will break out.

However, the latter's decision was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the scorching sun, Jin Yang is like an arrow.

Just when a leopard demon that had not yet transformed, which was also the thirty-second Demonic Beasts, died under Li Huaizhong's palm, she suddenly closed her eyes and shouted a word with all her strength.


Facing Wei Changtian's almost insulting "killing one person with three breaths", Su Xiu, as the demon king, was undoubtedly the most desperate and contradictory one among all the people present.

On the one hand, no matter because of what Wei Changtian is doing now, or because of her promise to Yan Huanwen, she wants to tear Wei Changtian into thousands of pieces.

But on the other hand, her sanity, which had not been completely lost, kept reminding her that Bailing Mountain alone would not be able to do this no matter what.

Therefore, if she wanted to kill Wei Changtian to avenge the dead, she had to hold him back until the masters from the Dajue court arrived.

And in this way, she will definitely not be able to hand over Yang Liushi.

After all, once we make friends, Wei Changtian will have no worries, he can leave whenever he wants, and she can't stop him at all.

But if he doesn't make friends, is he just watching Wei Changtian kill them one by one?

It's just past noon now, and it's still half a day before Yan Huanwen said "tomorrow morning".

If Wei Changtian really didn't stop, there would be no more survivors in the entire Bailing Mountain when the imperial masters came.

Of course, it is impossible for Su Xiu to watch Bai Lingshan disappear like this, and he cannot hand over Yang Liushi, so there is only one last way left.

That is to escape.

Even if Wei Changtian has four second rank masters under his command, as long as the monsters want to escape, most of them will be able to escape.

Of course he couldn't escape, but Su Xiu didn't even think about running for his life.

When the matter developed to this point, she had already put life and death aside, and only thought about how to save more people's lives.

So when she finished shouting, but found that few of the monsters moved, she continued to shout anxiously:

"Run away!!!"

"I order you!! Run away!!!"

"How far can you escape!!"

"Don't come back!!"


Under Su Xiu's screaming at the top of her lungs, many Demonic Beasts finally understood her intentions, turned around and wanted to run away.

Seeing the gradually chaotic scene because of this, Su Xiu's desperate face eased a little bit.

However, in the next second, when she inadvertently caught a glimpse of Wei Changtian's movements from the corner of her eyes, she just felt that she seemed to be thinking too simply.


Glancing at Su Xiu, Wei Changtian smiled and slowly raised his right hand, then dropped it immediately.


The invisible Dragon Locking Formation suddenly rose up, covering an area of ​​several miles around the small lake in an instant.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

Countless running Demonic Beasts collided with the air wall one after another, making a series of dull sounds.

There were even some unlucky guys who happened to be on the edge of the dragon lock formation, and were immediately divided into two sections by the formation wall.

Beast blood gushed out from the corpse, staining the ground red and forming a blood-red border.

Outside is life, inside is death.


Thousands of beasts roared, but they couldn't shake the Dragon Locking Formation.

Su Xiu stared at all this in a daze, the last light in her eyes dissipated little by little.

She couldn't believe that Wei Changtian's method actually made escape become a luxury.

The roaring and collision sounds in the distance gradually became indistinct, Su Xiu didn't know what else he could do, and even his vision became blurred.

At this moment, the expressions of Wei Zhaohai, Yu Qi, and Zuo Huiyu were also somewhat complicated. Only Li Huaizhong was still "conscientiously" counting the time silently, waving his palm every three breaths, and taking away a Demonic Beasts life.

More than a hundred demon corpses were scattered everywhere, and white mist floated above them.

Wei Changtian took a look at the mist that had risen due to the summoning demon, then sat down on a wooden chair that was still in good condition, and said with a smile:

"Monster King, I just took a look, and there are about four or five thousand demons in the formation, enough to kill for a while."

"It's okay, think about it slowly."

"Let's not rush."

(end of this chapter)

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