I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 66 Back To Beijing, Opening

Chapter 66 Back to Beijing, Opening

In the next few days, the three of them didn't return to Beijing. Instead, they kept running around to slay demons and slay demons like rushing to the market, and killed four more monsters in total.

There is a monster killing task at Liu Ye's place. After this time, the three of them directly completed the KPI for the next month ahead of schedule, and each of them has a lot of extra gains.

Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng made money, while Wei Changtian raised the Cultivation Base.

Having absorbed the skills of four more monsters, Realm has reached the peak of the seventh rank, only one step away from the sixth rank.

I have to say that the supernatural power of "Shooting Demon" is really too buggy!

If it weren't for everyone being a little tired, he really wanted to kill all the monsters he could remember at once.

But slow killing is also good, at least there is no need to explain to Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen why own Realm has improved so fast.

On the eighth day of September, after some calculations, the three of them finally ended their short-term trip to eliminate demons and set off for Beijing.



The black carriage with the Hujiao flag galloped all the way into the east gate of the capital, and none of the officers and soldiers guarding the gate dared to stop it.

Not long after entering the city, the carriage slowly pulled over to the side of the road, and Wei Changtian and the three got out of the carriage one after another, planning to go back to their respective homes first, and meet again tomorrow.

As a single dog, Zhou Cheng will be fed a wave of dog food from time to time these days, and now he can't eat a bite, so he said hello and fled like flying, looking at the direction should be straight to Pingchangfang to go.

Wei Changtian watched him leave in a hurry, and then asked Xu Qingwan.

"Do you want me to take you back?"

According to the views of the feminist big V in the previous life, the subtext of the boy's question is - I don't want to send you back.

This theorem also applies to questions such as "What gift do you want?", "Do you want me to pick you up?", "Should I bring you some medicine?"

But in fact, for most boys, asking these questions is nothing more than just wanting to get a clear answer. I really didn't expect it to be so complicated.

If you need it, say you need it, if you don’t need it, say you don’t need it. Is it interesting to make guesses?

What "love me will understand my mind" is pure nonsense in Wei Changtian's view.

Fortunately, Xu Qingwan hadn't been poisoned by this kind of chicken soup for the soul, so she just shook her head honestly at this moment.

"No, it's not good to be seen by family members."

"That's fine. I'll ask my father to come to your house in a few days... Cough, let's pay a visit and settle the matter between us."

Wei Changtian deliberately avoided the word "propose marriage".

He actually didn't care about Xu Qingwan's status after she married, but Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen definitely couldn't allow Comrade Xiao Xu to be their official wife.

After all, even Lu Jingyao's background is a concubine, let alone such a female servant who shows her face all day long.

And since she is not the official wife, there is no such thing as "proposing marriage".

Of course Xu Qingwan also understood this, or it could be said that she already knew her status after marrying into the Wei Mansion, so now she didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and instead blushed slightly.

"It's all up to you. If you want to wait a little longer, you can wait a little longer. I'm not in a hurry."

"You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry."

Wei Changtian had a smirk on his face: "The sooner you get through the door, the sooner we can practice together!"

"Aren't we just practicing together now?" Xu Qingwan was a little puzzled.

"Hey, I'm talking about another kind of cultivation."


Xu Qingwan is not an ignorant little girl, although sometimes she is a little silly, but she can understand the meaning of Wei Changtian's words.

She didn't know how to answer the words, she just felt her face was hot, and finally left a word and ran away on her own.

"Then, then you should marry me earlier!"


The sun shines on the streets, lanes and alleys, and the various stalls on the side of the road are steaming, and from time to time, tempting aromas are wafting out.

Wei Changtian smiled, and then walked towards Wei's mansion under the high noon sun above his head, humming a commercial song from his previous life involuntarily.

"The greasy idol's smile is not as sweet as yours~"

"The sun at noon in August is not as dazzling as yours..."

Wei Changtian was very happy along the way, but it was a pity that this good mood came to an abrupt end when he returned to Wei Mansion.


In the study room, sandalwood incense curled up in silence.

However, Wei Changtian and Wang Er, who were in it, had very bad expressions on their faces.

Especially Wei Changtian, he never expected that the "Will-Wei Controversy" would develop so quickly.

In the few days when he was away from Beijing to kill monsters, the two families were completely torn apart without any warning!

It is difficult to trace who launched the attack first. Anyway, this struggle has spread to the entire capital with lightning speed.

In the court hall, countless ginseng books are handed to Ning Yongnian like snowflakes every day. Whether it is from the Wei School or the Liu School, almost half of the court officials are involved.

Under the court, the properties of the Liu and Wei families have also begun to suffer from the other party's calculations and suppression. Several Rivers and Lakes gangs are involved, and it is normal to smash, loot and burn the streets.

Overall, it was a mess, but not out of control.

It seems that today is a bit tricky.

Wei Changtian knew in his heart that the reason why the originally fragile balance of the Liu and Wei families would be suddenly broken was that Ning Yongnian's help was definitely behind it.

As for Xiao Feng... At present, he can at most be regarded as a participant and facilitator taking advantage of the situation, and his energy will definitely not influence the situation of the battle.

This is the same as myself.

All this happened too fast, Wei Changtian himself, including his subordinates, had not developed yet, so it was difficult to have any influence on the situation.

If he waits a few more years, he may be able to decide the direction of this struggle, but right now he can do very little for the Wei family...

Forget it, if you can't help it, you can't help it.

For him, as long as he can preserve his strength in the storm and kill Xiao Feng as planned, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian finally gave Wang Er an order.

"Let's put the matter of the Freemasonry aside for a while, don't recruit newcomers, and at the same time slowly withdraw all the brothers from Chunshen Bookstore, and try to make Li Yang's place as clean as possible."

"Tell Li Kan that Dali Temple should not take sides and remain neutral."

"Xuantianhui and Liufu will send more people, it's best to find a few secret agents to get in."

"That little girl named Liu Yingying in Houqiu Village and her grandfather must be watched to death...Forget it, just catch me back!"


After issuing several orders in a row, Wei Changtian heaved a sigh of relief.

He always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Looking out through the window, Yuan'er is holding a bamboo pole to chase the big hen that flew to the roof, Qiuyun is bending over to clean the chicken coop, Lu Jingyao is sitting in the gazebo with her head bowed to embroider handkerchiefs, Wei Qiaoling is still lying on the big ghost's bed. Fell asleep on the body.

The rays of the setting sun covered them with orange-red clothes, and the whole world seemed to have turned into a gentle woman.

Looking at this scene, Wei Changtian suddenly felt that this was pretty good.

There are women, relatives, and pets.

No worries about food and clothing, calm and peaceful.


Touching the hot Mother-Child jade on his waist, he looked back and gently closed the wooden window.

(end of this chapter)

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