I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 660: The Invisible Battlefield (5)

Chapter 660: The Invisible Battlefield (5)

What is this?

Pig nose with green onions?

Seeing the black shadow, Wei Changtian squinted his eyes.

Although he didn't know what the thing that appeared behind Tang Chen was called, he knew that it must be the latter's lucky beast.

Obviously, Tang Chen is currently using his "mind reading" supernatural power, and the target of the effect is undoubtedly Chu Xianping.

Chu Xianping seemed unaware of this, and kept staring at Xu Heng.

This is actually quite normal, after all according to past experience, only Wei Changtian and the thirteen sons of Heavenly Dao can see the beast of luck.

But what is abnormal is that Li Zimu who is next to him seems to have sensed something.

Judging from her expression, she shouldn't be able to see this "pig elephant", but she just sensed that something was wrong with Tang Chen.

So Li Zimu also shifted his attention from Xu Heng to Tang Chen, trying to find out the source of this abnormality.

However, she didn't see why.

Including Wei Changtian, they just saw the pig elephant staring at Chu Xianping for a moment, then closed his eyes again, and lay down at Tang Chen's feet without moving.

So... that's the end of it?

The luck beast can know the other party's mind at a glance?

This is too outrageous, right? !

No, the effect shouldn't be so exaggerated.

There are so many thoughts in people's minds, it's impossible to see them all with just one glance.

So its "mind reading" probability is limited.

It's just that I don't know what the restrictions are, and I don't know what Tang Chen knows about Chu Xianping's thoughts now.

Withdrawing his gaze, Wei Changtian's brain was running fast, but he didn't immediately summon the four spirit beasts in his body to suppress Tang Chen.

He believes that the mythical beasts such as Yingyu and Yellow Dragon should be able to deter the "Pig Elephant" in the same way they suppressed "Yan Luo" back then.

And the reason why there is no rush to do so is mainly because the time has not yet come.

After all, the supernatural power of "mind reading" is terrifying, but if you use it a little bit, it may help you achieve your goal.

So, wait a little longer.

A rough plan emerged in his mind, Wei Changtian chose to stay put, and was going to wait until he figured out how far Tang Chen's mind-reading skills could go before adapting accordingly.

And he didn't wait long.

Because soon Tang Chen turned his head to look at Yan Huaiqing, and then nodded slightly.

From Chu Xianping saying "it's just continuing to fight", to Tang Chen nodding at Yan Huaiqing.

This seems to be a long time apart, but in fact it is just a matter of counting breaths.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Tang Chen's nod means only one possibility——

He was telling Yan Huaiqing that what Chu Xianping said was true.

The latter was not bargaining, but would not accept Xu Heng's previous proposal no matter what.


"Young Master Chu, since this is the case, why don't you tell me what you think?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yan Huaiqing didn't try to persuade him anymore, but just smiled calmly: "If it's good for both of us, then it's not that I can't think about it."



Judging from Yan Huaiqing's current reaction, Tang Chen's mind-reading skills have at least one function, which is to judge whether what the other party said is true or not.

But what Chu Xianping said just now was not a bluff. It is indeed impossible for him to accept the proposal of "abandoning Daning and withdrawing from the war".

And because Yan Huaiqing believed in Tang Chen's mind-reading skills so much, he didn't continue to persuade him in vain, but directly threw the question back.

Makes sense!

Almost in an instant, Wei Changtian figured out all of this, and the plan in his heart was further formed.

On the other side, Chu Xianping also said slowly at this time:

"Your Highness, as I said just now, since it is a peace talk, the only purpose should be to stop the war."

"Not only to stop the war between Dajue and Dashu, but also to stop the war between Dajue and Daning."

"So, we hope that your country can withdraw."

"Young Master Chu, don't you want to talk about withdrawing troops?"

Before Chu Xianping finished speaking, Xu Heng interrupted with a sneer: "Hmph, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Since I go out to the army, there is absolutely no reason to return empty-handed!"


No way.

Xu Heng's attitude was similar to Chu Xianping's, both very tough.

But Chu Xianping didn't pay attention to him at all, just looked at Yan Huaiqing and asked calmly:

"Your Highness, do you have any talk about the withdrawal of troops?"

"If there is something to talk about, then I will continue."

"If there's nothing to talk about, then I'll turn around and leave, and see you later on the battlefield."


The charcoal fire is hot, and occasionally there is a sound of "bi peeling", sparks burst out.

Yan Huaiqing waved his hand to stop Xu Heng, who was blushing, and said calmly after a while:

"Master Chu, yes, your new gunpowder is indeed powerful, and I really don't want Dajue soldiers to die in vain like that night in Xianchi."

"However, if you think about it, you also understand that it is not an easy task to repeat the old tricks, not to mention that I am very aware that there may not be any tricks that you don't know."

"So, now that things have come to an end, we might as well open the skylight and speak clearly."

"The 500,000 troops you have stationed in Liangzhou are already all that Daning and Dashu can afford. Even if you win this battle, there will not be many soldiers left to fight."

"Although Xinfeng in the west has Buddhist help, but now it seems that defeat is only a matter of time."

"And when Dagan and Dahui conquer Xinfeng and continue to march eastward, you will no longer be able to resist, and the destruction of the country will still be inevitable."

"That's why you are willing to negotiate peace with me in order to preserve your strength and fight against the two countries."

"I don't know if I'm right?"


Yan Huaiqing revealed the true plan of Wei Changtian and the others in a few words, but the latter did not argue anything.

We are all smart people, we can understand this kind of thing, and there is no point in denying it.

"Yes, His Highness is right."

Nodding his head, Chu Xianping was not flustered, but analyzed in reverse with the same logic:

"However, in my opinion, Dajue's situation is no different from ours."

"As His Highness said, no matter who wins this battle, you and I, the result will be a miserable victory."

"In this way, even if Jue Ji's allied forces can capture Liangzhou, there will not be many soldiers left to fight."

"And when the time comes to return to the Two Kingdoms, it will be impossible to share the plundered land equally with Dajue, and it is not impossible to even have a 'snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's profit'."

"That's why His Highness took the initiative to propose peace talks, in order not to be used by Qianhui and the two countries."

"Your Highness, I don't know if what I said is right?"


You analyze my situation and I analyze your situation.

When the underlying motives of both parties were clearly stated on the table, the negotiation entered another stage.

Everyone has an appeal for peace talks and a truce, but they all have a bottom line that is absolutely impossible to make concessions.

Then the next thing to do is undoubtedly to start testing the opponent's bottom line.

"it is good."

Smiling and shaking his sleeves, Yan Huaiqing also did not deny Chu Xianping's statement.

He just slowly narrowed his eyes and said sentence by sentence:

"I really don't want to end up with nothing, or even be taken advantage of."

"So it's not impossible to discuss the withdrawal of troops."


"After the war, Mr. Wei not only kidnapped my father, but I felt that nearly 100,000 soldiers died or were injured in Xianchi overnight."

"You guys have to give me an explanation for these two things."


Nodding his head, Chu Xianping was just about to give the conditions that had been negotiated.

But at this moment, Wei Changtian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth, preemptively said with a light smile:

"Your Highness, what do you want to explain?"

(end of this chapter)

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