Chapter 670 Top Scumbag

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Wei is not as violent as the rumors, but he also has this side."

A quarter of an hour later, when Li Zimu finished talking about how she fell into the hands of the bandits, how the bandits tortured her, until Wei Changtian rescued her, and finally accepted her as a guest when he saw that she was smart, Tang Chen not only treated her Feeling sympathetic, even his impression of Wei Changtian changed a lot.


On the other side, seeing Tang Chen expressing such emotion, Li Zimu lowered his head slightly.

"Rescue me from the bandits, stop me from looking for death, and bring me by your side. In total, Young Master Wei has saved me three times."

"So I am willing to do anything for Mr. Wei."


I am willing to do anything for Mr. Wei.

To be honest, this may be the first truth that Li Zimu told Tang Chen.

It's just that the latter didn't know the truth, so he muttered something inexplicably.

"It is said that he was a lustful womanizer"


Obviously, Tang Chen said these words subconsciously.

Li Zimu was taken aback when he heard it, and then burst out laughing.

"Hehehe, Mr. Tang, what do you mean by that?"


Tang Chen sensed a slip of the tongue, so embarrassed that he didn't know how to smooth things over.

Li Zimu took a deep look at him, smiled and continued:

"Mr. Tang, if you had met Mr. Wei's wife and concubine, you wouldn't say such things."

"The wives are all over the country, and they are all well-educated, how can an ordinary girl like me compare to it."

"So, Mr. Wei must not be interested in me."

"Besides, I'll tell you quietly."

Suddenly lowering his voice, Li Zimu said in a mysterious whisper:

"Although I do things for Mr. Wei, it's just to repay him for saving his life."

"Actually, I don't like a man like him."


Some playful voices echoed in his ears, making Tang Chen secretly relieved for some reason.

He looked at Li Zimu in a daze, and asked mysteriously:


"Young Master Wei is handsome, has a very high Cultivation Base, and is even more powerful. Shouldn't such a man be the dream lover of all girls?"

"Well, other women should like it."

Li Zimu blinked, then pouted and replied: "But I always think he is stupid."

"Oh, it's not stupid."

"It's just that you can't be considered unparalleled in intelligence."

"I still prefer a man who is resourceful and strategic, rather than a man who fights and kills all day long."


First of all, it is impossible for Wei Changtian to like him, and then he also said that he does not like Wei Changtian either.

In the end, he even called Wei Changtian "stupid" behind his back.

There is no doubt that every word Li Zimu said now has far exceeded what ordinary friends would talk about.

And this greatly deepened the relationship between the two again.

After all, in the previous life, speaking ill of the "boss" together was the best way to improve the friendship among colleagues as quickly as possible.

"Is that so?"

On the other side, Tang Chen obviously felt this feeling that he had never experienced before.

And maybe it was because of drinking that he suddenly asked a more "straight man" question.

"Then is it because of this that you fell in love with Mr. Chu?"


Li Zimu's quick answer also made Tang Chen feel a sense of disappointment.

But at the next moment, Li Zimu sighed again.

"Oh, just make peace with me first"

"He is married and married a main house, and he told me that he has no intention of remarrying"

"So I don't know if I should or not."

"Actually, I just want to find an ordinary, smarter husband to spend my whole life with."


"Oh, let's not talk about this."

Shaking his head, Li Zimu smiled and raised the wine cup and drank it down.

Although there was a smile on her face, anyone could see the bitterness in the smile.

What's more, Tang Chen was always looking at her.

"Miss Li, you"

Tang Chen was stupid, wanted to comfort him but didn't know what to say, so he had to drink with Li Zimu in the end.

The two of them drank a few more pots like this, and the night outside the window gradually became quieter.

Up to now, Tang Chen has already forgotten why they came here to drink, why they talked so much about love affairs, and even forgot that strictly speaking, the two are still enemies belonging to different camps.

All he knew was that he had met a different woman.

A poor but self-reliant woman, a smart and simple, a woman who can drink tea and drink with herself, understand herself, and understand her.

Throughout the relationship between people, especially between men and women, there are many ways to build goodwill.

Among them, "reversal" is often the fastest and most irresistible way.

You thought he was a serious person, but he would suddenly tell a very funny joke.

You think she is a pampered person, but she will cook you a good meal one day.

You thought he was a dull boy in science and engineering, but he played a piano piece in the school's art performance.

You thought she was a good girl who only knew how to read, but one day she whispered to you that she was wearing black silk today.

As long as the direction of reversal is not "you think he is rich and handsome, but he is actually a fraudster", then this sense of contrast will most likely hit the other party, causing his favor towards you to soar wildly in a short period of time.

And this is often the method used by high-end scumbags and scumbags who have broken away from relying on "face value" and "wealth" to attract the opposite sex.

There is no doubt that Li Zimu has brought this point to the extreme right now, completely conquering Tang Chen in just one day.

Next, no matter what she asked, Tang Chen would definitely answer.

But this is not enough for Li Zimu.

Not only did she want Tang Chen to take the initiative to tell what Wei Changtian wanted to know, but she even had a bigger "purpose".

"Master Soup"

Standing up unsteadily, he walked to the window.

Li Zimu leaned on the window sill, smiled and pointed to the full moon in the night sky.

"Look at the moon, it's so beautiful!"

"Miss Li, be careful."

Tang Chen got up and went to the window, he seemed to want to help Li Zimu, but after struggling for a long time, he still didn't dare to do it, so he just stood aside nervously, faintly protecting Li Zimu from falling due to drunkenness.

But Li Zimu was still talking to himself as if he hadn't seen him.

"Yunxiang's clothes are beautiful and beautiful, and the spring breeze is blowing on the threshold of Revlon. If you don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, you will meet at Yaotai under the moon."

"You should have heard this poem written by Mr. Wei."

"Tell you, Mr. Wei wrote this for Mrs. Liu Shi."

"I wish someone could write me a poem like this."

"Well, it's a little difficult to think about it."

"But if someone can watch the moon with me for a lifetime, then I will be content."


The drunken whispers became smaller and smaller, Li Zimu soon overwhelmed with alcohol, swayed his body, and fell softly.

Tang Chen, who was always vigilant, couldn't care about anything else right now, so he quickly supported him, and asked in a panic:

"Miss Li, are you okay?"

"Miss Li?"


The beauty was in his arms, but Li Zimu didn't react at all, as if he was already drunk.

Tang Chen held her in his arms, with a somewhat reserved expression.

He just stood there stupidly, after hesitating for a long while, he still gritted his teeth, and decided to take Li Zimu back and settle down first.

"Xiao Er! Check out!"

"Come on! Guest officer, what's going on at your table? The girl is drunk? Do you want me to help you?"

"No, just call a carriage."

"Okay! Let's go, little one!"


The door was opened and closed several times, and not long after, Li Zimu was carried into the carriage and went straight to the courtyard in the west of the city.

And although Tang Chen carried him all the way from the restaurant to the car, he was always behaved, and his movements were extremely careful, not even touching the place that shouldn't be touched.

As for Li Zimu, who had been "asleep" under his careful care.

Her eyes were slightly closed, a few strands of long hair were scattered on the side of her face, and there was a faint smile hanging on the corner of her mouth.

ps: All male and female students, please do not maliciously use the techniques described in this chapter, thank you for your cooperation!

(end of this chapter)

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