I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 706: Seeking Revenge

Chapter 706: Seeking Revenge

Wei Changtian and the others left Jinzhou City at dusk, slowly chasing after the large army that had traveled westward for three hundred miles.

And Chu Xianping left half an hour before that.

During the day, he handed over various matters of the Tianji Academy to Zhang San, handed over the Mother-Child jade and the secret language, which has the highest "communication authority" of the Tianji Academy, and then simply packed his luggage and left the city for Qingzhou, two thousand miles away, to prepare Go find the first "Chixiao Sword".

Of course, before leaving, he still came to say goodbye to Wei Changtian.

"Young master, don't worry, within two months, I will definitely bring back all the four swords."

"Well, Brother Chu, I'm sorry."

"Young master, Xinfeng over there"

"Brother Chu, you don't have to worry about this matter, it will be fine with me here."

"Okay, take care, my lord."

"Brother Chu, take care too."


The master and minister parted. For those who don't know the inside story, this conversation is not unusual.

But in the ears of Yang Liushi, there are some very complicated emotions in it.

Especially Chu Xianping, it seems that there is something unspeakable hidden, want to say but can't.

Of course, with Chu Xianping's acting skills, it is undoubtedly very easy to perform this effect.

In addition, his parents died early, he has no siblings, and his only wife is living well in Dashu. Yang Liushi really can't think of any weakness in him that can be threatened.

Therefore, even though it sounded a little "last resort", Yang Liushi still did not change her view of Chu Xianping.

"My son."

Looking at Wei Changtian beside her, she asked worriedly, "If you send Chu Xianping to find the sword this time, there won't be any trouble."

"Probably not, these four swords are useless in his hands."

Wei Changtian shook his head, and finally took another look at the distant figure.

"Let's go."

"It will all be clear soon"


In the time of Xu, it was two hundred miles west of Jinzhou City.

At night, the moon rises in the east, the sky is full of stars, and the night covers the wilderness with a cool feeling.

"Da da da da, da da da da."

"Gulu Gulu."

The sound of horseshoes and wheels pierced the silence around, a carriage and more than a dozen riders quickly passed by the door of a post station beside the official road, causing the flags embroidered with the word "post" to shake for a while.

"Tsk tsk tsk, really majestic."

A postman stood by the roadside, watching the group of good horses disappear into the night, shook his head and sighed, and then slowly lit the two lanterns hanging at the door.

Soon, there was finally a glimmer of light in the dark wilderness, and the postman limped into the post station to start a fire and cook.

Obviously, this person should be crippled, probably injured on the battlefield, and then he was arranged to guard the post here.

Nowadays, there are many such veterans all over Daning.

Although they all have more or less physical disabilities, they are all practitioners after all, so they can basically take care of themselves.

In addition, even for such errands as postmen, their military salaries far exceed the income of ordinary people, so most of these people's lives are pretty good.

If you have a wife and children, that is enough to support the whole family.

If you are not yet married, you can go to the kiln every now and then.

At least compared to those brothers who died on the battlefield, they are extremely lucky


"His grandma's pickles are almost finished."

Accompanied by the lazy snoring of several old horses in the stables behind the house, the lame postman just put the cooked porridge on the wooden table, and at this time he was struggling to pick up pickled vegetables from a half-person-high tank, his whole head They are all buried in the mouth of the tank, which looks a bit funny.

"It's time to change the old king. When you go back to the city, you must first find a place to drink a few pots of wine."

"There's also Xiaocui from Manxianglou, with that delicate and tender face."

"Next year daddy must save enough money to redeem her"


The soliloquy echoed in the small station, and then stopped abruptly at a certain moment.

The lame postman exhausted his energy for a long time, and finally touched a piece of pickle.

It's just that before he could stand upright, he felt a sudden biting chill on his neck.

"This this"

He tilted his head tremblingly, only to see a short dagger that glowed with dim light was tightly stuck to his throat, and the person holding the dagger could directly take his life away with just a shake of his hand.

There was no movement, not even a breath.

The lame postman knew that this person must be a master, so right now he didn't even dare to say a word of begging for mercy, but just leaned tightly on the edge of the tank, trying to support his body.

"Have you ever seen a black carriage?"

Soon, the person behind spoke indifferently.

"See, see."

The lame postman knew that the most likely way to survive at this time was to tell the truth, so he immediately stammered and replied:

"A quarter of an hour ago, I went to the west."

"Whose car is it?"

The person behind asked again.

"Small, little people don't know."

The lame postman replied without moving: "No, but it seems to be hanging a Wei character flag."


There was no sound, the visitor didn't ask any more questions, and the chill on the lame postman's neck also slowly receded.

But before he could calm down, a warmth suddenly appeared in his throat.

The lame postman tremblingly stretched out his hand to touch it, only to feel something sticky and slippery.


The pickles fell back into the vat and splashed a few bits of brine, the rickety body slowly slumped against the side of the vat, and a dark red liquid was slowly swimming along the cracks in the ground.

On the small wooden table next to the vat, a bowl of white porridge still has a few wisps of heat wafting from it.

"Father, why did you kill him?"

After a few breaths, a slightly immature female voice sounded: "He didn't see our appearance."

"But he knew we were here."

A thick male voice replied: "This matter cannot reach Wei Changtian's ears."


The woman responded, and her voice became urgent.

"Father, since we have caught up with him, let's go and avenge mother!"

"Don't worry, father is not his opponent."

"Then what to do?!"

"It's okay, Dad has his own way, now let's follow him first."


The conversation between a man and a woman, an old and a young, quickly turned into the wind in the night, and disappeared outside the small station.

Obviously, they are father and daughter, and it sounds like Wei Changtian killed their wife and mother.

But if Wei Changtian was here and saw the father and daughter with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't be able to recall that he had done such a thing.

After all, regardless of the former master, he never killed a few women after transmigrating, whether directly or indirectly.

So where did the enemy come from?


Under the moonlight, the two figures moved very fast, and their faces were not very clear in the hazy silver light.

But if someone is really here, even if they can't see clearly, they should be able to feel that both of them are very unusual.

The man has star eyebrows and sword eyes, his aura is unfathomable, and his strength is at least third rank.

The woman's appearance is extremely pure, the few pieces of exposed skin are as white as snow, and she looks young.

With her appearance, it is estimated that in the future, she will be able to become a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and the city.

Thinking about it this way, her dead mother should also be peerless.

(end of this chapter)

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