I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 711 That Person Is Just Wei Changtian

Chapter 711 That person is just Wei Changtian

Do you believe me or not?

Five words, a seemingly simple question, has a different meaning in Li Zimu's eyes.

As Wei Changtian said, Li Zimu understood very well that Chu Xianping's attitude towards this matter would directly represent his friendship with Own.

And since Chu Xianping asked that, it was clear that he didn't want to exclude her.

In other words, Chu Xianping doesn't care about own safety.

At least compared to what he is doing now, he is not the most important thing.


The struggle and guilt in his eyes slowly receded, replaced by a trace of self-mockery.

Turns out, it's all wishful thinking.

Putting down the rice paper in his hand, Li Zimu's expression became cold at this moment.

No matter what conflicts there were between Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping, no matter whether the latter was true or false, her friendship with Chu Xianping disappeared at this moment.

This may sound unbelievable.

After all, she was still in love with her before, so the speed of change was too fast.

But for a person like Li Zimu, the emergence and disappearance of feelings is often an instant thing.

What's more, since she had chosen to side with Wei Changtian just now, it would be impossible for her to have a positive result with Chu Xianping no matter what.

That being the case, it would be better to cut it off earlier.

Anyway, Tang Chen had already been cheated, so what if he cheated one more Chu Xianping?

There is one thing to say, although Li Zimu is not deeply involved in the world, her way of dealing with everything can be said to be very rational, even cold-blooded.

Even in matters of emotion, this is the case where people are most likely to make wrong judgments.

She was able to "sell her appearance" and deceive Tang Chen for the benefit of Wei Changtian before.

Now she can also break up with Chu Xianping for Wei Changtian.

Thinking about it this way, what Li Zimu said to Tang Chen at the beginning, "I can do anything for Mr. Wei" is really not an exaggeration.

At the very least, she is indeed loyal enough to Wei Changtian.

As to why this is.

Li Zimu will always remember a scene.

It was in the Zhongling County Government Office, in a purgatory-like concierge.

Laughing, instruments of torture, blood, animal lust.

It seemed as if all the evil in the world had gathered in that small room, torturing and ravaging her, making her fearful, desperate, and numb to this ugly world.

Then, a person appeared.

Li Zimu will never forget the black robe that covered him in this life, and he will never forget the sentence "Even if you die, it's better to do something meaningful."

Since then, Li Zimu has found the "meaning" of living.

That is not to disappoint Mr. Wei.

That's why she will do whatever it takes to complete everything Wei Changtian asked.

Li Zimu has never regretted it, nor has he wavered.

Because she couldn't be more clear that it wasn't Chu Xianping, Tang Chen, or anyone else who appeared in front of her with a long knife that day and pulled her up from the bottom of the abyss.

That person is just Wei Changtian.


The candle flame flickered, and a moth, with trembling wings, slowly approached the flame weakly but firmly.

Li Zimu suddenly reached out to protect the moth in his palm, then picked up the Mother-Child jade again, and passed two words to Chu Xianping with indifferent eyes.

【I believe】

three days later.

Lingzhou, Huailing City.

Although Huailing Mansion was classified as Daning territory and changed to Lingzhou, the name of Huailing City has not changed.

As far as the people in the city are concerned, there is actually no difference whether it is "Huailing Mansion" or "Lingzhou".

Except for the change in the color of the clothes of the defenders in the city, they didn't feel any difference in Life.

Because of this, the people of Huailing have become very vague about own "country".

Dafengren? Daning people?

Compared with the above two identities, they are now more accustomed to calling themselves "Huailing people".

And this just reflects the disappointment and evasion of ordinary people towards the concept of "family country" after the country's demise.

The West is at war again?

Hit it.

The army is coming from the east again?

Come on.

Since the former Dafeng has only been left with the land that Wei Changtian donated, does it matter who this Huailing belongs to?

It doesn't matter anymore.

Therefore, when the Shu army in blue armor began to enter the city one after another at noon today, most of the people didn't even bother to look at it.

Just because they don't care, doesn't mean everyone doesn't care.

For example, the envoys from the two kingdoms who had been waiting in the city for a long time, couldn't wait to run to the gate of the city, waiting for Wei Changtian's arrival.

Where is the latter now

Three hundred miles to the east of Huailing City, a lonely carriage gallops on the official road, and behind it is the endless Gobi of the Western Desert.

Obviously, Wei Changtian and Yang Liushi did not follow the army this time.

Because they just went to kill a big monster again.

According to the information provided by the Xuanjing Division, there was a scorpion monster hiding in the depths of the Western Desert Gobi, so Wei Changtian took a detour.

Of course, under normal circumstances, finding this scorpion is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, with the feature of the eclipse beads that can attract big monsters, all this becomes much easier.

After arriving at the approximate location, Yang Liushi took out the eclipse beads, and the big scorpion rushed over to deliver the head.

And after killing the scorpion demon, the Taoism stored in the eclipse bead also changed from five hundred years to eight hundred years.

Eight hundred years.

This means that if Yang Liushi takes the eclipse pearl now, she will immediately have the strength of the peak third rank, almost the second rank.

Soaring directly from the sixth rank to the third rank can only be said to be a prop worth 3000 points.

So fucking perverted.

"Okay, put it away."

Sitting in the galloping carriage, Wei Changtian glanced at Yang Liushi, who was holding the eclipse bead, and said with a smile, "It's just such a bead, I don't know what you're looking at every day."

"Isn't it okay for the slave family to like it?"

Yang Liushi said coquettishly, and put the solar eclipse beads back into the small box made of Suoxian Stone.

"But son, I really feel that the eclipse bead is becoming more and more attractive to my family."

"Is it?"

Hearing this, Wei Changtian immediately became interested: "How strong is it?"

"Well, I always want to eat it."

Yang Liushi blushed, as if she felt that this description was silly.

And Wei Changtian was really amused, and said happily:

"Hahaha, you can't keep the eclipse beads with you from now on, what if one day you can't help but really eat them?"

"My lord, didn't you say that this bead was originally for my servants to eat?"

Yang Liushi was not annoyed when she was ridiculed, but she pretended to be contemptuous and yelled: "What? Don't you want to go back on your word, sir?"


Wei Changtian joked with a smile: "If you are willing, you can eat it now, and I will never stop you."

"Hmph, the servants are reluctant."

Yang Liushi muttered something in a low voice, and patted the stone box in her hand lightly: "Besides, as long as you put it in the lock fairy stone, you won't want to eat it."

"Then you have to be careful, don't take it out easily"

Wei Changtian nodded with a smile, just about to laugh at Yang Liushi's current appearance again.

But at The next moment, Zhang San's voice suddenly came in from outside the car curtain.

"Young master! General Liang sent a letter just now, saying that the envoys who have returned to the two countries are already waiting outside Huailing City!"


Wei Changtian responded, and asked casually, "How many are here?"

"There are six people!"

"Okay, tell Uncle Liang to kill three first."

"Yeah, huh??"

"Ah what, just do it."

"Isn't it, young master, which three should we kill?"

"I don't know these six people, which three do you want to kill?"

"Then, is that killing three casually?"

"Well, kill casually."

(end of this chapter)

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