I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 717 I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry

Chapter 717 I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Will you marry me?

It's hard to say what state of mind Li Zimu was in when he said this sentence.

Maybe it was because she felt that if Chu Xian rebelled, there would be one less available person around Wei Changtian, and she wanted to "sacrifice herself" to keep Tang Chen.

Perhaps because she had completely given up on Chu Xianping, she felt that Tang Chen was also good. After all, the latter had been sincere to her so far.

Anyway, that's what she asked.

As for Tang Chen's answer, the answer to this question may not be difficult to guess.

"I, of course I would."

Breathing became short of breath in an instant, Tang Chen didn't hesitate, and almost blurted out what was in his mind at The next moment.

But after a pause, he tentatively asked a little less confidently:

"Miss Li, you, are you really willing to marry me?"



Nodding his head, Li Zimu's eyes showed tenderness.

She slowly stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to shake Tang Chen's hand.

But for some unknown reason, the hand suddenly paused when reaching halfway, and gently removed a weed on Tang Chen's robe.

Although it changed from "physical contact" to "arranging clothes", this behavior still made Tang Chen's mind flutter for a while.

Then, he heard Li Zimu whisper:

"Young Master Tang."

"When Chu Xianping dies, we will get married."


For a moment, the night wind seemed to be suddenly cold, and it also chilled the people in the night.

Tang Chen lowered his head slowly, his expression changed from excitement to surprise, and then from surprise to bitterness.

If there were only the second half of the sentence, he would definitely not react like this now.

But why should such a condition be added to "marriage"?

Marriage is just a matter of two people.

If Li Zimu was really interested in him and was willing to marry him, why did he wait until after Chu Xianping died?

Tang Chen is not stupid, he knows why Li Zimu is there.

After all, if you want to kill Chu Xianping, you have to catch him first.

And if you want to arrest someone, you have to find someone first.

As for how to find Chu Xianping, it was obvious that Wei Changtian had to borrow his "mind-reading" ability.

Therefore, Li Zimu is using himself for Wei Changtian.


Sighing lightly, Tang Chen raised his head and looked at Li Zimu with extremely complicated eyes.

Before that, he had firmly believed that Li Zimu's affection for own was pure.

But now, when Li Zimu proposed this "deal" unabashedly, Tang Chen's mood can be imagined.

"Miss Li, you don't have to."

With a wry smile, Tang Chen said slowly, "Young Master Wei has saved your life, but now that Chu Xianping has rebelled, I understand that you are anxious and want to help Young Master Wei."

"But I don't want you to marry me because of that."

"Don't worry, if Mr. Wei needs me in the future, I will try my best to help."

"As for what you just said."

"Forget it."


Shaking his head, Tang Chen stopped looking at Li Zimu after saying the last sentence, turned around and walked into the night.

Li Zimu wanted to marry, but he didn't.

This statement not only means that even in the face of his beloved woman, Tang Chen still has his own bottom line.

And that sentence "forget it" made Li Zimu stunned for a moment.

She stared at Tang Chen's back in a daze, her mouth slightly opened, as if she wanted to catch up.

But after more than ten breaths, she didn't take a step.

"one two three four"

"four four"


The "five" in my heart has never sounded, and my eyes have become moist at some point.

Li Zimu bit his lips tightly, suddenly picked up his skirt at a certain moment, and chased after the figure who had gone away.

She ran very fast, and the hazy shadow under the moonlight stretched very long.

Then, the figures overlapped, and she threw herself into the arms of the man who had stopped and turned back, clutching the hem of the man's clothes tightly, and crying like a heavy burden.

"Yes, I'm sorry"

"Wooooow, sorry"



At midnight, Wei Changtian, who had stood on the city wall for an hour, finally returned to the inn where he and Yang Liushi were temporarily staying.

The moment the door was pushed open, Yang Liushi, who had been waiting anxiously in the room, immediately greeted her, and asked in a worried and nervous whisper:

"Young master, have you caught it?"


Wei Changtian shook his head, took off his outer robe and threw it aside: "I escaped."


Yang Liushi's breath was stagnant, and her tone became more anxious: "Then what should I do? What's wrong with the Freemasonry?"

"The Freemasons are fine."

Wei Changtian curled his lips: "And he also left the Scarlet Firmament Sword behind."

"Huh? Could it be a mistake?"

Yang Liushi looked confused: "If it's true, why would he do this?"

"A mistake? The envoy of Daqian said it himself, what could be wrong?"

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes: "Besides, if he didn't turn back, who killed the five hundred Xuanjingsi?"


Now Yang Liushi stopped talking, just sighed lightly, and then walked behind Wei Changtian, gently rubbing his shoulders for him.

After rubbing for a while, she suddenly whispered:

"My lord, there is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"What? Say it." Wei Changtian closed his eyes.


Yang Liushi hesitated for a moment and said, "My family always thinks that Chu Xianping might not be rebellious."

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know the reason, I just feel like this."


Wei Changtian opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Why, are you planning to become a fortune teller?"

"Oh, son, it's business."

Yang Liushi lightly slapped Wei Changtian on the shoulder, and asked with some persistence:

"Don't you feel that way?"


Wei Changtian stretched the word "I" very long, and the smile on his face gradually faded away.

To be honest, he did feel that way too.

One is because he really couldn't find a reason for Chu Xianping to rebel.

The second is because many parts of the whole incident revealed weirdness.

However, putting aside these doubts, all the clear evidence now can only point to the fact that "Chu Xian has been rehabilitated".


"I don't believe in feelings, I only believe in what I see and hear with my own eyes."

Shaking his head, Wei Changtian said slowly, "It's that simple."


"Boom boom boom!"

On the other side, just as Yang Liushi was about to say something, there was a sudden knock on the door.

After a moment of hesitation, Yang Liushi walked over and opened the door, and then saw Zhang San who was sweating profusely outside the door.


Zhang San hastily cupped his hands at Yang Liushi: "The villain has something important to report to the young master!"

"Well, come in and talk."

Yang Liushi moved away, and Zhang San didn't write any ink, so he walked quickly to Wei Changtian's side, took out a letter from his bosom, and said quickly:

"My lord, a quarter of an hour ago, news came from the Xuanjing Division's Qingzhou sub-helm, saying that a caravan met a group of people thirty miles west of Qingzhou City."

"The leader of this group is a young man in gray, and the rest are all in black."

"The young man in gray asked the caravan to send a message to Xuanjing Division, saying that he would ask Xuanjing Division to bring it to you."

"Then the leader of the caravan asked the young man in gray for his name."

"Later, the latter said his surname is Chu."


His eyes widened suddenly, and Wei Changtian immediately tore open the envelope when he heard the words, and looked at the contents on the letter paper.

But only a moment later, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he casually threw the letter to Yang Liushi.

"Let's see."

"I'm afraid you can't be a fortune teller."


Reaching out to take the letter paper, Yang Liushi looked down with puzzled eyes, and immediately her expression became exactly the same as that of Wei Changtian.

Because the letter was written in black and white, the last sentence that Chu Xianping left to Wei Changtian could not be more clearly written.

【Young master, everyone has their own ambitions, I'm sorry】

(end of this chapter)

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