I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 725 One Third Of The Truth

Chapter 725 One Third of the Truth

Return to the king, Lu Hongji.

When Chu Xianping arrived at the territory of Dahui via the teleportation array located in the East Extreme Sea, and met the emperor of Dahui, he was destined to set off a huge wave in history.

As for where this huge wave will sweep and who will be submerged, it is still unknown at this time.

However, judging from the current performance of Chu Xianping and Lu Hongji, they should have reached some kind of alliance relationship, or a cooperative relationship

At the foot of the heavily guarded Beizhong Mountain, the two said a few words of politeness, and then they got into the carriage together.

And just as they were leaving in the car, Wei Changtian, who was far away in the Xinfeng Palace, looked directly into Xu Suisui's eyes and asked the first question.

"What exactly is your system?"

What is Xu Suisui's system?

This is the key to solving all mysteries.

In Guanghan County, when Wei Changtian went to stop the Zhenshan camp alone, he already had a guess.

But at that time, he didn't ask Xu Suisui whether his own idea was right or not.

And Xu Suisui never explicitly admitted it.

Therefore, the matter is still a mystery to put it bluntly.

As for Wei Changtian's guess

Changing the "original plot", although such a motivation can explain many of Xu Suisui's behaviors, it still doesn't make sense logically.

That is why Xu Suisui became a "riddler"?

One must know that, unlike Wei Changtian and Xiao Feng, who were burdened with blood feuds as soon as they crossed, there was obviously no direct conflict of interest between Ning Yongnian and Wei Changtian.

In that case, Ning Yongnian could completely choose to tell Wei Changtian the original plot direction, and then the two of them would discuss the distribution of the benefits of the retreat, and finally choose a method that is not beneficial to both parties.

That should be the best solution for anyone with a decent mind.

But Ning Yongnian did that.

From secretly sending a letter to You Wenzong to retreat from Niutoushan, to secretly finding Qin Zhengqiu, to stealing the token of the remnant soul to join the Kuilong Elder Association, to pulling a group of people to create a new Feng.

Although the things you did touched Wei Changtian's interests to some extent, but as long as you can give a reasonable explanation, Wei Changtian may not necessarily stop it.

After all, Ning Yongnian has indeed done very few things that are not beneficial to Wei Changtian.

So, why are you willing to reveal your motives?

Is it just because you trust yourself who is also a time traveler?

Obviously, Wei Changtian felt that the reason should be so complicated.

That's why I now ask that question directly, in such a blunt manner.

As for Tang Yuebin's reaction to this


Holding the corner of his clothes, Tang Yuebin shook his head heavily.

"You can tell."


In the last second, Wei Changtian was asked to ask, but when Wei Changtian really asked, you said it again.

In some cases, Ning Yongnian's "contradictory" behavior will undoubtedly make people feel good.

Did Wei Changtian's expression change that time?

Because Ning Yongnian said "it is possible".

If you can, it means that you don't mean to say, but you are subject to some kind of "restriction".

And if we think of the conventional setting of the confidentiality of the "system" in the later generations of the Internet

"Okay, let's talk about it."

Nodding his head, Wei Changtian stood up and quickly paced back and forth in the room.

"The reason why he can speak is because of his system."

"Can you reveal the existence of the system on your own initiative? Or can you reveal the details?"

"In short, it should be the limit of difference."

"Once you violate it, you will have to die?"

Looking at Ning Yongnian whose eyes were wide open, Wei Changtian knew that his guess should be four or four.

I paused, then said:

"What about the plot in the original novel?"

"He always said afterwards that he was helping you, but he beat him to death because he was willing to say that his purpose for doing these things."

"Thinking of it that way, is he able to reveal things that didn't happen?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"He obviously delayed telling you and Xu Suisui about the upcoming invasion of the Seven Kingdoms, and he also mentioned the hidden dangers of the Moon Moon Sword in the future."

"Those two things obviously still happened"

Dragging his chin, Wei Changtian started to move while talking.

Rather than saying that I am asking Tang Yuebin now, it is more like talking to myself.

In fact, my guess is very unreasonable.

After all, Ning Yongnian worked so hard to be a "riddler" to please, and the reason may be helpless.

It can directly tell others what will happen in the future, and the plot can only be changed through own behavior

Just like when you were in Guanghan County at the earliest, you did not directly tell Wei Changtian that the Zhenshan Camp was around the route of the Shu army's breakout, but tried to delay the breakout time of the Shu army by arson.

If that was the case, the underlying logic of Ning Yongnian's minority behavior would make sense.

But there are still two contradictions in it.

Just like what Wei Changtian said just now.

First, at the Lingbo Pavilion, Ning Yongnian told me and Xu Suisui that the Seven Kingdoms were about to invade Fengning and Ning.

Seventh, before the death of Xu Suisui and the formation of the eight-point sky situation, Ning Yongnian sent another secret letter, telling me that Lao Zhangtou was accidentally snatched by a wave of robbers on the way back to the White Palace. , resulting in few quasi-first rank players in the future.

Those two incidents can be regarded as "leaking the secret".

But is Ning Yongnian a fart?


The logic fell into a dead end again, and Wei Changtian frowned, knowing how to continue the analysis for a while.

System limitation, that is the only reason I can think of that can explain Ning Yongnian's behavior.

But the facts prove it.

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning flashed across his mind, Wei Changtian's pupils suddenly shrank.

Recalling the difficult situation in Fengyuan City that I saw tonight again, an unbelievable guess gradually emerged in my heart.

There is no doubt about it.

If it was him, Ning Yongnian would have died in half an hour.

If it was the 800,000 reinforcements from Ningshu, Xinfeng would die in seven days.

Since Tang Yuebin knew all about it a long time ago, why did you delay making corresponding arrangements?

Yes, you did use very few means, and you did defend Fengyuan for half a month with ten times the strength of the enemy.

But to be honest, your responses are not like "delayed layout", but more like a hasty response.


It's haste!

It's as if you didn't expect that when you go back to the Seven Kingdoms, you will actually call!

"you understood."

Turning hurriedly to look at Ning Yongnian, Wei Changtian took a deep breath.

Putting aside all my personal subjective emotions, I finally found the first way out in the maze of thinking from the sky overlooking the whole small bureau.

Gan Huijue Ji Seven Kingdoms Invasion is indeed a fact.

But that means that Ning Yongnian's "prophecy has come true"!

"In addition to the book he read, it is true that the Seven Kingdoms did not start a war in the end."


The agarwood is extinguished, and the candle flickers slightly.

In addition to the book he read, in fact, it is true that the Seven Kingdoms did not start a war in the end.

His body trembled violently. Hearing those words, Ning Yongnian felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his breathing became extremely slow in an instant.

And Wei Changtian, in your shocked eyes, quickly said sentence by sentence:

"He wanted to stop the national war between Fengning and the civil strife within Xiaoning, so he made up a lie and told you that the enemy with Xu Suisui was approaching."

"He knew you would believe him, and you did."

"It's just that, he didn't expect that even so, you would kill Xu Suisui."

"He even expected that because of Tang Yuebin's death, the butterfly effect would actually cause that battle to break out."

"He didn't expect it, but he could only fight in a panic."

"In order to make up for his own fault, he recruited Buddhism, trying to use his own strength to fight back to the Seven Kingdoms."

"But the plot has changed so much so far that he doesn't know that many people in the Buddhist sect have turned against him."

"That caused the situation in Xinfeng to take a turn for the worse, and he could only stick to an isolated city in Fengyuan, and even almost lost his life just now."

"Hehe, just tell me why Feng Yuan's situation has become so critical, but in the end he just kept saying a word."

"You just talk about why Chu Xianping's rebellion is so trivial, but he really didn't know anything about it."

"You just talk about why the old Zhangtou obviously knows how to escape, but in the end he was snatched away by a group of bullshit robbers."

"Fuck! After the relationship, everything he said was false!"


From fierce to cloudy to uncontrollable rage.

Wei Changtian stared at the pale-faced Ning Yongnian, and the former's frightened expression proved that what I just said should be true.

"You, you also knew that things would turn out that way."

Holding the corner of the clothes tightly, the knuckles of the fingers even turned white from too much force.

Tang Yuebin dared to look at Wei Changtian, but trembled and choked up:

"You want to tell him the truth, but you can."

"If you can say that he knows it, why don't you say it?! If you can tell the truth, you have to tell lies?!"

Wei Changtian let out a roar that directly interrupted your explanation:

"He thinks he's great? Everything is under his control?!"

"It has nothing to do with him wanting to die! Don't let my mother hurt you!"



Wei Changtian, who can even utter swear words, is suspected to be extremely angry at this time.

I waved my hand and overturned the Four Immortals table behind it, and the teacups, teapots and other things under the table fell to the ground in a mess.


The tea splashed under the golden skirt, Ning Yongnian bit his lip, his eyes were red.

Grievance, self-blame, guilt, remorse.

Simple emotions are intertwined in your heart, making you know how to face Wei Changtian at this moment.

In fact, the purpose of everything you did afterwards was really for the good of Wei Changtian.

But you never imagined that you would end up with the exact opposite result.

"Yes, yes"

Summoning all his courage, Ning Yongnian tremblingly pulled the hem of Wei Changtian's clothes after stepping on a pile of porcelain shards to reach Wei Changtian.

"You, you know you're wrong"

"What else does he want to ask?"

"Even if you die, you will definitely tell him"

"He, he is going to be angry, you, you are afraid."

"Good is good"

ps: A chapter of 3000 words, the train of thought has been smoothed out, and the abnormal update will resume tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)

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