Chapter 736 Sorry

Dad, Mom.

Since these two words are used instead of "father and mother", it is definitely not Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen that Wei Changtian is seeing at this moment.

Obviously, what he saw was his parents from the previous life.

Wei Tian, ​​an ordinary person.

Born in the 1990s, grew up in the new century.

As the only child of the "prenatal and postnatal care" advocated by family planning, he naturally received all the love of his parents like most of his peers.

No matter how hard it is, you can't suffer children, no matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education. Wei Tian's parents have implemented this sentence very well.

And Wei Tian who grew up in this environment barely lived up to their ardent expectations.

A childhood occupied by extracurricular tutoring classes and interest classes.

A middle school era of "knowing astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom".

A university full of games and skipping classes.

A social animal running around in a big city.

In the future, he should marry a woman who is in the same situation as himself, buy a house with a 30-year loan on his back, and then have a child under the tireless urging of both parents.

Children will grow up slowly, Wei Tian will grow old slowly.

If there is no accident, he will watch his parents slowly close their eyes by the side of the hospital bed, and then one day he will become the old man lying on the hospital bed again.

In the end, as the line on the heart rate monitor became stable, he spent his life in such an ordinary way.

But unexpectedly, he crossed over.

Unlike the protagonists of web novels who can forget everything in a very short period of time no matter what world they travel to, Wei Changtian still remembers some things from his previous life from time to time.

But since the time travelling, he has been intentionally not thinking about two people, that is his parents.

The reason may be that there is always a kind of guilt in my heart that I don't want to face.

Transmigration, or soul transmigration, when such a super-scientific thing actually happened, it will inevitably bring about a problem——

What will happen to the "self" in the previous life?

In fact, the answer to this question is not difficult to guess.

Just like Xu Suisui who died of a serious illness, in that world, the young man named Wei Tian was probably dead.

And this means that Wei Tian's parents lost their son without warning.

The only son who raised him with all his love and expectation.

This is why Wei Changtian has been deliberately avoiding this question.

He couldn't imagine what his parents looked like when they heard the news of his "death". He couldn't imagine that the man and woman who had worked hard for him for most of their lives would still struggle in pain for the rest of their lives because of him.

He hasn't had time to fulfill his filial piety, and he hasn't had time to let them meet his daughter-in-law and embrace his grandson.

He didn't even have time to say goodbye to them

Wei Changtian has never, and cannot, tell anyone about this guilt.

It has been two years since he traveled, and he has only spent four nights in the "Dao of Dreams".

It's not because of how "hardworking" he is.

In fact, he just couldn't sleep.

He was afraid that if he fell into a real sleep, he would dream of them.

Wei Changtian didn't know what to say if he had the chance to see his parents again, even in a dream.

He was running away, running away.

But now, he can no longer "escape".



The white emptiness seemed unreal, and in a trance, Wei Changtian seemed to have returned to the two-bedroom house where he had lived for more than ten years.

A gray fabric sofa with a few cushions made by my mother.

The balcony is filled with the smell of washing powder, and there are always a few pieces of own clothes hanging on the hangers.

The kitchen piled with firewood, rice, oil and salt, the TV set that should have been eliminated long ago, the guitar I bought when I was admitted to college, and the pot of green radish on the top of the air conditioner.

I don't know if it's early morning or evening sunlight coming in from the window, covering everything with a layer of orange light.

Wei Changtian stared at all this in a daze, unable to distinguish between illusion and reality, he just walked towards the two people standing in the middle of the room step by step.

At this time, the man and the woman were also looking at him with tears in their faces.


Stretching out his hand tremblingly, the man's palm lightly landed on Wei Changtian's shoulder.

The unmistakable touch and temperature made Wei Changtian's body tremble suddenly, and his eye sockets immediately became moist.

Regardless of past and present lives, he has already forgotten how long he has not cried.

But at this moment, when the man patted his shoulder lightly, and when the woman cried and held his hand, Wei Changtian's tears burst out of his eyes instantly.




"I'm sorry for you!!"

There was a question on Zhihu in the previous life, "If you have the opportunity to see your deceased relatives again, what would you say to them?"

There were all kinds of answers to the question, some told stories, some made up stories, some played tricks, and some even analyzed the possibility of this matter from a scientific point of view.

And among the vast number of answers such as "I miss you" and "I love you", one answer has far more likes than all others.

That is "sorry".


The three simple words contain the most complex emotions.

From this point of view, perhaps after the death of a loved one, the regrets and guilt are the ones that really make people unable to let go.

Now, for the three people in the illusion, it is difficult to say who is the "gone" relative.

But as far as Wei Changtian is concerned, this is not important.

At this moment, he is no longer the only son of the Wei family, a third-rank expert, and no longer a big shot in this world.

He was just the ordinary young man who died due to electric shock, and he was just a close relative separated from the couple in front of him.

"Son, son, where have you been?"

"Mom misses you so much"

"After you left, your dad started drinking again"

"Didn't you still say that you would go home for the New Year this year?"

"But Mom and Dad have been waiting for two years, why don't you come back?"

"You are really busy, give us a call."

"Mom dreams of you every night when she sleeps"

"But why don't you ever look at your mother?"


The choked female voice echoed in the warm sunset, and every sentence expressed the most simple feelings of a mother.

A gust of wind blows, the fragrance of washing powder is very good, and there seems to be the sound of children playing outside the window.

When everything around him became more and more real, Wei Changtian seemed to gradually get used to it all.

"Dad, Mom"


He opened his mouth, wanting to tell the man and woman in front of him what he had encountered in the past two years, and wanting to confide in his own pain and struggle.

But at this moment, the woman suddenly retreated a small step, trembling in disbelief:

"Son, son, you killed someone"


His body froze suddenly as if struck by lightning, and Wei Changtian's breathing became extremely rapid in an instant.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, but the woman avoided it in fear.

Seeing the woman's painful appearance, Wei Changtian only felt that a hand suddenly grabbed his throat, and the inexhaustible panic immediately flooded his whole mind.

"Mom! Listen to me!"

"I don't want to kill! I really don't want to kill!"

"But if I don't kill them, they will kill me!!"

"I want to live, I just want to live!"

"I have no idea!"

"I, I can't help it!!"


The setting sun outside the window disappeared at some point, replaced by endless night.

Wei Changtian opened his mouth wide and hurriedly explained, but he couldn't change the woman's desperate expression at all.

Until a heavy sigh sounded.

"Oh, son, a mistake is a mistake."

"But no matter what happens, Mom and Dad will never give up on you."

"Let's go."

"Come back with us."

(end of this chapter)

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