I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 746 Worse, More Ruthless, And More Desperate

In the military terminology of the previous life, there is a professional term called "crash rate".

The so-called collapse rate refers to the casualty ratio when an army collapses critically in battle.

This ratio is not an absolute indicator, and it varies from time to time, from country to country, and from military to military composition.

But for the most part, the breakdown rate of any army is much lower than most people think.

According to professional research in previous lives, the collapse rate of the ancient farming army was about 5-10%.

This means that as long as the casualty rate of an army reaches one-tenth, the entire army will collapse on the battlefield and begin to flee desperately.

With the development of the times, this number has also increased a little bit.

For example, the collapse rate of the US military is about 20%. Once it exceeds 20%, the commander can consider surrendering.

Of course, this is not absolute.

After all, the army collapse rate of some small countries is even only 1%, while some armies can fight 90%, or even 100% "non-collapse rate in field battles".

Fight to the last person in a position, neither escape nor surrender.

Without discussing the above, in short, any army, no matter how large it is under normal circumstances, the morale of the army is extremely easy to collapse.

And the threshold of this collapse is actually very low.

This undoubtedly proves that human beings are often not as brave as imagined.

But at this moment, when Wei Changtian looked at the strange and determined faces around him, he suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of sadness.

The moonlight was like ink, and there were more and more soldiers around, and soon reached tens of thousands.

They stared at the seven of Wei Changtian, the weapons in their hands reflected the dense cold light like stars in the moonlight and firelight.

Undoubtedly, compared to the golden-armored general who died for his belief just now, these ordinary soldiers don't have such a strong sense of honor for their family and country.

Normally, although the casualty rate of this million-strong army tonight is not high, when all the high-ranking generals in the army are killed in battle, they should collapse and flee.

After all, "a group of dragons cannot achieve anything without a leader", not to mention these people are far from being "a group of dragons".

So why did they make this choice?

Was it infected by the integrity of those fifteen people fighting to the end just now?

Is it because of the last sentence of the golden armor general, "Big return to eternal prosperity"?

Wei Changtian didn't know, he could only say that human beings are sometimes so strange.

When you are weak, you are afraid of nothing.

When you are brave, you are not afraid of anything.

As for whether it is cowardly or brave, it may only be in one thought.

If the first person didn't stand up just now, maybe these people won't show up in the future.

But as long as someone ignites this "fuse", it will be like the last snowflake that triggers an avalanche. No matter what everyone's real thoughts are, they can only be engulfed by this huge wave and roll down



"Young Master Wei, let's go."

Beside him, an eminent Buddhist monk sighed softly, his eyes a bit sad.

Although surrounded by heavy siege, in fact, the current initiative is entirely on Wei Changtian's side.

After all, third-rank masters can fly in the air in a short period of time, so they can choose to ignore these soldiers and "fly back" to Fengyuan City directly.

Of course, they can also kill for a while before leaving.

But to be honest, even if they openly killed seven of them, they wouldn't be able to kill too many, at most about ten thousand.

And this number is obviously insignificant in millions.

In addition, Wei Changtian had already been injured in the battle just now, and in case of an accident, the gain would not be worth the loss, so this second rank eminent monk proposed to leave directly.



Slowly pulling out the Longquan sword, Wei Changtian smiled: "Eminent monk, why do you want to leave?"

"Now that the two armies are fighting, if we kill one more, our soldiers may die one less in the future."

"Tonight just has this opportunity. Since they are coming to die, we should accept them as they are ordered."

"Are you right?"


The Buddhist eminent monk opened his mouth, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't try to persuade him any more. He just shook his head and said:

"Young Master Wei, you can kill the enemy, but we are still in the enemy camp after all, and there are nearly a million enemy troops around."

"As entrusted by His Majesty, the poor monk will do his best to protect the young master."

"However, please do what you can, young master, don't ask for it."

"Do what you can?"

Looking at the eminent Buddhist monk who spoke so earnestly, Wei Changtian suddenly interrupted him.

"Grand Monk, I don't know how to do what I can. I only know that they are in the third rank and I am in the third rank."

"So there is no way I can escape tonight."

"Just right, I want to see how long their courage can last."


It is impossible to escape.

The meaning of Wei Changtian's words couldn't be more straightforward, that is, no matter how many people on the opposite side are advancing, he will not leave, but will fight here until the army of millions is defeated.

But know that this is only one situation.

Another situation is of course that Wei Changtian was consumed alive before the enemy army collapsed.

"Young Master Wei, you"

His eyes widened suddenly, and that eminent Buddhist monk hurriedly tried to persuade Wei Changtian to calm down.

But the latter didn't give him a chance to speak. At this moment, he raised his head and glanced coldly around him.

"Listen up!"

"Don't you want to avenge your general? Don't you want to prove that you are not cowards?"

"it is good!"

"I give you this chance!"

"Me! Wei Changtian! Stand here tonight! Never retreat half step!"

"If you have the ability, then come and kill me!"

The vast sword floated around him again, and Wei Changtian's roar echoed clearly in the night sky.

He raised the Longquan sword forward and aimed at the pawn who stood up first, and uttered the last word abruptly.




Like a charging drum, and like a boulder thrown into the water.

When Wei Changtian swung his sword and mercilessly chopped off the pawn's head, countless soldiers around rushed towards him with red eyes like huge waves.



"Revenge for the general!!"



"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Roaring and roaring sounds instantly intertwined, and various powerful moves exploded in the crowd.

In the encirclement, except for the leading Buddhist eminent monk and Wei Changtian, no matter what thoughts they had in their minds, the other five people had already used their own tactics to meet the enemy at this moment, and took away hundreds of lives in an instant.

And Wei Changtian also took a step forward, controlling more than a thousand long swords around him, ready to start killing.

But just before the figure was about to flash out, he suddenly paused, and amidst the chaotic voice, he turned his head to look at the Buddhist monk who was still standing there.

"Eminent Monk, I know that your Buddhist sect is compassionate and pays attention to how to save people with kindness."

"But in my opinion, if you deal with a wicked person, you should be worse than him, and if you deal with a cruel person, you should be more ruthless than him."

"Now that the enemy is desperate, we must be even more desperate than them."

"I'm not trying to be brave, I'm just forced."

"Because I have to win this battle."


After saying the last sentence, Wei Changtian didn't care about the eminent monk's expression, turned around and shot out with more than a thousand long swords, turning into a silver torrent and crashing into the densely packed crowd.

With a crescent moon in the sky, this night destined to be recorded in history finally reached its climax at this moment.

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