One sword, one sword, another sword.

One person, one person, another person.

Standing on the ground already stained red with blood, Wei Changtian no longer remembered how many swords he swung and how many people he killed.

At this moment, every movement of his became mechanical, as if it came from the instinct of the body.

The Internal Energy in Dantian has long since bottomed out. Under the action of "Soul Devourer", clouds of black mist kept pouring into Wei Changtian's body, turning into traces of True Qi, which were immediately drained away.

That's right, if it wasn't for "supporting war with war" through Soul Eater, Wei Changtian would have died of exhaustion.

But even though Soul Eater is constantly replenishing Internal Energy, he can only maintain the most basic "sword swinging" action, and even has no power to dodge in the face of many attacks, so he can only choose to resist.

Of course, these soldiers couldn't inflict serious injuries on the second rank's body.

But when small wounds piled up one after another, Wei Changtian would always reach a limit.

And he felt that this limit was already close at hand.

The field of vision has been covered with blood, as far as the eyes can see is a bright red haze.

Wei Changtian swung his sword, seeing the vast number of soldiers and the dense sword lights that were still rushing towards him, he still didn't ask for help from the other six people.

Subjectively, he felt that he could hold on a little longer.

Objectively speaking, the other six people are actually powerless to help him now.

From Yinshi to Maoshi, the moon has already set in the western sky, and the eastern sky is slightly pale.

Seven people have been killed in the barracks of this million-strong army for nearly an hour.

So many have fallen by their swords that no one has time to count them now.

However, based on the calculation of the corpses all over the floor, this number must have exceeded ten thousand.

Seven people killed ten thousand people.

Calculated and killed an average of one thousand and five people per person.

Such a record has exceeded the normal standard of "third rank can be defeated by a thousand soldiers, and a second rank can be defeated by two thousand soldiers".

Well, this means that not only Wei Changtian, but the other six people have already tried their best.

If these six people can return to Fengyuan smoothly after tonight, they will definitely be regarded as heroes in the future, and their heroic deeds will be widely spread.

But on the other hand, in fact, for the dry army without a third-rank master, they have created an emotional miracle.

Countless weakest third-rank warriors, relying on a rush of blood in their hearts, forced the seven upper third-rank masters to the point of desperation in a way that was almost "taking human lives to fill them up".

It's hard to imagine.

Actually is not saying that "ant-eating elephants" is not theoretically possible, but in most cases, due to the "self-interested" nature of people, this kind of thing can almost be called a "miracle".

like now.

If these most ordinary soldiers tonight really killed seven of Wei Changtian's men, or even only one or two, then they would undoubtedly be the heroes of Dagan and Dahui.

You must know that the title of hero belongs only to the living.

For those who are dead, honor of any kind is worthless.

In this way, who would be willing to use their own life to help others?

And once everyone is unwilling, then "ants swallowing elephants" will only be a fantasy.

Therefore, from this perspective, the Ganhui soldiers who died 10,000 people but still did not collapse, and who knew they would die and kept charging, indeed showed extraordinary courage and madness tonight.

Just like the fifteen masters who died under Wei Changtian's sword before, they were like mad dogs and wolves, madly biting the giant beast in front of them with their blunt teeth.

And when the battle has developed to this point, it can be said that they are only one step away from success.


On the battlefield on the west side, with the fall of a knife, the silver general's armor was finally overwhelmed and shattered into pieces.

And for the first time, the owner of the battle armor, a third rank lieutenant general covered in blood, showed a look of fear.

Frantically swung his fist and sent the pawn who had smashed his armor flying, he turned his head to look at Wei Changtian, his eyes struggling.

He knew that he had reached the limit, but Dantian kept the last trace of Internal Energy. It was just enough to maintain the internal energy of his flying breath.

This is the way he left for himself.

And now, it's time to make a choice.

To fight to the death with Wei Changtian? Or "go ahead"?

In all fairness, the lieutenant felt that he had done enough tonight.

Moreover, a character like Wei Changtian must have life-saving props on him, even if the battle lasts to the last moment, there is a high probability that nothing will happen.

But what about myself?

If he used up the last trace of Internal Energy, the result would be death.

Gritting his teeth, the man resisted the swords that kept attacking him, while reaching out to grab the sachet that was always hidden in his arms.

This is a token given to him by the person he likes.

The two agreed to get married after the battle.

But if he dies here.

A flash of pain flashed in his eyes, and the man slightly bent his knees, as if he was about to run away.

But after a short breath, he slowly stood up again, mobilized the remaining internal energy, turned into a series of sharp fists, and slammed into the opposite crowd

From "escape" to "not escape".

No one knows what kind of mental journey this third rank lieutenant has gone through.

Maybe it was because he felt that even if he escaped back, Xu Suisui would definitely not let him go.

It may be because he feels that he is a third rank warrior anyway, how can he be more afraid of death than these ants.

It may be that he felt sorry to see that no one else escaped.

Or maybe he doesn't want his crush to think he's a coward.

In short, no matter what the reason is, the man made the decision to "not escape" at the last moment.

Besides Wei Changtian, the same goes for the other five people.

Everyone didn't choose to escape alone, and they didn't even ask Wei Changtian a word, just gritted their teeth and continued to fight.

Even if I have reached the point where the lights are exhausted


His knees softened, and the third rank lieutenant just now fell to the ground from exhaustion.

His eyes widened suddenly, but the sachet that had been clenched in his fist slipped quietly.

Lying down in a pool of blood, looking at the long knives cutting towards him, the man knew that he was going to die here.

Regret, pain, remorse, relief.

Countless emotions rushed into my mind at this moment, and then suddenly turned into overwhelming consternation in the next second.

This, this is.


"Puff puff puff!!!"

The sound of the sharp blade slicing through the skin and bones rang in his ears one after another, causing heads to fly in an instant.

Staring blankly at the familiar Sword Qi, the man suddenly struggled to turn his head and looked in one direction.

Under the moonlight, above the tired corpse.

The densely packed long swords slowly floated up, and a breath of second rank exploded in the crowd surrounded by countless soldiers.


The swimming and roaring real dragon reappeared, and the invisible formation covering a radius of more than ten miles rose slowly. Dark clouds covered the waning moon and new sun, and purple thunder rolled in the clouds.


At this moment, all the chaos stopped suddenly, and everyone standing on the ground was stunned.

Everyone stood there in a daze, looking up at the visions that rose one after another, looking at the man standing under the purple thunder with his feet on the dragon's head, his body around the Sword Ray, and he felt as if he saw a statue. Immortal.

But obviously, this person is not a true immortal.

"This, how is this possible"

Countless long knives fell to the ground, and I don't know how many dry soldiers suddenly lost all courage in their hearts at this moment.

They couldn't accept what they saw before them, and they couldn't accept that Wei Changtian, who was about to collapse the moment before, actually appeared in front of them in this posture.

"What is this! What is this!!!"

"Why is this happening!!"

"Why, why!!"

"Fake! It must be fake!!"


The desperate and unwilling roars, the fleeing crowd, everything means that this million-strong army that has persisted for a long time is finally collapsing at this moment.

Looking down from a high altitude, they are no longer mad dogs and wolves, but just ants running for their lives.

Wei Changtian watched all this calmly, and then slowly raised Longquan.


The three thousand long swords all turned their pointing downwards, and the purple lightning in the clouds became more and more dense.

Then at the next moment, as Longquan drew a top-down arc in the air, the dense and endless Sword Ray and Zilei fell from the sky like a torrential rain.

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