I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 757: Medium Part (6)

How to crack the Moon Raider Hearts Demon

When Chu Xianping said these words, no matter how "emotional and angry" Lu Hongji was, he was unavoidably stunned.

Of course he is interested in this, and even more than half of his purpose for instigating this national war is for this method!

Therefore, when he heard that Chu Xianping actually wanted to exchange Kuilong Elder tokens with him on this condition, Lu Hongji's brain couldn't help being extremely confused for a moment.

Chu Xianping actually has a way to break the Hearts Demon?

Where did he get it?

There is the Moon Sword, and there is a way to suppress Hearts Demon, so why doesn't he practice the Moon Sword?

Since he already knew this method and his purpose of launching this war, why didn't he propose this deal earlier? But have to wait until now?

His breathing was rapid, his eyes widened.

Due to Chu Xianping's identity as the Kuilong Elder and his mysterious and unpredictable performance in the past few days, Lu Hongji thought about countless questions at this moment, but he did not doubt the authenticity of Chu Xianping's words.

But in fact, let alone the way to break the Hearts Demon, Chu Xianping actually didn't even master the Sword Technique of Picking the Moon.

After all, when Wei Changtian learned of the drawbacks of Moonlight Sword, he ordered that no one be allowed to practice this Sword Technique again.

So Chu Xianping, Du Chang and the others only knew about the magic of Moonlight Sword, but had no experience with Sword Technique at all.

The moon picking sword manual has always been with Wei Changtian, and it was not returned to the latter until Lao Zhangtou left.

As for what happened after that, it is now very clear.

Du Chang leaked the whereabouts of the old Zhangtou to Lu Hongji, and Lu Hongji killed another person to seize the treasure and snatched the sword manual.

Therefore, Chu Xianping actually never mastered the Moon Raising Sword at all, let alone a way to break the Hearts Demon.

But this doesn't affect him in the slightest, and now he says to the bewildered Lv Hongji in a tone that can't be more certain:

"Lord Lu Duo, I know you must have a lot of questions right now."

"But you don't need to know these things, you just need to understand that I do have this method in my hands."

"Of course, maybe in your opinion, even without me, you can get this method from Qin Zhengqiu or Xinfeng Empress."

"That's all, then I'll take another step back."

"As long as you agree, I will immediately send my people to the army's company camp to help the army overcome the difficulties of the past few days."

"I won't care about the future. Whether you win or lose this battle has nothing to do with me."

"But if you lose, then I will tell you how to break the Hearts Demon, and you also need to hand over the Elder token to me."

"And if you win, and you really got this method from Empress Xinfeng, then our deal will be over."

"You don't have to give me the Elder token, this time as a small favor, I will pay you back for killing Du Chang."

"So what do you think?"


Under Lu Hongji's changing eyes several times, Chu Xianping spoke for a long time without haste, and explained the whole transaction very clearly.

I will first order my people to help you stabilize the army.

After that, if you win the national war and get the way to break the Hearts Demon as you wish, then forget it.

But if you still lose the national war, it doesn't matter, I can still give you what you want, but you have to give me the Elder token.

To be honest, this whole deal is very beneficial to Lu Hongji.

First of all, in the case of winning the national war, it is equivalent to "whoring" more than a dozen third-rank masters for help without paying anything.

At this juncture, this is very critical.

And taking a step back, even if he still loses in the end, Chu Xianping will still come up with a way to break Hearts Demon.

Of course, as a price, he had to hand over the Yellow Terrace Elder's token.

Although the identity of Kuilong Elder is important, in Lu Hongji's eyes, it is not more valuable than the method of cracking the Moon Raising Sword Hearts Demon.

Therefore, from Lu Hongji's perspective, he couldn't find any reason to refuse at this time.

Even if he knew that Chu Xianping would never be so "kind", there must be some conspiracy hidden behind the whole transaction.

Knowing that there is a deceit, but still can't help but want to step into the trap. This is the scary thing about Chu Xianping.

I am not afraid of your doubts, nor of your hesitation, anyway, you will eventually make the choice I have already preset.

Because of the conditions I gave, you can't refuse.

"Master Chu"

After bowing his head in silence for a long time, Lu Hongji finally raised his head slowly after dozens of breaths.

"You seem to have decided that I will definitely lose this battle, otherwise I really don't understand how this deal is good for you."


It has to be said that Lu Hongji is not extraordinary.

Faced with such a temptation, most people would probably agree to it long ago, but he still has a very clear judgment.

And Chu Xianping didn't hide it when he heard this question, he just nodded and smiled and said:

"Lord Lu Duo, as I said before, although you are very cautious, you still underestimate Wei Changtian."

"Don't think that Kuilong is the best in the world, his methods are far beyond your imagination."

"So in my opinion, even if it's not 100%, you still have a 90% chance of losing."

".Is it?"

Looking directly at Chu Xianping, Lu Hongji did not continue to ask.

His expression was calm, but because of these few words, a feeling of "dissatisfaction" gradually rose in his heart.

To put it bluntly, he didn't think Wei Changtian's methods could be "beyond imagination", nor did he think that he really had a 90% chance of losing this national war.

Therefore, driven by this emotion, he finally nodded slowly.

"Okay, I promise you."

"If I really lose this battle, then I will give you the Elder token, and I will never regret it."


"So best."

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Xianping shook his sleeves and stood up: "Then I will send my subordinates to the army company, and I hope Lu Tuozhu will send a letter to give them an identity earlier. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding."

"It's natural."

Lu Hongji also got up slowly: "Don't worry, Mr. Chu."

"it is good."

In response, Chu Xianping stopped looking at Lu Hongji, but turned his head to look at the "tea stall shopkeeper" standing in the distance.

He didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

But the big man seemed to understand something, and immediately took out a piece of Mother-Child jade from his arms and began to send a message.


Seeing this scene, Lu Hongji's body trembled, and he instantly froze in place as if struck by lightning.

So, is everything really as he expected?

A "huh" gust of wind blew by, and it seemed that there was a chill that didn't belong to the late spring season.

Lu Hongji looked at Chu Xianping dully, and suddenly felt that he should think more about it just now.

But no matter how much I think about it, will I reject this deal?

Lu Hongji knew that the answer must be "no".

What's more, now that he has come to this point, it seems that he can't retreat anymore.


Taking a deep breath, Lu Hongji looked at Chu Xianping silently for the last time, and then looked away with a complicated expression.

At this moment, no matter whether he is willing or not, he can only admit that whether it is scheming or strategy, he is too far behind the latter.

It can't be blamed that Lu Hongji is too "stupid", on the contrary, Lu Hongji's talents are actually considered top-notch among the hundreds of emperors in the world.

Therefore, if you want to blame, you can only blame Chu Xianping for being too "perverted".

"Lord Lu Duo, since you and I have already had tea, it's time to go."

"The tea stand has to be returned to others."

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