I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 780 Final Chapter (Eleventh)

Chapter 780 Final Chapter (Eleventh)

Outside Fengyuan City.

Shafei rolls like a curtain, and the moon is dark and the night is suspicious of the city.

When there was no sign of a big explosion from the back of the Qianhui army formation, it approached the front army one after another.

When the dismembered corpses were submerged in the flames that soared into the sky, waves after waves crushed countless ant-like lives.

When the most important fate card far away in the Dahui Palace suddenly shattered, Chu Xianping's plan was completed at this moment.

When all this happened, the 700,000 Ganhui army finally collapsed.


"Run away!!"

"Run away!!"

"Okay, good man, spare your life!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"


Screams, wailing, begging for mercy, all kinds of chaotic voices quickly spread to the entire battlefield like a plague, and the dental flags embroidered with the words "Qian" and "Hui" fell down one after another, and then they were crowded by the crowd. Step on the soles of your feet.

Throwing away the helmet and armor, the army was defeated like a mountain.

No matter how much the non-commissioned officers in the army yelled, once a rout formed, all this would be irreversible.

At this time, if one looked down from a high altitude, the army of Qianhui would be like black waves reversing, frantically and recklessly spreading in all directions, and finally disappearing at the edge of the night.

Of course, there are still a few who have the opportunity to escape.

For most people, in a situation where there is an enemy army in the front and an "Earth Fire" in the back, the only thing they can do is surrender.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

Countless long knives and long daggers fell to the ground, and one after another soldiers knelt down on the ground with fear on their faces, begging Ningshu soldiers who were enemies a second ago to bypass them.

What's more, they would raise their knives and chop off the heads of their companions as a token of their "surrender", or take out some scattered silver from their arms to buy their own lives.

Timidity, fear, despair, betrayal.

At this moment, all kinds of complicated emotions are intertwined in this small battlefield, and the bottom line of morality and humanity is becoming more and more illusory.

For the dry soldiers, in order to survive, their backbone, dignity, family and country, all of these have long been left behind.

As far as the Ningshu soldiers were concerned, for the sake of military merit and to vent their anger, they actually did not do much better.

"Puff puff puff!"

The shadow of the knife was vast, and heads fell to the ground one after another.

Facing countless enemies who are no longer resisting, there is only one thing Ningshu soldiers are doing at this time——

That is to kill as many people as possible before the officer issues the military order.

Prisoners do not count military exploits, but their heads do.

Therefore, what they see at this moment is not a "person" at all, but only the first-level ladder leading to the top of fame.

This kind of massacre without resistance is even more frightening than the fierce battle just now.

People are no longer people, and life is no longer life.

When the boundaries between good and evil, good and evil, right and wrong, black and white gradually become blurred in the night, the battlefield becomes a Shura field, and only the most instinctive nature of human beings remains. desire.

From this perspective, there may not be a distinction between Righteous & Evil in war.

In other words, the winner will always be the side of "justice".

"Long days!"

On the north side of the battlefield, when Liang Zhen rushed to Wei Changtian's side, the two Kuilong men had already fled far away.

When the army first showed signs of collapse, they chose to flee without hesitation.

And Wei Changtian didn't go after him either, he just put away the Moon Raising Sword that he hadn't used yet, and stood in the air silently watching what happened under his feet.

To be honest, the sudden defeat of the Qianhui army is reasonable, after all, no one can withstand the horrific explosion just now.

But on the other hand, this is undoubtedly beyond everyone's expectations.

Because before the explosion began, no one would have thought that the situation would turn out like this.

"Chang Tian, ​​this, this is all arranged by you?"

Beside him, Liang Zhen once again looked at the flames that were still burning in the distance, and there was no joy of victory in his tone, but some lingering fear.


Looking away, Wei Changtian smiled wryly and shook his head: "It should be Chu Xianping."

"Chu Xianping?!"

Eyes widened suddenly, Liang Zhen was stunned for a while, and then suddenly blurted out in disbelief at a certain moment: "Is he a counterfeit?!"


Looking at Fengyuan City from a distance, Wei Changtian's eyes were very calm.

He was in the same mood as Liang Zhen at this time, he had just won a big victory, but he couldn't be happy at all.

Is it because Chu Xianping stole the limelight from own?

Wei Changtian is not this kind of "competitive" person. If possible, he even hopes that others can handle various problems properly by doing nothing.

What's more, if it weren't for Chu Xianping this time, the Ningshu coalition army would have killed countless people in battle, and he would have been forced to use the moon-raising sword again, and even spent a lot of system points.

But why don't you feel happy?

"Uncle Liang, something may have happened to Feng Yuan, I'll go back first."

After a while, Wei Changtian stopped thinking about it for the time being, turned to Liang Zhen and said, "You should keep an eye on this side first, and tell me if you have anything to do."

"it is good."

Hearing that something might have happened to Feng Yuan, Liang Zhen's expression immediately became serious: "Go quickly, I won't make any trouble here."

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Nodding his head, Wei Changtian didn't say anything more, and soon turned into a black shadow and headed towards Fengyuan City.

And not long after he left, several eminent Buddhist monks hurriedly found Liang Zhen.

"General Liang, where is Mr. Wei?"

The eminent monks looked rather embarrassed, probably because they had just suffered a lot in the battle with Kuilong's men.

"Changtian, he has returned to Fengyuan beforehand."

Liang Zhen looked at the wrinkled brows of these people, and asked suspiciously: "What's the rush, all eminent monks looking for him?"

"Amitābha, General Liang, can't you see this scene?"

Looking at each other, an eminent Buddhist monk stretched out his hand and pointed to the battlefield under his feet, and said with compassion in his eyes: "Now that the outcome has been decided, why do you still allow the soldiers to torture and kill the enemy troops?"

"The general, please give an order quickly, don't hurt Tianhe again!"


The tone is urgent, the expression is sad and indignant.

It can be seen that these Buddhist eminent monks are not pretending to be merciful, but really can't bear to watch such a scene of massacre and surrender.

Obviously, he was still fighting desperately with the people of Kuilong before, but now he turned his head and pleaded for the enemy

Facing their request, Liang Zhen just smiled and answered casually:

"I understand that the eminent monks are compassionate."

"But I'm just a warrior, and I only know the principle of not being soft-hearted when dealing with the enemy."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong."

"After half an hour, I will order the army to seal the sword."

"And before that, if the eminent monks can't bear to watch it, then don't watch it."

"You Buddhists often say that you put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

"Anyway, as long as you don't kill, you can become a Buddha, so what's the difference between earlier and later?"


In the sky, the crescent moon became bright again, and the stars all over the sky exuded a faint brilliance.

It was still early at dawn, and the moonlight pierced through the thick night fog, as if covering the battlefield with a layer of silver tulle.

Amidst the sound of killing that did not stop, the curtain of this peerless battle came to an end.

According to statistics afterwards, less than 100,000 escaped from the army of more than 700,000 cadres, more than 300,000 were killed in battle, and more than 300,000 were captured.

If you add the people who died in the previous battle, the 1.2 million troops who entered Xinfeng, in the end, only 100,000 people were able to return to their homeland.

The mountains, snow, rivers and ice fields are bleak, and the blue is the beacon smoke and white human bones.

The war is over.

The war has only just begun.

(end of this chapter)

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