I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 89 Letter To Xiao Feng

Chapter 89 Letter to Xiao Feng

After leaving Zhongling County, Wei Changtian and his party quickly left Tanzhou and formally entered the boundary of Luzhou.

The route they chose this time will pass through four state capitals of Tanzhou, Luzhou, Peizhou, and Anzhou along the way, which is almost 10,000 miles.

Although such a distance sounds quite far at first glance, in the world of comprehension, even a low-level martial artist is not too far away.

It is not difficult for a fast horse in this world to travel thousands of miles a day, and the masters above the fifth rank can even run faster than a horse.

Hundreds of years ago, after Daning won the national battle in Yuxi Dafeng, a second rank expert once traveled 20,000 li overnight to return to Beijing to announce the good news.

Therefore, although Wei Changtian and the others were on their way while "traveling", it would take about ten days to reach Shuzhou.


"Snatch the devil!"

"Don't grab!"


In the slightly shaking carriage, Wei Changtian was fighting the devil with Yang Liushi and Yuan'er.

They rested in Luzhou City last night and are now heading to Anyi County.

It’s been almost ten days since we left Beijing, and Wei Changtian, who is “on the road” almost every day, has lost interest in admiring the beautiful scenery along the way. In addition, the weather is getting colder after the beginning of winter. Now he basically “gets in the car to sleep and play cards, and gets off to eat and go to the bathroom.” status.

It's very similar to the elderly tour group in the previous life.

"Young master, Shunzi."

Yang Liushi gently put a stack of cards on the table, Wei Changtian casually glanced at the cards in his hand, shook his head and said:

"don't want."

"The slave family will win."

Yang Liushi put down the last one-on-three with a happy smile, and applauded herself.

Wei Changtian curled his lips, and yawned while shuffling the cards.

For some reason, he always felt that without Lu Jingyao, playing cards would not be as interesting as before.

"Zhang San, come and play, I will rest for a while."

Giving up the seat to Zhang San, who rarely had the chance to be at the poker table because of his poor memory, he sat by the car window and stretched himself.

"Master, drink tea..."

A timid voice sounded beside him, it was Ah Chun who was holding a teacup.

After this little girl was taken in, she originally followed Liang Qin, but later Liang Zhen felt that there were too many maids for her daughter, so she gave it to Wei Changtian.

However, Wei Changtian was not used to being served by a little girl who was not yet ten years old, and it happened that Yang Liushi did not bring a maid this time, so he simply gave it to Yang Liushi again.

So Ah Chun is actually Yang Liushi's little maid now.

Taking a sip of the tea at just the right temperature, Wei Changtian asked casually, "Ah Chun, why did your parents die?"

"Master, my father was bitten to death by a poisonous snake when he went hunting in the mountains."

Ah Chun bit her lip and whispered, "My mother died of illness later on."

Wei Changtian put the teacup back on the table and asked again, "How old were you at that time?"

"Six years old..."

"Are you nine years old this year?"


"Then what did you live on for the three years in between?"

"The neighbors in the village see me as pitiful, and sometimes give me a little food."

Ah Chun struggled with his little hands: "Occasionally, I would pick some mountain products and sell them in the city."

"That's it..."

Wei Changtian looked at Ah Chun's braid, and suddenly thought of Wei Qiaoling who had no worries about food and clothing.

"I have a Little Sister, about your age, she should like you quite a bit."


Ah Chun didn't know how to answer this sentence, so he had to bow his head in embarrassment.

Seeing her like this, Wei Changtian just smiled, and said to himself, "She has a very stupid dog named Big Ghost."


Ah Chun muttered: "I also had a dog before, named Rhubarb."

"What happened to it?"

"One day I ran away by myself, and I searched for a long time but couldn't find it."

"It was pretty old then."

"How do you know, sir?"


Wei Changtian smiled and patted Ah Chun's little head: "It's a good dog."


Ah Chun didn't quite understand what Wei Changtian meant, but he nodded anyway.

At this time, a sound suddenly sounded outside the car.

"Young Master Wei! We will arrive in Anyi County in half an hour. The local county magistrate has set up a family banquet. The general asked me to tell you!"


Wei Changtian yelled through the window, and the card game on the other side of the car just ended at this time.

There is no doubt that Zhang San, the "human-shaped card recorder", won again.

Knowing that they were about to reach the ground, the three of them stopped playing, and simply packed up their cards and sat down to rest.

After the beginning of winter, it gets dark early, and now it is only the beginning of the unitary hour, and the window is already orange-red.

Scientific research in previous lives has shown that dusk is the time of day when people are most likely to feel homesick, because it is the time to go home for dinner.

But most of the people in the car are not worried about this.

Yang Liushi is a demon, Zhang San is an outlaw, and Ah Chun is an orphan... The three of them have special identities, and they may almost lose the concept of "hometown".

Wei Changtian came here through time travel, and if he really wants to miss his hometown, he also misses the blue earth in his previous life.

So at this moment, Yuan'er is probably the only one who is really thinking about that big mansion in the capital and the people living in it.

"My son..."

She quietly moved to Wei Changtian's side, and whispered with tears in her eyes, "I miss Madam and Sister Qiuyun..."

"No, we only left for ten days with all our efforts."

Wei Changtian was speechless at first, but then he thought that Yuan'er had lived in Wei's residence since she was a child, and had never traveled far, so it's normal for her to be a little uncomfortable now.

Thinking of this, he wanted to make a little joke to ease the atmosphere: "Well, I mean, you miss them for now, but they might not miss you at all?"


Yuan'er's body froze, and then her crying became more serious: "I don't believe it! Madam and sister Qiuyun will definitely miss me too!"

Depend on! How come there is no humor at all!

Wei Changtian saw that Own's joke had backfired, so he had to quickly remedy it and comfort him: "Okay, okay, don't cry. I'm kidding you!"


Yuan'er's eyes widened immediately, and soon she yelled angrily: "My lord, this joke is not funny at all!"

"You, don't you miss them?"


Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the setting sun setting in the mountains outside the window.

Thousands of miles lead to autumn geese, and thousands of peaks share the sunset.

It would be a lie to say that I don't want to at all.

Not only Lu Jingyao and Qiuyun, but also Xu Qingwan, Wei Qiaoling, etc...

Well, besides that, there is another person I "want" the most—Xiao Feng!

It is impossible for Wei Changtian to keep Xiao Feng in the capital to harm the Wei family. As for how to get him to Shuzhou...


The capital, Xuantianhui, and Aoki are dignified.

Xiao Feng walked through the hidden doors and entered the secret room, with a very ugly expression on his face.

His life has been really rough recently.

First, the plan to trap and kill Wei Changtian failed, and almost lost all the masters of Aoki Hall. Not to mention, he himself was chased and intercepted by the Xuanjing Division for more than ten days. Too nervous.

The second is that Wei Changtian unexpectedly went to kill Liu Yuanshan who he managed to get online for no reason, and he survived!

It's outrageous!

Xiao Feng felt that his luck had never been so bad since the death of his parents, so now he hated Wei Changtian with itch.

"Wei Changtian! I must kill you with my own hands!"


He punched the wall with a fist, and his ordinary but extraordinary face was full of ferociousness.

But at this moment, the door of the secret room was suddenly pushed open, and a big man walked in with something in his hand.

"Master, here is a letter, it is for you..."


Xiao Feng tried to calm down, and turned around: "Who sent it?"

"I don't know, but the signature on the envelope..."

"Who signed up?"

"Wei, Wei Changtian..."

(end of this chapter)

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