Chapter 91

In Xushi, Liang Zhen finally "got his wish" and accompanied Wei Changtian to the scene of "Praise the Flower List"——

An embroidery building by the river.

Eight long red silks stretch from the top to the bottom of the building. The building is brightly lit and the outside of the building is full of flowers.

Numerous literati and poets, rich businessmen and tycoons either sit or stand in the embroidery building, and the lively atmosphere is not too much to say.

"Did you have such ostentation when you were choosing the oiran?"

While looking around, Wei Changtian asked Yang Liushi who was hidden under the veil beside him.

Yes, ever since Wei Changtian mentioned it that day, she has really put on a veil, and she will wear it every time she goes to crowded places.

"The ostentation in the capital is naturally better than here."

Yang Liushi smiled and said: "But this place is not bad, at least there are all kinds of beauty around this embroidery building."

"Baiyan? Does it mean a hundred kinds of flowers?"

Wei Changtian was taken aback, and found that the flower balls wrapped around Xiulou seemed to be of different varieties.


Yang Liushi explained: "Since we want to judge oirans, it is natural for hundreds of flowers to bloom. However, most of the 'flower appraisal fairs' in most places do not have such a variety, and most of them only have a few dozen kinds."

"Therefore, it is not easy to collect hundreds of species here, although many of them are unknown wild flowers."

Boy, it's not easy.

It's already beginning of winter at this time, and I don't know where these flowers are found.

Wei Changtian pursed his lips and sighed secretly, "The f*ck knows how to play", then shifted his gaze to Liang Zhen who was walking beside him.

At this time, he was talking happily with the fat county magistrate who accompanied him, so his mind was already full of the "little lady" who hadn't met yet.

Wei Changtian really admired Liang Zhen, but he also knew that the ancients were indeed tolerant in this regard.

A man visiting the Land of Smoky Willows is basically the same as going to wash his feet in his previous life, and most women can still accept it.

Just like himself, didn't he often look for Yang Liushi in front of Lu Jingyao before...


The activity of commenting on the flower list originally originated from the bad taste of literati and poets.

Maybe they are really full and have nothing to do. In addition to venting their desires, these literati who hang around Goulan Wasi also want to give vent to their poetic talent, so they write some erotic words to criticize Huaniang. their talents.

However, as their experience became richer, they began to no longer be satisfied with this simple evaluation method, but wanted a "comprehensive, objective, and fair" scoring system.

In the end, they imitated the imperial examinations and came up with the so-called "praise list".

At first, the "Praise for Flowers" only commented on appearance, but this thing has its own favorites, so it is difficult to choose an absolute number one.

In order to increase the "convincing power" of the results of the selection, later added examination content such as demeanor, speech, poetry, poetry, calligraphy and painting, etc. The difficulty was no less than the previous college entrance examination.

Good guy, you really answered that sentence——

Three hundred and sixty lines, every line will be the number one scholar.

"...Masters, I've finished my writing, so don't laugh at me."

When Wei Changtian and the others sat down in the VIP seats in the embroidery building, the girls on the stage had just finished the "talent show" session.

Poetry, book, song, piano, painting.

It seemed that she had won the "book".

Several maidservants came to the stage and held up the words she had just written, and there was bursts of applause from the audience, and at the same time, more than a dozen red peonies were thrown at the woman's feet.

I guess it's the ballot.

Wei Changtian looked up at the words, it was a poem.

The wind and the sun are slowly softening, and the flower path is darkly fragrant. After the Qingming Festival, I can't bear to look back, and the cloud locks Zhulou. The sound of the warbler in the afternoon window sleeps cleverly, where can I call the sorrow of spring? In the shadow of green poplars, beside the branches of begonias, and the tips of red apricots.

With Wei Changtian's calligraphy skills, he couldn't comment on how well this character was written, but it looked quite pleasing to the eye, so he thought about throwing some flowers to support it.

"Come here, bring me ten flowers."

He waved his hand to beckon the boy carrying the flower basket, and reached out to take out a hundred-liang silver note.

But the price quoted by the boy made him stunned for a moment.

"My lord, one flower is fifty taels, and ten flowers is five hundred taels."


Five hundred taels?

Good guy, why don't you grab it? ?

No matter how out of season this peony flower is, it won't be at this price!

Of course, it's not that Wei Changtian couldn't afford five hundred taels, but he simply felt that it wasn't worth it.

So he didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately changed his words: "Then I only want two."

"Good boy."

The boy didn't show any contempt because of his "stinginess". After handing over two big peonies, he asked respectfully:

"Dare to ask the son's name? Where is the house?"

"My surname is Wei."

Wei Changtian took the flowers and threw them on the stage, shook his head and only gave his last name.

"The villain understands."

The boy knew that Wei Changtian didn't want to reveal too much personal information, so he didn't ask any more, but stood up and shouted: "Young Master Wei, please enjoy two peonies from Miss Yumeng!"

Many people heard the words and looked this way, and the woman named Yu Meng on the stage immediately turned around and gave a half-blessing tenderly.

The experience is not bad.

Wei Changtian smacked his lips, and suddenly understood why so many local tyrants bought gifts in the live broadcast room in his previous life.

After he finished throwing these two peonies, no one threw any more flowers. The maid on the stage waited for a while, then picked up the flowers one by one, and followed the woman off the stage.

Wei Changtian thought that the matter was over, but after he had had a couple of sips of tea, someone brought a small handkerchief.

There are souvenirs here?

Wei Changtian looked bewildered, while Yang Liushi laughed beside him and said, "Congratulations, my lord, for enjoying the most flowers. Tonight I have to go to Miss Yumeng's embroidery room."


Wei Changtian instantly guessed that he might have enjoyed the treatment of "No. 1 Dage", but he was still a little puzzled.

"No, I see that there are quite a few people throwing flowers to her. Why do I have the most flowers with only two?"

"Hehehe, young master doesn't know something..."

Yang Liushi explained: "The girl Yumeng may be considered a red card in her own building, but she might not be as good as others in this flower judging party."

"But girls always want faces, so..."

"So she spends her own money on the flowers?"

Wei Changtian was surprised: "Isn't this pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?"

"Put a big tail... a wolf?"

Yang Liushi blinked her eyes exposed outside the veil twice, seeming very puzzled.

Wei Changtian hurriedly fooled around: "Cough, my consciousness is... what's the point of doing this?"

"My lord still doesn't understand a woman's mind."

Yang Liushi didn't bother about what a wolf with a big tail was, she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "For us, even if some things are fake, we can't live without them."


Wei Changtian rolled his eyes, and was just about to watch the next "contestant" performance when he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, how many flowers did you win when you judged the oiran?"

"Well... so many."

Yang Liushi stretched out a finger.

"One hundred?" Wei Changtian asked.

"Goose goose, does the young master look down on me so much?"

Yang Liushi laughed for a while, and then said triumphantly, "It's a thousand flowers."

"one thousand?"

Wei Changtian was surprised: "How much is a flower?"

"It's also fifty taels."

Fifty times a thousand...

What a f*ck guy!

Take 50,000 taels overnight? ?

If you calculate it this way, isn't it equivalent to earning hundreds of thousands of taels for nothing?

(end of this chapter)

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