I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 911 This Is The Charisma That A Villain Will Never Have

Chapter 911 This is the charisma that a villain will never have

Although it may be difficult for others to find Zhili, Xu Quanquan is the son of Heavenly Dao, so it is very easy to find a big monster.

It's just that she doesn't know what she is going to do when she finds Zhili.

"You still dare to show up?"

Staring at Xu Quan, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was as cold as winter.

She almost resisted the urge to kill the man in front of her immediately, and said with a sneer every word:

"What? Are you here to stare at me?"

"Hehe, don't worry."

"I won't go until I kill you all."


There were intense ripples in the small lake behind him, and an invisible killing intent permeated the air.

The fragmented sentence is not only a vent, but also her real plan.

After all, after being cheated once and seeing how not wanting face Wei Changtian has, no matter how stupid she is, it is impossible for her to be cheated a second time.

Zhili understood that even if she really went to Dagan Capital with Wei Changtian, the latter would not return the holy fruit.

That being the case, all she can do is revenge.

Of course, Zhili knows very well that she can't do this now, and it's hard to say whether she can even escape from Linchuan.

But as long as she is allowed to live, she will spend her entire life waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on Wei Changtian.

Including the two "accomplices" Xu Quan and Yang Liushi.

Therefore, if Zhili was not afraid that Xu Quan's appearance was a trap, she would have slapped him long ago.

Even though there was some fear in her heart, the overwhelming anger still made her slowly raise her hand, as if she could not help but swing this palm at any time, killing the man who lied to her on the spot

The ripples on the lake became more and more turbulent, the white skirt swayed in the wind, and the long hair fell on the corners of her clenched lips.

Whether to kill one person first regardless of everything, or to endure for the time being to save his life, his eyes are full of unwillingness and disgust, it seems that The next moment will make a choice.

Facing all this, Xu Quan didn't say a word, but shook his head slightly with a complicated expression, and then took out three purple fruits from his bosom under Zhili's suddenly astonished gaze.


Taking a step forward, Xu Quan seemed to want to hand over the sacred fruit to Zhili.

But the latter took a step back, and his expression became more vigilant.

".I'll put it here."

Dazed for a moment, Xu Quan didn't come any closer, just bent down and gently placed the holy fruit on the ground, then backed away a few steps away.

The warm summer wind blew by, and the distance between the two was about six or seven steps.

And three fruits exuding a mysterious atmosphere are located in the middle of the two, lying quietly on a piece of Shiraishi, reflecting a faint purple light in the sunlight.

"What kind of tricks are you playing?"

Glancing at the three holy fruits, his disjointed breathing couldn't help but become a little faster.

But she did not act rashly, but looked up at Xu Quan, and said very coldly:

"This is a trap."

"... Demon King, this is not a trap."

Lowering his head, Xu Quan seemed to sigh, and his tone was a bit difficult.

"I once said, but whatever I promise, I will try my best to do it."

"Since we have agreed before that as long as you bring the demon soldiers to Linchuan, I will return the three holy fruits, so now I will naturally fulfill my promise."

"Now the holy fruit is here, you should be able to tell whether it is true or not."

"So... you just take it."

It can be seen that Xu Quan should have wanted to say something else in the end, but he still didn't say it.

After he finished speaking, he took another look at Zhili, then turned around and walked away along the path by the lake.

People are gone, but the holy fruit remains

Zhi Li was taken aback for a moment, Xu Quan's voice still seemed to be echoing in his ears.

After some hesitation in my heart, I quickly made a decision.

After a while, she carefully stimulated a burst of Internal Energy, and slowly wrapped the holy fruit back into her hands.

Crystal clear as jade, round like pearls, the unique breath is faint but real

it is true!

Xu Quan didn't lie to himself! He actually returned the sacred fruit back!

Suddenly his eyes widened, and Zhili raised his head subconsciously to look at the back of the person who had gone away.

Then, not knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly blurted out:

"wait wait wait!"

"You, you stop for me!"


There was no previous hatred and ferocity, but a little more eagerness and doubts, and even chased a few steps towards that figure inexplicably.

Seemingly also aware of the "inexplicable" behavior of own, Zhili soon slowed down his pace again, and walked slowly to the opposite of Xu Quan who had stopped and turned back with a stern face.

"Wei Changtian ordered you to return the holy fruit to me?"

The voice became cold again, but this time it didn't seem so sincere.

Zhili stared at Xu Quan and asked the most crucial question, while the latter was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly.



Xu Quan wasn't lying to Zhili, all of this was indeed not Wei Changtian's intention.

It was he himself who decided to fulfill his promise and return the sacred fruit as promised

There is no doubt that in the eyes of most people, this behavior is undoubtedly a kind of "betrayal".

After all, Xu Quan is Wei Changtian's side no matter what. Even if the latter is playing a scoundrel, he may be able to persuade him, but he should never do things that are harmful to Wei Changtian's interests privately.

This is not a question of "morality" and "loyalty".

If there is a comparison, it is also "morality to the enemy" and "loyalty to one's own people".

Then, those who choose the former are undoubtedly traitors.

Because of this, Xu Quan did not hesitate, and it can even be said that this is the most difficult choice he has faced so far.

But in the end he chose to keep his promise to Fragmentation.

This may have something to do with the fact that he and Wei Changtian are not in a strict "superior-subordinate" relationship.

But more importantly, it is because of his life creed of "doing what he says".

Xu Quan knew that it was impossible for him to persuade Wei Changtian, so he could only do this.

Maybe this is indeed a betrayal, maybe it will cost him a very serious price, maybe it will even drag Xu Suisui down.

But Xu Quan never regretted it.

Because in his opinion, he just did the right thing

"Demon King, go back to Changliu Mountain earlier."

Looking at Zhili with a complicated expression, Xu Quan said softly:

"No matter what, you have already obtained the holy fruit, so don't think about revenge anymore."

"You are not the son's opponent, as long as you don't seek your own death, the son will not go after you if you want to come."

"how about you?"

Suddenly, Li Li coldly interrupted Xu Quan: "Give me back the sacred fruit, and you are not afraid that Wei Changtian will kill you?"

"Thank you Demon King for your concern, I don't think your son will do it."

Xu Quan smiled and said in a relaxed tone, "Furthermore, this has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that not all human beings are unbelievable."

"Okay, that's all."

"We will meet again in the future."

Waving his hands, Xu Quan was presumably thinking about how he should explain to Wei Changtian when he went back later, so he didn't say too much to Zhili, turned around and wanted to leave.

But at the next moment, Zhili bit his lip, and suddenly took two quick steps to catch up with him.

"Huh? Demon King, I don't know if you still have it."

"I'll go back with you!"

(end of this chapter)

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