I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 944: Wonderful Chess

Chapter 944: Wonderful Chess

For Xu Quan, there are indeed many choices for him next.

First of all, he can continue to follow Wei Changtian and hold this "thigh" tightly.

In this way, no matter who wants to touch him in the future, they will definitely weigh it carefully.

Secondly, if he thinks that Wei Changtian is not trustworthy, he can follow Xu Suisui back to Xinfeng.

Although Xu Suisui's power is far less powerful than Wei Changtian's, and the protection he can give him is naturally less, but the advantage is that he doesn't have to worry about the former harming him.

In the end, if it doesn't work, he can hide with Zhili.

With such a thousand-year-old monster by his side, if the two of them really ran somewhere deep in the mountains and old forests, ordinary people would be able to find them without seeing them.

When the limelight passes, the two can "return to the mundane" again.

Even living a life of seclusion in peace and security is not a bad idea.

Thinking about it this way, the last path is undoubtedly the least dangerous.

As long as he doesn't betray Xu Quan, or intends to take away Heavenly Dao's luck, he will most likely be able to survive this crisis smoothly.


"Let me think about it again."

Shaking his head lightly, Xu Quan didn't agree or refuse, but said softly:

"I believe that the son will not harm me."


Seemingly a little angry at Xu Quan's "simpleness", Zhi Li frowned involuntarily.

But she didn't persuade any more, and after a moment of silence, she slowly stood up.

"Okay, then you can think about it for yourself."

"Anyway, I'm doing this for your own good."

"Well, I know, thank you."

Chong Zhili thanked him, Xu Quan watched the former walk to the door, and suddenly stammered a question.

"Yes, yes, why are you willing to do so much for me?"

"Because you are the most special man I have ever met."

Fragmentation is worthy of being a demon, speaking very straight.

She turned her head to look at Xu Quan, and gave the answer very seriously.

"I'm not referring to your status as the son of Heavenly Dao, but your character of doing what you say."

"From the moment you handed over the holy fruit to me that day, I knew that you were the one worthy of my entrustment."

"But, but I'm not strong."

Xu Quan's eyes were a little lonely when he heard this: "You should find a husband who is as capable as Mr. Wei to protect you."


With a sneer, Zhili said with disdain on his face: "In my eyes, ten thousand Wei Changtians are not as good as one you."

Ten thousand Wei Changtians are not as good as one you.

If this remark is put into the ears of others, it will undoubtedly be regarded as a joke.

After all, Xu Quan was far behind Wei Changtian in terms of Realm strength, power, and even appearance.

Even if he is the son of Heavenly Dao, it is useless, after all, Wei Changtian has already killed three sons of Heavenly Dao.

But now, Zhili's words are extremely serious, and he should really think so in his heart.

Therefore, it seems that Xiao Feng, Xu Quan and others really have a certain kind of special personality charm that ordinary people do not possess.

What this charm is, maybe everyone's understanding is not the same.

In Wei Changtian's view, this is undoubtedly a "protagonist halo".

In Zhili's view, this is a trustworthy "excellent quality".

Regardless of whether it is the protagonist's aura or excellent quality, the essence of this charm is actually a "righteousness".

It is the "justice" that ordinary people yearn for but often cannot achieve.


Seeing the serious and fragmented expression, although Xu Quan has not yet realized his unique "advantage", but he is also a little moved in his heart.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, Zhili smiled at this moment, and suddenly asked him:

"Xu Quan, can you promise me one thing?"

"What's up?"

Xu Quan is worthy of being a straight man. Under such circumstances, any other man would definitely agree without hesitation, but he still asked a very serious question.

And Zhi Li didn't mind, just replied softly:

"Xu Quan, if I am in danger in the future, can you help me like I am helping you now?"


His eyes froze for a moment, Xu Quan didn't know why Zhili would let him agree to this.

Thinking about it simply, this may just be a wish for a promise like "Will you love me forever".

Thinking about it in a complicated way, it might be that she knew that she would encounter some crises in the future, and he had the ability to help her solve them.

If it is the latter case, then it seems that at this moment, Fragment's love for own is no longer just out of love between men and women, but more like there is a hint of "deal" in it.

"I certainly will."

Nodding his head heavily, Xu Quan didn't care whether Zhi Li was "using" him or not, and quickly made his promise.

Then, he saw Zhili reach out to insert the wooden bolt on the door, and then walked towards him step by step with a blushing face.

The long skirt fell to the ground, and the blue hair spread out.

"Xu Quan, I believe in you"


The moonlight is bright, reflecting the tranquility and peace of the small station.

On such a night at the beginning of troubled times, Xu Quan had skin-to-skin contact with a woman for the first time.

From this point of view, he may have to thank that mysterious man in White Horse Temple for allowing him and Zhili to make such progress in such a short period of time.

It's just that the other sons of Heavenly Dao obviously won't have such "treatment" as him.

At this moment, Chu An is still leading Qin He to avoid pursuit; Tang Chen has just escaped from the capital of Dajue; Shen Ran has not yet found a safe place to stay; the Nine True Sect is in chaos.

Just for the sons of Heavenly Dao that Wei Changtian knew, except for Xu Quan, everyone else is struggling in the crisis of Chu Ge on all sides.

And those he has never met are probably in a similar situation.

Oh, I almost forgot there is Lin Zhi.


In a certain inn in Dagan Capital, Guan Kong is still lying on the bed very weakly, it seems that the injury caused by the phantom array backlash has not healed yet.

Lin Zhi, on the other hand, stood by the bed with his head bowed, with an extremely complicated expression, he should have heard the wind outside.

"I know what you're thinking."

Glancing at Lin Zhi, Guan Kong sat up slowly, leaned against the head of the bed and said softly:

"But if I want to betray you, I don't have to wait until now."

"You should know this"

"Father! The child has no such idea!"

He raised his head suddenly, as if to prove that what he said was true, Lin Zhi's voice was a little hurried.

His eyes were tense and he wanted to say something, but before he could leave his mouth, Guan Kong waved his hand and interrupted:

"Whether you think so or not, it doesn't matter."

"You should think hard now about how to take advantage of this opportunity."


With a stunned expression, Lin Zhi obviously couldn't understand Guan Kong's words.

He didn't understand how such a chaos could be used for him.

And Guan Kong didn't mean to explain further, just sighed softly to himself:

"My master's move is wonderful."

(end of this chapter)

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