I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 966 The Last Thing Before Leaving

Chapter 966 The Last Thing Before Leaving

On the fifth day of July, the enthronement ceremony was held as scheduled.

Wanzhang Kuiguangxuan Secret Pavilion, Ninth Stage Holy Semanlonglou.

As the most solemn ceremony in feudal society, Su Qi's coronation ceremony was naturally extremely solemn and solemn.

Most importantly, under a series of strict arrangements, the grand ceremony successfully went through the entire process as planned.

There are no "rebels from the former dynasty" who make trouble, and there are no "troublemakers" who do not cooperate.

Although compared to the time when Ning Yuke proclaimed himself king in Shuzhou, the expressions on the faces of everyone who participated in the grand ceremony today, whether they were court officials, soldiers, or ordinary people, were not so "sincere and sincere", but they were all different anyway. Didn't make any "inappropriate" moves.

Thus, a ceremony that was not so "perfect", but was "smooth" after all, was completed in this way.

Since then, the "big gan" has completely withdrawn from the stage of history, and the "big man" has come on stage.

As the founding emperor of the new dynasty, Su Qi also put on a brand-new dragon robe, sat on the dragon chair at the moment of Shen Shi, and accepted the worship of hundreds of officials for the first time.

When the shouts of "Long live the emperor" sounded one after another in the Golden Luan Hall, he finally saw no trace of hesitation and guilt in his eyes.

The huge waves of history are rolling forward. From this moment, the fate of tens of millions of people in this territory of Life has been completely changed.

Dahan, Dachu, Xinfeng, Daning, Dashu.

After that, the five dynasties across tens of thousands of miles from east to west will form an extremely strong "strategic alliance" under the influence of someone, and then enter a stage of unprecedented rapid development.

General books, commerce, intermarriage, and even general administration.

In the next few years, Wei Changtian used his "absolute control" over the royal families of these five dynasties to establish a community of interests similar to a "federal system" among the five countries, and gradually became a world-wide political power. A political entity that can occupy a place.

Later history books generally refer to this political community as the "Five-Nation League", or more straightforwardly, the "Wei League", and have carried out extremely detailed research on this kind of national alliance that is obviously different from previous forms.

Of course, all of the above are things to come.

At the very least, Wei Changtian not only didn't think of changing the feudal monarchy with the European Union's set of things in his previous life, he didn't even show up at today's grand ceremony.

Not only him, but also Yang Liushi, Xu Quan, Li Zimu and others never showed up at the enthronement ceremony and the subsequent state banquet.

And as for what they're doing.

Around the small courtyard, countless pairs of eyes stared at it from daytime to nightfall, and it was not until the end of the Xu Dynasty that the closed courtyard door was finally seen slowly opening.

Then, as if it had been discussed a long time ago, the spies sent by these various forces all disappeared into the night, turning into black shadows and shooting towards the same direction.

Drive away wolves.

As mentioned before, this is the "clear conspiracy" set up against Wei Changtian by the mysterious person who leaked information about Heavenly Dao's son.

He wanted Wei Changtian to be in a situation where he was walking on thin ice all the time, so that he would not dare to act rashly.

As far as the current situation is concerned, his approach has indeed effectively put Wei Changtian and all the forces in the world who intend to meddle with Heavenly Dao's luck on the opposite side.

But he ignored one thing.

That is, for the hungry wolves, as long as there is something to eat, it doesn't really matter which tiger they swallow.

At the beginning of Haishi, south of the city, Donglilou.

As one of the largest inns in the city, Donglilou can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time when it is full. It is not too deserted even at night on weekdays. You can always hear the sound of guests drinking and having fun.

But today's Dongli Tower seems to be a little quiet.

Although candles were still lit behind many wooden windows, it was rare to hear any movement, and the occasional noise could not even cover up the chirping of insects outside the house.


"Father, the child is back."

In the last guest room at the end of the second floor, as the door was gently pushed open, Lin in night clothes walked straight into the room and walked straight to Guan Kong who was sitting at the table.

"The state banquet at the palace is not over yet, but the Heavenly Dog army has already withdrawn from the city one after another."

"It seems that the rumors are correct, Wei Changtian should leave tomorrow."

"Father, should we leave tomorrow too?"


While talking, he lit up the candle lamp on the table.

After a while, Lin Zhi, who had not received a response, realized that something was wrong with Guan Kong.

"Father? What's wrong with you?"

".Did you notice anything unusual on the way back?"

Looking up at Lin Zhi who looked puzzled, Guan Kong finally asked slowly, "Is anyone following you?"

"The child never noticed."

Lin Zhi's eyes froze, and his expression became a little tense in an instant: "Father, what do you think is wrong?"


Without immediately answering Lin Zhi's question, Guan Kong just took a deep look at the scene outside the window that was the same as usual, and then sighed softly:

"It's nothing, maybe I'm thinking too much."

"Where is Wei Changtian? What is he doing today?"

"Back to foster father, Wei Changtian hasn't left the house all day today."

The strangeness in his eyes flashed past, Lin Zhi did not delve into the question just now, and quickly answered truthfully:

"Hail thinks he might be explaining what happened after he left Dagan."


Guan Kong nodded slightly, but his face was still a little unnatural.

He didn't continue to ask questions, and he didn't decide whether to follow Wei Changtian and leave Dagan tomorrow.

He was silent for a while, and then he took out a piece of Mother-Child jade from his bosom, probably preparing to send a letter to someone.

But before he could heat up the jade, the sound of a carriage approaching from far and near rang out the window first.


The sound of wheels rolling over the road is not loud, but it is very clear in this extremely quiet night.

After all, Donglilou is an inn, and it is quite normal for passengers to return home after taking a bus late at night.

But when Guan Kong heard the sound of the carriage, the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart became stronger again, and even made him stand up slowly, and walked to the window in a few steps.


Frowning and whispering, Lin Zhi didn't understand what happened to Guan Kong tonight, so he followed to the window and looked out.

Under the bright moonlight, a very ordinary black carriage stopped at the entrance of the inn, but no one got out of the carriage for a long time.


Cold sweat suddenly broke out from the palms of his hands, and Lin Zhi's eyes widened a little bit.

At the bottom of his heart, Heavenly Dao's son's sixth sense of "omnipotence" finally exploded at this moment, and an overwhelming sense of crisis instantly enveloped his whole body.

At this second, Lin Zhi felt as if there was a voice that was both illusory and real, repeating the same word hoarsely in his ear.





"Yi, Yifu!!"

Back half step abruptly, Lin Zhi opened his mouth wide, wanting to speak out the warning from Heavenly Dao.

But before he could utter a single word, all the candlelit windows in Donglilou became dark in an instant, and even the moonlight and starlight above his head, as well as the lights of thousands of families in the distance, were strangely at the same time. Disappeared.

As if falling into a chaotic abyss, all the surrounding lights were annihilated in the blink of an eye, and Lin Zhi couldn't even see Guan Kong's expression clearly at the moment.

He could only hear the latter's trembling voice in the endless darkness.

"Illusion, illusion array."

"But he, how did he do it?"

"This is impossible."

"No, impossible"

(On the first day after Yangyang, let’s update a chapter first, and it should be back to normal tomorrow!)

(end of this chapter)

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