Xia Family Yipin Bathhouse was built by Xia Jiuquan, the head of the Xia Family.

After discovering the market for bathing, he joined forces with several elders in the clan and immediately began to prepare to make money.

With the influence of the Xia Family, a bathhouse, Xia Family Yipin, was renovated in the shortest time.

With silk and satin outside and gold and jade inside, it can be said to be extremely magnificent.

In addition, today is the opening day and the whole venue is half-price. Every half hour, only 25 low-grade spirit stones need to be paid, which instantly attracted a large number of cultivators to enter.

The bathhouse is divided into male and female bathhouses, and the layout is highly consistent with Tang Neng Yipin, but the space is many times larger.

The cultivators felt very kind and familiar, but when they sank their bodies into the pool, their expressions were stunned.

The imagined state of the internal spiritual energy flowing by itself did not appear. Everything was the same as usual. It was just soaking in the pool, and the body was warm and comfortable.

But what's the use of this!

They didn't really come here to take a bath. A bathhouse that can't help with cultivation is soulless!

"Brother, why do I feel that this pool water is no different from ordinary water? Can you cultivate?"

"No, this pool water is different from Tang Neng Yipin, it is not helpful for cultivation."

"I don't feel anything either. Were we cheated? An ordinary bathhouse actually charged me 25 spiritual stones?"

"We were definitely cheated. Damn it. The Xia family is so crazy. Do they think that they can charge huge fees by decorating the bathhouse more luxuriously?"

"No, I won't take a bath. Return the spiritual stones to me!"


The monks noticed that there was something wrong with the pool and immediately turned hostile and wanted to return the money.

The Xia family's steward was shocked after understanding the reason. They actually opened the business without asking clearly. This matter is not easy to handle.

"Everyone, please wait a moment. This is our fault. Your bathing time will be extended by half an hour. The seasoning formula for increasing cultivation will be released soon. Please wait a moment."

After the steward comforted everyone, he immediately went to Xia Jiuquan's room to report the matter.

This is a major intelligence error. The first-class water in the pool can effectively improve cultivation. However, when it was checked that day, the water clearly had no special features. It was just ordinary water.

"Quickly go and invite the elders, and also find those two rebellious sons!"

Xia Jiuquan was very angry, but now was not the time to hold him accountable. Thousands of cultivators were still waiting in the bathhouse, and he had to come up with a practical way to get through today's difficulties.

One minute later.

Several people gathered in the room.

"You two rebellious sons, you didn't find out anything clearly. The reason why the bathhouse of Tangneng Yipin is so popular is that their bathhouse has the effect of assisting cultivation!"

"Everyone, think of a countermeasure quickly. The first wave of customers today must be stabilized, otherwise losing money is a small matter, but losing reputation is a big deal!"

A big family, reputation is above everything else. If people have less respect for it, the authority of this big family will be reduced a lot.

"How about putting in some cultivation materials? Although it is more expensive, it can at least stabilize these cultivators."

An elder said that as long as the first wave of customers is stabilized, there will be opportunities later.

"No, our bathhouse is too large. If we put in all the materials, it will be a huge consumption of resources, and we will only lose more."

"This method can only be the last resort. If you can avoid losing money to gain publicity, don't do it. Think of other ways."

"You two rebellious sons, think of a way quickly!"

Xia Jiuquan opened his eyes wide and scolded angrily.

The air in the house was filled with murderous atmosphere, Xia Liu and Xia Chuan were sweating profusely.

They were also confused. What the hell, Ye Liangchen's bathhouse could assist in cultivation, they had never heard of this!

"Father, we really don't know about this. The pool water was indeed obtained from the Ye family. Who would have thought that it would have the effect of cultivation."

"As far as I know, Ye Liangchen doesn't care if the cultivators take away his water source. Maybe we can take the water from Tang Neng Yipin and use it ourselves, which may temporarily make up for the problem of not being able to cultivate."

Xia Chuan said

"The housekeeper will handle this matter. Arrange people and make sure to get all the water from Tang Neng Yipin's house!"

"Understood, I will do it."

"The rest of you, follow me to appease the guests immediately and make sure to stabilize them."


Inside Tang Neng Yipin.

Li Xiaobai was lazily taking a bath and chatting with the old beggar. The old beggar was extraordinary. He could talk about basically anything and had a wide range of knowledge.

But whenever he tried to test his identity and strength, the old beggar wouldThe boss always likes to brag, and his bragging is almost to the sky.

Several people came in from the door, led by a gray-haired old man, who looked pleasant and had an extraordinary demeanor in his every move. It was obvious that he came from a large family with a long history of the world.

He came straight to the point.

"Boss, can you sell the formula of this pool water? You can prescribe any spirit stone, and the price is not a problem."

The white-haired old man smiled.

"Tang Neng Yipin only takes baths, and does not do other business."

"Besides, who would sell the capital to make a fortune?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the old man and said lightly.

"Then can you sell this pool water to us?" The old man still had a smile on his face.

"A half-hour bath here is worth a medium-grade spirit stone, which you can't afford."

Li Xiaobai pointed to the price on the wall.

"This... is a bit expensive. The first-grade Xia family next door only costs 25 low-grade spirit stones."

The old man was stunned. He came in in a hurry and didn't notice the price on the wall. Half an hour is enough to buy a middle-grade spirit stone. This store is even more shady than the first-grade Xia family!

"Then go to the Xia family next door. I don't welcome poor people here."

Li Xiaobai looked lazy, and the old man was choked.

"How can you talk to Mr. Chen? Do you know who Mr. Chen is?"

"Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Several followers were unhappy and wanted to teach Li Xiaobai a lesson. In their opinion, there was nothing that the Xia family couldn't get. The boss in front of them should respectfully present the recipe with both hands.

"I welcome you all to Tang Neng Yipin, but I don't like what you said today."

"If you are here to cause trouble, I don't mind playing with you."

Li Xiaobai's face darkened. He could already guess where these people came from.

"Shut up, step aside and don't talk!"

Several followers wanted to say something, but were stopped by Old Chen.

This boss is different from ordinary people and cannot be judged by common sense.

The most important thing now is to solve the urgent problem of Xia Jia Yipin, not the time to worry about these details.

"Boss Ye, the servants are ignorant, I apologize to you on their behalf."

"One hundred middle-grade spirit stones, I will buy the water in this pool, how about it?"


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