"Actually, if you come to me to talk about something else, I'll be very happy. But fighting...... Not so good. After

being silent for a long time, Su Bai couldn't help but speak.

He fought with Shadow to ease the relationship, so that Shadow would not cut him as soon as he saw him.

It's good now.

Ying is still addicted!

He even said that he would come to him in the future to learn from him?!

Su Bai was stunned.

"It's just a matter of learning, it's good to practice the knife......

" "Shadow, when will you be able to change your temperament." I said that Mr. Su Bai is a guest, how can he use a knife on a guest?"

Shadow seemed to want to say something.

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zhen.

Looking at the voice, I realized that at this time, Raiden Zhen and Fox Saigong were walking towards this side.

"Sister......" Ying shouted softly to Mako.

She seemed to want to say something, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the Fox Palace on the side.

"Yo, who is this~ Isn't this our shadow, are you actually injured?Tut-tut, it's so funny~" Fox Saigong said with a sneer on his face.

With an underbeaten expression, the shadow couldn't help but turn dark.

I couldn't speak for a long time.

The most infuriating thing is that the little fox Yae Miko on the side is still grinning with bared teeth.

Ei has always liked to talk and can't speak.

When encountering such a clever fox in the Fox Palace, he was speechless for a long time when he was ridiculed.

The breath is suffocated and internal injuries are released.

was already injured, plus he was so angry with the Fox Palace.

Another streak of bright red blood flowed from the corner of Shadow's mouth.

"You're hurt, go back and recuperate. Raiden said gently.

"It's out of the way, it's just a little injury. Shadow shook her head.

It really seems like I want to say something.

As soon as the words fell, he was interrupted by the Fox Zhai Palace: "Ying finally found such an interested man, how can she go to recuperate now."

Fox Zhai Gong opened his mouth casually, with a bit of joke in his tone.

A pair of foxy golden eyes looked at the shadow with a somewhat malicious smile.

I don't know what's wrong with the shadow.

She who had never said much and didn't argue much with the Fox Palace, suddenly became excited.

"What is interested...... You—don't talk nonsense!" said Shadow solemnly.

But I couldn't help but stumble when I spoke.

Ei's reaction instantly made Shin sense that something was wrong.

I couldn't help but say a little strangely: "It's strange, you have never been very argumentative." Fox Zhai Palace laughed at you before, and you didn't speak, why did you suddenly react so much?!

" Before the shadow could speak, Fox Zhai Palace said with a clear look: "She was poked in the heart, she was naturally nervous~

" "What's on your mind...... I don't have anything on my mind......" Shadow hurriedly spoke.

Su Bai didn't know if he was wrong.

At this moment, a flush appeared on Shadow's face.

So Shadow this is... Flushed?!Su

Bai was thinking about it.

Obviously, the real on the side also sensed that something was wrong.

"Ei, why is your face so red?!What's wrong with you??Is it the cause of the injury?" asked me anxiously.

As soon as the words fell, the Fox Palace on the side couldn't help but quip: "Yes, Ying is estimated to be seriously injured." The face is so red...... Tsk, you're miserable~"

Hearing what Fox Saigong said, I was really more anxious.

Busy said: "Shadow, you better go and rest for a while." How could you be so badly injured......"

Mae muttered, the expression on his face was very puzzled.

At this time, I was really confused.

Is Su Bai

really so powerful? After Ying finished a fight with him, he didn't do anything at all, but Ying was so seriously injured?

I was really wondering.

She wanted to persuade Ying to go back and rest.

Unexpectedly, Ying shook his head and insisted: "I'm fine." Puzzled

, he asked, "Is it really okay to be so red?"

"It's okay!" said Shadow firmly.

The Fox Palace on the side couldn't hold back any longer.

There was a loud laugh of "hahahahahaha".

While laughing, Hu Zhai Palace also said: "Really, don't persuade the movie, I should be really fine when I watch the movie." Fox

Zhai Palace smiled like this, and the thunder and lightning really laughed.

I couldn't figure it out for a long time.

Even the shadow doesn't know why.

It's just that I feel like I'm laughing at myself.

But the Fox Palace did not explain this.

She just looked at Su Bai and said, "Su Bai, I can't see that you kid can do it." Ying has never met an opponent for most of his life, and it is rare to meet an opponent once, but I'm afraid that you can't run away so easily~"

Fox Saigong said this with a bit of joke in his tone.

Although the person in the Fox Zhai Palace is not very serious when he speaks on weekdays.

But what she said at this time always made Su Bai feel that something was wrong.

Because of the fox palace, this fox is more thoughtful.

Su Bai couldn't guess what Fox Zhai Palace meant by this.

So I listened to the heart of the Fox Palace with my psychological mastery.

It's okay not to listen to this, but when he heard Su Bai, he was dumbfounded.

At this time, the voice of the Fox Palace was: Shadow

, this stupid girl, I'm afraid that I have a relationship with this Su Bai.

But think about it.

There are really not many people who can win the movie.

A martial artist like her is very likely to like a man who can compete with his strength.

But that's fine.

This guy hasn't been enlightened for a thousand years, and it's rare to open up once.

If she can find someone who can really accompany her, even if one day I and I leave, at least ...... There was someone else who could accompany her.


I'm still a little worried about handing over Inazuma to Ei, a little Niko.



Frankly speaking, after listening to the voice of the Fox Palace.

Su Bai was a little stunned.

So the meaning of the Fox Palace is to say.

Did Ying like him?How

many fights did

he fight with Ying?!Did he even show his feelings?!Is it so fast

?As long as he can fight with her

, he likes it??What kind of logic is this??Su

Bai was a little incomprehensible, but he didn't have time to think about it yet.

The heart of the Fox Palace sounded again: Shadow

, it's just too simple.

Day by day, there will only be fights and competitions.

Who would like such a girl?

Moreover, it is estimated that she hasn't even reacted to the fact that she likes Su Bai.

No, I'll have to help her.

It's kind of the last thing I can do for her.

As Fox Palace's heart fell, she spoke: "Speaking of which, you guys also fought." It's time to get hungry, too. Su Bai, I have to say that your craftsmanship is really good~ I can't be hungry after eating the food you cooked at noon. Why don't you make it for us again?Your three-color dumplings and milk dumplings are really good~"

Fox Saigong said.

Mention the food made by Su Bai.

Yae Miko reacted.

simply jumped out of Zhenzhen's arms, and then squatted in front of Su Bai obediently, pulling Su Bai with his little paws.

At a glance, you can see that Yae Miko is a gluttonous tofu.

Yae Miko is hungry for fried tofu, Su Bai thought of it.

But what Su Bai didn't expect was.

At this time, the shadow suddenly spoke: "Sancai dumplings?!Is the three-color dumplings he made delicious?!"

"It's delicious! It's even more delicious than the three-color dumplings I made!!" Fox Saigong hurriedly said.

"I want to...... Try ......," Shadow said with a serious face.

She looked at Su Bai, and there was no light in her eyes.

It stands to reason that this fight is over.

The relationship with Ying has also eased, and Su Bai should indeed leave.

But after seeing the light in Ying's eyes, Su Bai suddenly planned to finish this last meal before leaving!

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