September, the end of autumn.

Jingnan Beppu.

Li Mu deliberately convened a management meeting today.

Those attending the meeting were all senior technology talents and management talents who were transferred to Jiangnan.

"Sit all."

"Duke Xie Jingyang."

After everyone was seated, a maidservant came up to serve tea.

Then I ordered the incense burner to repel mosquitoes. After all, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the south.

Later, I will serve some food, mostly dried fruits, imported from the Western Regions, high-end goods.

Li Mu has always been very generous in his treatment of talents.

As long as you have the technology and ability, I will give you enough benefits and treatment, and will never make you feel wronged.

This is also the reason why so many people are willing to follow him, even if they say they want to be transferred to the miasma place of the south, they have no complaints.

But in fact, Li Mu had planned everything for these people a long time ago.

The storage of artemisinin is absolutely sufficient, and the amount of food and clothing is guaranteed. Anyway, they will never get sick and belch.

When Li Mu saw that everything was ready, he said.

"On the construction workshop, we need to recruit more apprentices and have enough talent reserves. You don't have to stick to the children of the good family, as long as you are innocent."

The representatives present hurriedly took out paper and pen and began to record.

That scene was the same as the actions of a later generation meeting to record the leader's speech.

"There is also the ball mill. We will strive to make a thousand sets before the beginning of the spring next year. There will be many places to be used next year."

"As for Life, you don’t have to worry. You have enough food and clothing. Just ask me if you need anything. Before winter, I will ask someone to bring some briquettes from the Hetao area. You don’t have to worry about cold weather, sweaters and quilts. Everything will be fully equipped."

"In addition, I will introduce you a new style of farm utensils."

After speaking, Li Mu patted his palms.

Immediately someone brought out a strangely installed utensil, wooden.

Everyone looked curious and talked in whispers.

With a smile on his face, Li Mu pressed his hands imaginarily.

Everyone stopped talking quickly.

"Everyone, this rice transplanter is called a rice transplanter. It is made by the elites of the Jia family. Although it is a little different from the ideal rice transplanter, if there is no accident, it can already be officially put into operation. It is much better than manpower."

"Next, I would like to ask Mr. Jia Yu to explain to you the structure and operation principle of this rice transplanter."

Then there was a round of applause, and the Jia family elite named Jia Yu came up and began to explain.

Li Mu stood by with a smile and watched all this.

I asked the children of the Jia family to come out for help. I didn't expect such a high rate of return.

In the early stage, I just wanted to expand the talent pool. I didn't expect that these people really have a few brushes. Li Mu just provided some ideas, and these people directly assembled the rice transplanter.


It's really awesome!

Li Mu instantly felt like he had picked up treasure.

Of course, the premise of all this is also attributed to the advanced ideas and advanced equipment foundation of Crossing Dog.

Without these two things, in this era, no matter how capable you are, you can't make such advanced things.

It can be regarded as complementary, the kind of 1+1>2.

With Jia Yu's explanation, everyone present became more excited as they listened.

This set of equipment is beyond their imagination.

It is foreseeable that only this set of equipment called "rice transplanter" will be promoted at that time.Then, it can definitely quadruple the land production of Jianghuai.

And it refers to the kind of Shimoda, and Ueda's words are definitely more than that.

After introducing the rice transplanter, engineer Jia Da released another heavy news.

It is said that there will be a harvester and a thresher that will be developed at that time. The technology barrier has been overcome and it is expected to be developed before spring plowing.

Bang bang bang ——

There was a burst of thunderous applause.

All the people present were excited.

After all, as a technology dog, there is no reason not to be excited to hear such an epoch-making product.

Of course, no surprise, these ideas still come from a certain crossing dog.

But creativity is worthless, and ultimately depends on the ability of the practitioner.

Undoubtedly, engineer Jia's execution has a leverage.

In the end, the meeting ended perfectly. Everyone looked excited and with a good mood full of hope for the future, they continued to go to their posts, and continued to shine in order to transform the big Jiangnan...


Zhenguan nine years, March.

The wooden rice transplanter was officially launched.

When Li Shimin, who was far away in Chang'an, heard the news.

Although the expression is smiling, but her heart is definitely selling critics.

And the smile was fake, as if it was forced out by supporting the corners of the mouth with two index fingers.

If there must be an adjective to describe Li Shimin's mood at the moment.

About the word "hehe" can reflect the essence of it.

Regarding Li Mu's cheating son "doing nothing in his business", not doing spy work, and engaging in these "adversary" actions every day, Li Shimin's heart is undoubtedly like a dog in Japan.

"What is the kid Li Mu doing now to reclaim the lake?"

"His Majesty, Li Jingyang is currently experimenting with the new method of seedling field, which is more than twice the yield per mu of the old rice field."

Tap, tap, tap...

Li Shimin kept tapping the armrest of the seat with his fingers, making a rattling sound.

In fact, this thing is not a seat, it is called a sofa strictly speaking.

As for how it came, don’t ask, it must be from a wild crossing dog.

The base is the most expensive brocade, the stuffing inside is the most fashionable cotton nowadays, the edging is the finest cowhide, and the polishing is the same as wax.

In short, high-end, atmospheric, and high-end!

Properly in line with the compelling standard Tian Khan should have.

In the lower position stood a general dressed as a flying cavalry, and it was this buddy who reported Li Mu's movements to Li Shimin.

At the same time, this buddy is also a member of the SF Group, the first batch of SF recruits.

At the early stage of Li Mu's venture, Li Shimin once dispatched a group of flying horses to help him.

Therefore, it is normal and scientific to have him in it.

Li Mu naturally knew that there were Li Shimin's eyes and ears in SF Express, but he didn't care at all. Anyway, all his layouts were fair and honest, and he had never thought about rebelling. Li Shimin wanted to know anything, he was willing to confess.

Therefore, he doesn't care much about things like putting his eyes and ears around him. The emperor's psychology is usually this kind of urine, which he can understand.

Moreover, if he really had something to hide from Li Shimin, he could still do it with his current methods, but it was not necessary.

Just pretend that you are stupid and naive, and it can be regarded as a way to appease Li Shimin.

"New-style rice transplanter? There are so many tricks!"

After Li Shimin finished Tsundere, he couldn't help but feel a little pride in his heart.

After all, my son did it, and he can see the heaven-defying effect of this thing.

It's like the old father dislikes his own son on the surface, but after seeing his son's achievements, he can't help but feel happy in his heart.

Li Shimin at this time is probably this kind of psychology.

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