I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 484: The birth of a billionaire

"It really made money. At present, we have a total of 840 million yuan in investment revenue, and after-tax income is 630 million yuan. According to your investment ratio, you can calculate it yourself." Ren Zhenquan revealed.

So making money!

Everyone is a little excited and trusts the trader Ren Zhenquan even more.

Lin Dong calculated that 10% of his own proportion, if it were 63 million, he had invested a total of about 30 million in the past two years, and he got more than half of the profit at once.

More importantly, there are still 14 projects that have not yet been settled.

Perhaps, some people think that more than 30 million in two years is not much, the boss Lin invested in a movie with a profit of more than one billion.

If you say this in front of boss Lin.

He might be able to slap himself alive, because he didn't want to.

Originally, it was aimed at losing money, but it made money that others could not make.

The reason for Lin Dongneng's immediate settlement was the system, otherwise he would have to wait for several years before the movie was released before he could get the money.

What's more, StarVC is testing the waters before, and there is no large-scale action yet.

Ren Zhenquan has already planned to completely quit the entertainment industry and concentrate on building his business empire. At that time, StarVC will also be on the right track of investment.

In StarVC, Lin Dong only accounts for 10%.

For example, Ren Zhenquan owns 25%, and his income is 150 million yuan.

Except for those few particularly high-ranking stars, who can earn so much money in two years.

Besides, people don't have a thousand days to be good, flowers don't have a hundred days to become popular, and even the cowhide stars, such as Fan Xuexue, can't guarantee that she will remain popular.

It's no wonder that celebrities have started to do business.

"For the development of VC, I suggest that everyone keep half of the funds for continued investment." Ren Zhenquan said.

Naturally, no one has an opinion on this kind of thing.

At this moment, even if Ren Zhenquan said he was a liar, no one wanted to break up.

Lin Dong found that even if he kept half of the investment, he could still earn 31.5 million.

Make money, make money.

With this 3150 in the account, his total personal cash reached 130.5 million.

It's a billionaire.

Most of them come from film pay.

Two monster catching took 20 million, Mermaid 12 million, Xinshu Mountain 15 million, Ultimate Challenge 6 million and Mekong River 4.5 million, plus 57.5 million.

Xinshu Mountain was originally 10 million, but after repeated bidding, Lin Dong decided to give everyone a wave of compensation.

When it was his turn, he happily gave himself an increase of 5 million.

Although fifteen million is a lot, it is still far away from the sky-high remuneration.

Add one piece to the entire crew, and the pay will not exceed 100 million.

Compared with the total cost of 440 million yuan, the salary budget of "New Shushan" is not excessive.

The three endorsements of biscuits, clothing and spicy strips add 20.5 million.

In addition, "Dare to Ask Where is the Way" Lin Dong received 23 million dividends and later invested 10 million in "Hong Kong is not easy".

In other words, this money has 13 million left.

He had saved a little before that, almost ten million.

Lin Dong is in the entertainment industry, it is impossible for him to eat and drink with the company all day long.

Moreover, he also gave some money to the second old man in the northeast.

So the current personal account balance is about 99 million.

Now StarVC has issued money.

So he has 130.5 million.

Well, he plans to spend half a million to eat something delicious.

You can also help Chen Xiaoman's car to be maintained, so that he is not driving it, and you have to pay for it.

If he wants to invest in new dramas by Zhou Bo and Ning Hai, he must put out 132.5 million.

So he only needs to make another 2.5 million.

Well, this number is very auspicious.

It is not easy for Hong Kong to divide the accounts in a few days. There will be a lot of money at that time, and Lin Dong doesn't need to worry at all.

"Do you have any suggestions for the investment planning for the next year?" After the meeting, Ren Zhenquan asked everyone for their opinions as usual.

In fact, except for Huang Daan, none of the people present here are good investment professionals.

So it's not appropriate to say anything at this moment.

So everyone shook their heads.

But Ren Zhenquan didn't think he was taking a form, his eyes stayed on Lin Dong.

Compared to the stall of Kleist's family, their StarVC is the little brother.

Kleist has been in less than five years from 2011 to now, and they have become a group enterprise that spans several industries.

Because there is no financing and no listing, there is no way to say exactly how much the company is worth.

But there is no doubt that tens of billions are completely fine.

Some people even say that a single Miaozhawang and Miaoya live broadcast can be valued at tens of billions.

How do you say this stuff.

Only people are more popular than others.

And the person who created all this with one hand is like a harmless quail, squatting here and immersing himself in eating, not planning to contribute his own earning experience.

"What am I doing?" Putting down the roast pigeon in his hand, Lin Dong looked confused.

Did you focus too much on eating just now and missed something?

No, because he has been able to do two tasks while eating and meeting.

"Is there any better project, let us play with it?" Ren Zhenquan didn't mean anything at all. He found that you have to make it clear to deal with people like Lin Dong.

"Didn't it mean that we don't invest in our own family's business?" Lin Dong was innocent.

The decision-making mechanism of StarVC is very special. Because stars have different situations and characteristics, they will encounter more complicated situations than other VCs in actual operation.

Sometimes a project is good, but it is very likely that the endorsement of one's own family and some of the agreements in the contract conflict.

So from the beginning, everyone decided unanimously that VCs would be excluded directly if anyone in StarVC endorsed it.

Later, it was stipulated that even everyone's own property should not be contaminated.

For example, when Huang Da'an gets a winery, VCs cannot invest money. For example, when Ren Zhenquan opens a new company, VCs cannot invest money either.

Although some projects may be missed, this is an attitude and involves issues of principle.

These principles were formulated by Ren Zhenquan. He felt that this was the basis for the long-term survival of VCs. Otherwise, sooner or later, everyone would continue to pull money from venture capital funds for personal gain.

In fact, there are a lot of companies under Ren Zhen's full name, and he really has the conditions to do such a thing.

It is precisely because of these principles that everyone feels more at ease with Ren Zhenquan.

"Is there any project you are optimistic about? It's not the kind of project led by your Crest. I can't just think about it by myself. If there is a good opportunity, everyone must be positive." Ren Zhenquan said.

Lin Dong thought about it seriously, and really thought of one.

"We invested in a movie before. At that time, the production cost was said to be 350 million. We invested 300 million of it. Now the budget cost has been calculated to 540 million, which means that there is a gap of 190 million..."

He was talking about "Little Break".

Because of the increase in costs, Kleist's investment proportion was continuously diluted, and the final proportion was 55%.

A high investment ratio does not mean that the project belongs to Kleist. This project is dominated by Huaying no matter how much it is invested from outside, so it does not violate the principles of StarVC.

If StarVC eats up the remaining 190 million and waits until "Small Break" is released, it will bring at least 678 million to the box office.

After removing the cost, there are also 487.8 million.

It has made 487.8 million in a few years. It is estimated that no one will say that it is not profitable.

However, Lin Dong was introducing this project, and suddenly found that everyone looked at him very strange.

He just woke up. The reason why no one invested in this movie is because no matter what capital it is, they don't like it. They all feel that this thing is a compromise made by Huaying to fulfill the expectations of science fiction movies.

It is Zheng Zhi's task.

No one is able to settle in advance like Boss Lin. Naturally, I don't know that this movie with an investment of 540 million has a total box office of 4.965 billion.

It would be a joke to say it.

"Forget it, the investment in the movie, let's put it aside." Ren Zhenquan helped Lin Dong build a step, at least not pointing his nose to scold him for neurosis.

Lin Dong had no choice but to shut his mouth.

If there is still a chance in the future-the premise of this assumption is that he can't leave here and return to the Wizarding World before "Little Break" can find the money-then he will get some money and vote here.

"Recently hot industries have spent too much money." Zhou Bo scratched his head, looking helpless.

He really doesn't have any talent for investment. In addition to making some money by acting himself, he also mixed some investment dividends with Ren Zhenquan.

If he had to tell him, he might say that it is better to invest in a seafood restaurant in Qingdao.

Well, it's so grounded.

"It's hot, what do you think of shared bicycles?" Lin Dong suddenly thought of this.

Therefore, he introduced the three shared bicycle companies invested by Kleist and said: "At the beginning of last year, these three shared bicycles were basically valued at no more than 100 million yuan, but now, one is 300 million, and the other is three. 500 million, there is one that has not yet received a round of financing, but I don’t think it will be less than two or three billion."

"Share a bicycle." Ren Zhenquan was shocked.

Begin to inquire about the details, such as how to contact these companies, what do these companies care more about, the proportions, and funding, etc.

"The three chosen by Mr. Pei in our family are quite good. They are now the third in the industry. If VCs want to invest, I think it should be as early as possible. The profit margins may not be so big in the future." Lin Dong reminded.

He and Pei Qianlong discussed the sharing economy.

Now that it has just emerged, capital is swarming like sharks smelling blood, but this industry has no profitability after all, and the future development is full of ruggedness.

When the capital gradually cools down, it should not be as crazy as it is now.

Ren Zhenquan was obviously taken seriously, and also begged Lin Dong to give Pei Qianlong's contact information, planning to personally visit this Crest's sergeant.

Of course, it is impossible for people in the investment circle not to know Pei Qianlong.

Shi Shanshan is the manager of Kleist and is low-key, but Pei Qianlong, the vice president of strategy, has no idea what low-key is.

He is in charge of public relations and legal affairs, and he goes to court at every turn.

As small as the network keyboard man, as large as the group company, it is truly a typical example of fearlessness.

What's more important is that they are not specializing in litigation at all. Lawsuits are just a pastime when others are fine. Their main duties are company management and strategic investment.

Recently, he got a payment license in a flash.

Just when everyone couldn't figure out what Kleist was going to do, an overwhelming propaganda had come out, saying that it was going to distribute 500 million red envelopes to the national audience on the spring evening.

Even Penguin and Ahri couldn't sit still, and began to develop some targeted sniper strategies.

This is what people call a man of the wind.

If you do not move, you will bite.

It hurts, it hurts.

Naturally, Lin Dong would not refuse. If Ren Zhenquan could really catch this wealth train, he could also make a lot of money.

As for the money that Pei Qianlong invested in the name of Klester, it had nothing to do with Lin Dong himself.

He can neither use the money to buy buns, nor to buy Rolls Royce.

Lin Dong collected 31.5 million yuan, and Huanqu Pictures also asked him to share the money.

"Port is not easy" has a gross box office of 2.48 billion, second only to "Monster Catching", which has a box office of 2.6 billion this year. It almost became the annual box office champion and is also a new box office record for a new Chinese movie.

Among them, Wang Shunliu's marriage has played a big role.

The box office of this movie is twice that of "Thai Is Not Easy", but the quality is actually not as good as "Thai Is Not Easy".

Of course, this kind of quality statement is on word of mouth.

From an artistic and ideological point of view, "Hong Kong is not easy" is actually even better.

Compared with the simple and funny "Thai is not easy" three years ago ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hong Kong is not easy" has done something that is destined to offend people, that is, a middle-aged man has a greater right to speak. Will have a stronger willingness to express, and the result is a self-awareness called "speaking" awakened.

This "Port is not easy" tells too much not so comedy.

Pure comedy films are unlikely to offend people, because they don't involve much outlook on life, and the biggest problem is nothing more than being funny.

Xu Lang didn't plan to just make a comedy.

This middle-aged bald head directed for the second time, and he is no longer satisfied with just Bojun's smile.

He has a higher pursuit-I want to speak up!

After watching the Spring Festival Gala sketches for so many years, everyone has learned about it without a teacher and knows the routine of "speaking".

It's like a funny sketch. In the second half, the joke baggage is almost finished, and a sensational music will suddenly think of it.

Every time at this time, everyone understands: the theme is coming, this is the stage of sublimation.

Boss Lin also went to support a movie ticket.

After watching the whole scene, he felt that this was an attempted derailment by a middle-aged man-tired of watching the boring big breasts, and unwilling to sacrifice for the mistress, it was just a hard shrinking contract bubble That's it.

It is precisely because of these various reasons that the lineup of "Harbor is not easy" still fails to beat the box office record of "Monster Catch".

Fortunately, this movie also has the familiar Xu Lang, as well as the familiar Wang Shunliu, even if one Zhou Bo is missing, it can still make everyone laugh very happily.

Coupled with the fact that the news of Wang Shunliu's marriage has not diminished, "Hong Kong is not easy" is not too ugly to lose.

Not only did Xu Lang's second play fail to talk about rushing to the street, he even undoubtedly made him a 3 billion director, almost 4 billion.

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