I’m an Olympic Superstar

Chapter 53: Team J, goal, world class

"The second story is about Rocket Boy Meng Yang."

"Meng Yang was born in a broken family. His father was sentenced to life without crime. He was looked down upon by all the children around him. Even an individual teacher humiliated him, saying that his father must have his son. Your father is a murderer And you wo n’t be good. "

"In this growth environment, he was extremely autistic. Later, he made a living by playing games, and began to get outside recognition, but some people came forward with impassioned accountability."

"A child of school age, who does not learn culture, but uses games as a job, his success is a satire on our education system."

"He can only answer this in his heart. When my mother and I struggled with the living expenses of $ 1.50 a day, where are you, the educator?"

"On June 13, 2001, already famous in Quake Circle, in order to get better training conditions, he was away from his mother for the first time and came to an extremely strange BJ 2,000 kilometers away. He can't forget the slow start of the train until now. The mother's tears, and she has since left her mother for a long time since then, there are several people who can bear it. "

"Now he goes home once or twice a year, and if he leaves Chengdu, he dare not let his mother send it, because he is really afraid to see that scene again."

"The only thing he can comfort his mother is, I'm not going to really go to war, it's just a game, you call me when you want me back."

而 "In fact, he really set foot on a battlefield without smoke and blood, and the situation is so cruel, he still cannot turn back."

"In 2001, the morning after the WCG 2001 China finals ended, he was still immersed in alcohol caused by yesterday ’s crazy victory, but he still knew what he should do."

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, he came to Samsung China headquarters to receive his championship bonus with great excitement. This is the first time in his life that he has seen so much money. And it is still raging cash."

"The 100 yuan bill was taken away by the player who received the prize first, and the rest was a big bag of 50 yuan thick for him."

"He widened his eyes and counted three times repeatedly, exhausting the most concentrated attention in his life, 24,000 yuan."

"When packing and signing, his hands actually appeared nervous for the first time in 2000. He thought, Meng Yang, can you stabilize, you are already a national champion, you don't have to look back!"

"Later, Lu Yu invited Meng Yang to participate in the show. During the interview, he said that during the hardest time, he spent only 2 or 3 yuan a day, a few gimmicks in a bottle of mineral water, trained for 13 or 14 hours a day, and now retired. But the right hand detected bone hyperplasia, which was caused by prolonged excessive movement of the wrist. "

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he drank the coffee dry, as if venting something.

Then, he stared at Jay Chou's eyes and continued: "After listening to the above two stories, I don't know if Zhou Dong was inspired."

"I wasn't originally an e-sports person, but I have heard too many of the earliest e-sports people who worked hard in the siege of family, society and reality."

"The seed of eSports has taken root and sprouted under their careful care. Now it has grown into a small tree, but it is far from mature."

他们 "They used sweat and tears to gamble on their most precious youth, and changed the appearance of the current call."

"At that time, the so-called clan was sponsored by Internet cafes, with a salary of several hundred yuan a month, living and living in Internet cafes."

他们 "They have no other source of income, and they have no financial source other than winning the game."

"At that time, the prize money was not so high. To go to other places to participate in the competition, they had to reimburse themselves for their travel expenses. They could only choose trains."

"At that time, there was no live webcast or training, and they could not receive orders and could not broadcast live Taobao."

"Now professional players earn thousands or tens of thousands of dollars a month, earn bonuses and endorsements from equipment vendors. After retirement, they can also open Taobao live broadcast."

"Earn a lot one by one, but the current players are suffering, that is not hard!"

说 "It is said that the current players are under pressure. That is because they have not experienced the predicament of telling their family what they are doing with only a few hundred yuan salary!"

"S3 finals, allstar, players eat a variety of food, tour the area, compared to the predecessors who use bath water to noodles, who can be ashamed to say: the current gaming environment is not good?"

"Now the players are making girls, spicy Xuanxiang, and female fans' confession letters and a lot of gifts."

"At that time, some fans took hundreds of kilometers of trains to visit the players, just to send a few hundred dollars and some local specialties to improve the team members' food."

"E-sports pioneers' hard-working e-sports environment is filled with spicy incense, grass powder, and discs. The current e-sports are no longer e-sports!"

"The e-sports circle has become an entertainment circle. The task of players is no longer a world champion but to please fans. Now in the e-sports industry, this small tree that has begun to crook its neck has already chilled those who have planted seeds and given their youth ,Disappointed."

"Many professional players today use e-sports as a tool to make money. Who is playing e-sports for their dreams and honors?"

Xiao Ran said so much in a sigh of excitement, and then sighed slightly: "Maybe there are, but very few, so the results of China's e-sports are getting worse year by year."

"I have a heart of e-sports. I want to fight, fight, and fight for honor and dreams!"

Xiao Ran stared at Jay Chou's eyes and said, "In fact, there are many teams who have thrown olive branches at me, and there are many giants like EDG and LGD, but you know, why don't I go and choose J team?"

杰 Jie Zhou has been listening for a while, Mu Na shook his head.

"The reason why I joined the J team is very simple, because the J team has not been established for a long time, and it is very malleable. It is also because he is a team with only Chinese people and no Korean aid. It is a Chinese class!"

"I want to stand on top of the world with my teammates, and teammates who are all Chinese, together with the S6 championship trophy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com!"

杰 Jie Zhou was enthusiastically described by Xiao Ran. He looked at his hot eyes and nodded hard.

好 "Okay, then I will trust you once and go crazy with you. In the future, you will be solely responsible for the selection of team J members."

Xiao Ran then showed a satisfied smile: "If I think the players are not suitable, can I also invite other players to join our J team?"

Jay Chou hesitated a moment and said: "Ordinary players are okay, but if they are world-class players, regardless of the price of the transfer, even if you want to dig, there is not much hope to dig."

"Boss, don't worry, our J team members will be world-class players in the future!"

然 Xiao Ran patted his chest with ambition and promised.

In order to further consolidate his position and voice in Team J, Xiao Ran turned his eyes and said sloppily: "Boss, through the perception of e-sports just now, I am inspired again, and wrote a song, do you want listen?"


These two chapters are a transition and a connection.

Even if it is cool text, it must be reasonable.

I joined Jay Chou's J team, which was originally to promote the plot quickly.

As for the problem of singing, also explained.

Singer can sing and earn money part-time, and can directly hit LSPL to impact LPL.

Of course, e-sports and other Olympic events are the main ones. Singing is usually used for pretense.

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