I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 104 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Hear the words.

Professor Yan and Chief Huang looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"At this point, there is no way. I'm calling Professor Lin to ask. I just don't know if I can contact Professor Lin..." Professor Yan was speechless.

He talked to Lin Yi, and only after everything was ready here, he would call Lin Yi.

This side is indeed ready now, just waiting for Lin Yi's arrival.

Master Huang also agreed: "It will be delayed, and it will be bad for Professor Lin, so let's call and ask."

Research projects can no longer be delayed.

Several days have passed, and there is no news from Professor Lin.

Dragging like this is not a solution.

Professor Yan took out his cell phone and dialed Lin Yi's private number.

Toot toot~

There was a blind sound.

The old professors in the entire conference room were waiting eagerly for Lin Yi to answer the call.

"Hello, Professor Yan."

At this time, Lin Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

The phone is connected!

The old professors in the entire conference room immediately raised their spirits.

Professor Yan hurriedly asked, "Professor Lin, it's me, Lao Yan."

"Professor Yan, are you ready over there?" Lin Yi's voice came again.

Professor Yan smiled bitterly: "Professor Lin, everything is ready here."

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone.

Then, Lin Yi apologized: "Professor Yan, please tell me, I may still need two days, two days later, I will be there, and then I will fully carry out the scientific research project!"

Words fall.

The old professors in the entire conference room were taken aback.

Two more days?

Professor Lin will continue to study?

The atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly changed.

Professor Yan also felt it, and quickly asked: "Professor Lin, I recently heard from Lao Li...You are in school?"

"Yes, Professor Yan, I just came back to study, but don't worry, Professor Yan, I can go back in two days." Lin Yi responded 063.

No way, Lin Yi also wants to start scientific research projects earlier, but the curriculum is still a bit short.

Lin Yi mainly wants to solve all the problems at once, so that he can only purchase all the materials and study them all.

In this way, you can directly conduct research with all the old professors.

This speed is the fastest, and the entire scientific research project can be completed within one year.

Buying materials while studying, but also studying the learning materials, this kind of efficiency is too slow and too slow, Lin Yi can't wait that long, and China can't wait that long.

Of course, Lin Yi couldn't say that he was learning to buy materials in the system, and no one believed it!

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became even more dull, and the faces of the old professors were a bit ugly.

"Ah, hehe, then I won't bother Professor Lin..." Professor Yan smiled helplessly.

After speaking, hung up the phone.

Then, Professor Yan looked up and glanced at the old professors sitting in the conference room.

An old professor who watched his sixtieth year sighed, "Professor Lin... is this...really reliable? It will take two more days?"

Another old professor said speechlessly: "Professor Lin really intends to sell it now? But it doesn't work at all!"

"Hey, Professor Lin should also be very kind, wanting to make China's nuclear submarine technology equal to the world, but this..."

"No matter, no matter how you say it, Professor Lin initiated this scientific research project. He also guaranteed the vote. Let him take it..."

"How can this be done! What if Professor Lin doesn't come in two days? Then this scientific research project can't be dragged on forever!"

"Or, let's study it first? After Professor Lin arrives, let him participate in it?"

Soon, voices of opposition appeared.

Toot toot~

At this time, Professor Yan's phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Professor Yan's face suddenly changed.

Answering the phone, Professor Yan said solemnly: "Leader."

A higher-level leader’s voice came over the phone: "Professor Yan, has the scientific research project already started?"

When Professor Yan turned on the speakerphone, the old professors could hear the voice of the superiors, and all of them looked solemn.

The superiors personally called to inquire about the progress of the scientific research project. This shows that the superiors are very caring about this 095G scientific research project.

Professor Yan raised his head and glanced at the crowd, and said helplessly: "The project...has not yet started. Professor Lin has returned to the National Defense University for classes. He will be back in two days..."

Hearing this, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

The entire conference room was also silent.

For a long time, only a sigh came from the other end of the phone.


Immediately afterwards, a blind tone came from the phone.

The superior leader silently hung up the call.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

There was no blame, no anger, nothing to say, but from this sigh, you could hear that the superior leader was a little bit disappointed.

The atmosphere in the conference room became extraordinarily dull, and the old professors also bowed their heads, very speechless.

Professor Yan put away his mobile phone, shook his head and laughed, "Dear brothers, let's just wait. You put down the scientific research projects at hand and come over. It must have been very hard. You will have enough energy and energy for the past two days. Wait. As soon as Professor Lin came, he immediately started the scientific research project. That is the most tiring time. You must develop your energy and prepare for the battle, don't you think?"

When the words fell, the old professors stopped talking and looked at each other.

No way, now there is no other way except waiting for Lin Yi to arrive.

Even if they start researching now, there is no research direction.

For a clueless study, it is better to take a good rest these two days, as Professor Yan said, and wait for Professor Lin's arrival.

Thinking of this, all the old professors are bitter.


At the same time, the National Defense University.

Lin Yi hung up Professor Yan's phone, turned around and continued to devote himself to studying.

There are only less than 1,000 courses left.

Professor Yan has already prepared everything, so he must hurry up and collect the course points as soon as possible.

"Course Point +1"


"Course Point +1"

Looking at the slowly growing course points, the distance to the goal is getting closer and closer, Lin Yi still got a trace of comfort in his heart.


Time flies, two days later.

In Lin Yi's dormitory, he is sitting at the table, looking at a book on quantum mechanics.

"Course Point +1"


"Course Point +1"


Today, as usual, Lin Yi started to study when he bed together.


Not long after, Lin Yi put down the book, leaned back, let out a long breath, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Finally I have all, but Laozi is exhausted..." Lin Yi said with a little excitement in his tone.

He finally got all the 4000 course points!

Now, he can purchase the materials needed for the research.

"Open the system store!"

At the end of the speech, a system interface that was invisible to others appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The pieces of information found before were all summed up by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't even look at the course points, and directly chose one-click purchase.

"Successfully purchased YJ-15 supersonic heavy anti-ship II guided missile related materials."

"Successfully purchased CY-5 anti-submarine torpedo related materials."

"Successfully purchased information on the nuclear submarine's seven-blade propeller propulsion system."

"Successful purchase..."

After purchasing five full materials, the course points in the lower right corner of the system store were instantly cleared, leaving only 126 points.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of majestic knowledge points rushed into Lin Yi's mind madly.

Lin Yi closed his eyes and patiently felt the influx of knowledge.

After a while, Lin Yi opened his eyes, and his eyes became much brighter.

The Brain Field Calculation Institute opened in an instant, and began to learn the knowledge points just learned.

"It's time to go to the research institute, Professor Yan should be anxious..."

Thinking about this, Lin Yi dialed the phone directly and was about to go to the Yellow Navy District.


Yellow navy area.

In the temporary research institute, as soon as Professor Yan received a call from Lin Yi, he immediately notified Chief Huang.

The two of them came to the institute very excited and made all preparations to greet Lin Yi.

Two hours later.

A special aviation plane slowly landed on the Air Force Base of the Yellow Navy District.

As soon as Lin Yi walked out of the hatch, he saw Professor Yan and Chief Huang.

"Professor Lin, you are finally here." Professor Yan gave a wry smile.

Lin Yi smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time. I am completely ready here. How about here? Is it possible to conduct research at any time?"

Master Huang nodded and replied: "It can be carried out at any time. Then we should go to the research institute first. Professor Lin, you can see what else needs to be prepared. By the way, let me introduce you to Professor Yan. Old professors here."

After speaking, the three got into the off-road vehicle and drove in the direction of the temporary research institute.


In the temporary research institute, a group of old professors and researchers got the news and rushed here quickly.

There are hundreds of people here, except for the old professors, they are scientific researchers in various laboratories.

Now that the scientific research project can be carried out, they are very excited.

Although they have some dissatisfaction with Lin Yi in their hearts, they are still very excited when the scientific research project can be carried out.

Of course, regardless of whether Lin Yi went back to school or not, it would be great if Lin Yi could really hug something out.

Even if Lin Yi fails to hold something, they will not blame Lin Yi.

After all, Lin Yi dares to set up military orders and dare to say such things in front of his superiors, which shows that Professor Lin Yi is dedicated to the rise of China, which many people do not have.

These people have spent most of their lives for China's scientific research.

What I want to see most is the rise of China.

There is such a junior who wants to carry the banner of China's scientific research community, they are very happy in their hearts.

But they still feel that Lin Yi is still too young and immature.

It is not easy to carry the banner of China's scientific research community.

At this time, the off-road vehicle came.

Professor Yan, Master Huang, and Lin Yi got out of the car.

"Everyone, this is Professor Lin, you probably have seen most of you." Professor Yan introduced.

"Hello, hello, Professor Lin." Professor Xue first stepped forward and greeted him.

Lin Yi responded with a smile: "Hello, Professor Xue."

"Professor Lin, we met in the army." An old man stepped forward and shook hands with Lin Yi.

Master Huang pointed to the old man and introduced: "This is Professor Ma of Aerodynamics."

Lin Yi suddenly realized: "Professor Ma, hello."

Then, under the introduction of Master Huang and Professor Yan, Lin Yi and the old professors in the scientific research field can be regarded as knowing each other.

At this time, Lin Yi moved in the direction of the old professors and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, seniors, you have been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, Professor Lin, we have taken a rest these two days." Professor Xue said first.

"Yeah, we have had enough energy in these two days! We are waiting to start investigating!" Professor Ma smiled.

At this time, Professor Yan interrupted: "Professor Lin, shall we start researching now?"

Lin Yi nodded: "Go ahead, Professor Yan, all scientific research projects are carried out together, and strive to develop them one day soon!"

Along the way, Lin Yi’s Brain Research Institute has never stopped, and has been constantly studying the materials he has obtained.

After two or three hours of study time, he has got a rough idea of ​​all these materials.

There is no problem at all to carry out the entire scientific research project.

The next step is to constantly understand relevant knowledge in the research process, and constantly break through the current problems.

"Okay, then we will officially start! Everyone, start working!" Master Huang waved his hand.

After that, whether it was the old professors or the scientific researchers in various laboratories, immediately turned around and walked towards the institute.

They went back to their respective laboratories and started the preparatory work before the research. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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