I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 120 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Time flies, eight days later.

In the open sea, which is two hundred nautical miles away from China, the underwater depth is about 510 meters.

An Ohio-class nuclear submarine is moving slowly in the sea.

This is the nuclear submarine in which Lieutenant General Porter was riding.

They have been here for seven days, and today is the eighth day.

Haven't waited for news of China's latest generation of nuclear submarines.

At this time, in the cabin, Lieutenant General Porter was standing in front of the console and holding down the communication device: "Marcus, what's the situation on your side? Is there any trace of China's nuclear submarine?"

Not long after, Marcus' voice came: "Nothing was found, there are fishes except fish."

Immediately afterwards, Marcus turned around: "Does China know the news of our ambush here? Detoured ahead of time? Or have we been detected?"

Lieutenant General Porter immediately retorted: "Impossible, this action will never be leaked, and we have already dived to 510 meters in order to avoid China's anti-submarine detection, and it is impossible for China to detect our existence."

Marcus was a little impatient and said: "That is China's nuclear submarine has not arrived yet. Really, I suddenly regret coming to perform this mission."

Lieutenant General Porter frowned and said: "In this case, you can apply to return to China at any time. I can handle it by myself. It's just a China nuclear submarine."

Marcus smiled and said: "I didn't mean that, I just thought it was too boring. After waiting for so many days, I didn't see the shadow of China's nuclear submarine. It's like having strength, but it's useless."

Lieutenant General Porter snorted coldly: "In this case, you can start searching around. At the same time, you can also actively expose your position and let the China nuclear submarine find you, so you won't be bored."

"Lieutenant General Porter, Chief of Defense of Wales video conference!"

At this time, the staff reminded.

Lieutenant General Potter glared: "Connect now!"

Not long after, Wells's face appeared on the big screen.

"Potter, Marcus, what's the situation? Have you found traces of China's nuclear submarine?" Wells's face was a bit heavy.

Lieutenant General Porter raised his hand: "Report to the Chief of Defense of Wales that no trace of China's nuclear submarine has been found on the return route of Number One."

Marcus also followed: "Report to the Chief of Defense of Wales, and the return route of No. 2 is not found."

Hearing this, Wells nodded: "Then continue to wait, be sure to wait until the arrival of the China nuclear submarine."

Immediately after that, Wells continued to add: "Remember, the purpose of this time is to detect the level of China's nuclear submarine technology. If there is a major technological breakthrough or threat, it can be eliminated immediately, and China's nuclear submarine technology must not be allowed. Rise, do you understand it!"

Lieutenant General Porter and Marcus raised their hands in salute at the same time.

"Yes, Chief of Defense of Wales!"

Then Wells hung up the video conference.

Lieutenant General Porter also lost interest in communicating with Marcus, turned his head, and ordered: "Turn on the omni-directional sonar system, turn on the cruise mode, China's nuclear submarines should be coming soon."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Porter." The staff immediately responded.


at the same time.

It is about two hundred and fifty nautical miles from China seas and 400 meters underwater.

The China095G nuclear submarine is slowly heading towards China waters.

At this time, Lin Yi and Kang Zheng both stood in front of the console in the control room of the 095G cabin.

All the staff are nervous and busy.

The data on the big screen changes steadily without any abnormalities.

After experiencing the last crisis, Lin Yi and his followers stick to their posts even more.

Don't dare to relax for a moment.

Also, during this period, Lin Yi worked with several engineers to reinforce the system, and from time to time to check the system bugs and repair the system.

This also caused that basically everyone did not rest well.

But even so, everyone did not dare to rest.

At this moment, everyone's faces have thick dark circles.

"What is the current speed and how far is it from China's waters?" Lin Yi asked with his arms in front of him, with a serious expression.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The staff quickly responded: "The current speed is 30 knots, and there is still 248 nautical miles from China's waters. It is estimated that it will take a day and a half to reach China's waters."

After that, Lin Yi nodded thoughtfully: "Send these data to the headquarters."

"Yes, Professor Lin." The staff quickly started to operate.

Soon, a picture of Chief Huang appeared on the big screen in the control room.

"Professor Lin, the headquarters is ready. Starting today, the China waters have been emptied, and the nearby waters have also been surveyed. There is no threat!"

When predicting that the 095G nuclear submarine was about to return, Chief Huang immediately ordered that in order to allow the 095G nuclear submarine to return safely, the original return route was carried out in the China waters and the sea area of ​​200 nautical miles near the China waters. Investigation.

As long as the target is more than 500 meters underwater, it can be detected by a special anti-submarine fighter.

It is to fear that the 095G nuclear submarine will encounter interception on its way back. The 095G nuclear submarine is in a bad state and its shell structure cannot withstand any major fluctuations. Once it encounters an enemy, it is likely to cause damage to the nuclear submarine.

Therefore, Chief Huang and his superiors all value this matter very seriously.

Hearing this, Lin Yi's heart was relieved: "That's good, Master Huang, then we will proceed along the original return route."

"Well, Professor Lin, we are all waiting for the triumphant return of the 095G nuclear submarine!" Chief Huang said with excitement on his face.

In about two days, the 095G nuclear submarine will enter the China waters. As long as it enters the China waters, the 095G nuclear submarine is safe!

Even in the last incident of an Ohio-class nuclear submarine invading China's waters, Chief Huang and Lin Yi are confident that they can just compete with the Ohio-class nuclear submarine!

The two are full of confidence in the 095G nuclear submarine.

This leveled the existence of Ohio-class nuclear submarines in terms of shell structure, dive depth and other technologies. In terms of anti-ship II missiles, torpedoes and other weapons, it even surpassed the existence of Ohio-class nuclear submarines!

If you encounter an Ohio-class nuclear submarine again, 095G can definitely call the Ohio-class nuclear submarine Dad!

At this time, Chief Huang looked solemn.

"Professor Lin, the superior leader video conference."

Lin Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, and nodded: "Connect it, Master Huang."

Not long after, the picture flashed on the big screen and split into two halves.

The superiors, Su Jian, appeared on the big screen.

Over the past few days, the superior leaders have taken time every day to dial the video conference between the headquarters and the 095G nuclear submarine.

The return of a 095G nuclear submarine is not a trivial matter. Once something goes wrong on the high seas, it is not clear at all, it is just a mess.

Only when 095G has truly entered the waters of China, can 095G be truly safe.

"Professor Lin, how is the situation today?" the superior asked with a smile.

Lin Yi raised his hand to salute: "Report to the leader, everything is normal, and no abnormalities have occurred."

The superior nodded: "Very well, then I will be in the capital, ready to welcome your return!"

"Yes, please rest assured, the leaders, I will lead all 095G test water members to return to China safely!" Lin Yi said righteously.


"Professor Lin, there is a situation!"

At this moment, the sonar observer stared at the dashboard in front of him, frowning.

On the dashboard, there are countless light spots, large and small, most of them are schools of fish or sharks and whales.

As soon as these words came out, not only Lin Yi, but also Chief Huang and the higher-level leaders on the screen had their expressions solemn, and their brows were frowned in a moment.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Lin Yi hurried forward, staring at the dashboard.

The observer pointed to a light spot on the dashboard: "Professor Lin, you see, this light spot is abnormal, and his flickering frequency is slightly faster than other light spots, and not only this, but also his bright spots. It's different."

Then, the observer projected the entire dashboard on the big screen.

At the same time, the abnormal light spot was marked out.

On the big screen, the flickering frequency of the marked light spots is indeed a bit too fast, and the bright spots are indeed somewhat different.

The screen is synchronized to the headquarters and the superiors.

For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on this.

Master Huang frowned and asked, "...Professor Lin, what do you think the bright spot will be?"

"Master Huang, you should have guessed it too..." Lin Yi frowned.

Chief Huang's face suddenly sank: "But before, we did not detect any abnormalities during the investigation, but now..."

Lin Yi shook his head and laughed: "If I guessed correctly, they should have waited for a long time, and not only that, but they also made a lot of preparations. Maybe they just waited for us to come close. A fatal blow."

When the words were over, everyone looked at Master Huang and Lin Yi in confusion.

The superior leader realized something and asked: "What you two said..."

"Leader, we may have encountered an enemy nuclear submarine. If I guess it's correct, it should be the Ohio-class nuclear submarine that State M gave to Stick State!" Lin Yi said sternly.

Chief Huang also agreed.

For a moment, everyone was taken aback.

This is really a wave of unrest, one wave after another!

The 095G nuclear submarine just broke away from the previous crisis, but now, has it encountered an Ohio-class nuclear submarine again?

This 095G nuclear submarine, as well as the followers led by Professor Lin, are fateful...

"So, this Ohio-class nuclear submarine was premeditated!" The superior leader said solemnly.

Ten months ago, the 095 nuclear submarine encountered an Ohio-class nuclear submarine on its way to test the waters.

The 095 nuclear submarine was forced to return due to its incompetence. After that, the remarks made by Country M and Bangziguo became extremely arrogant, and they did not regard the invasion of China's waters as an important matter.

But at that time, because China really did not have the capital to fight the Ohio-class nuclear submarines, it could only endure it.

Now, under the leadership of Professor Lin Yi, China's latest generation has tied the Ohio-class nuclear submarine, and the 095G nuclear submarine has successfully returned from the test.

Unexpectedly, Country M and Bangzi Country are still thinking about blocking them halfway?

At this time, Chief Huang gritted his teeth and said: "M country and Bangzi country...This is to take advantage of our illness and kill us! The shell structure of the 095 nuclear submarine has been damaged. If you face the Ohio-class nuclear submarine..."

When the words fell, the superiors frowned, "Master Huang, what is the winning rate?"

Chief Huang said: "Obviously, the enemy has come prepared. If the damage to our shell is known to the enemy, it will be extremely detrimental to us. Moreover, the current situation of the 095 nuclear submarine is not conducive to combat at all. If you fight forcibly, the winning rate...maybe less than 50%."

As soon as these words came out, the superior leaders and Su Jian's expressions sank.

"If you detour and return..." Chief Huang said with bloodshot eyes.

At this moment.

Lin Yi stepped forward and screamed: "Leader, we can give up and return to the voyage!"

In his tone of voice, with an indomitable momentum, even if he died with the enemy, he would no longer search for the rat with his head!

Giving up on returning home is also equivalent to giving up on going home! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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