I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 129 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

As soon as he heard the sound, Lin's father and Lin's mother immediately got up and came to the door to greet.

"Everyone is here, sit inside, sit inside." Father Lin greeted enthusiastically.

Mother Lin also greeted everyone.

Soon, Lin Yi's seventh aunt, eighth aunt, and Lin Yi's cousin, cousin, cousin and other relatives all came in.

As soon as they entered, everyone was immediately attracted by the living room in front of them.

The large living room is very spacious, and even if they all came in, it didn't appear to be crowded at all.

At this time, Lin Yi's uncle couldn't help asking: "Lao San, the area of ​​this house is not small, right?"

Father Lin nodded: "Single layer is more than 200 points, two layers is more than 400 points."


Everyone took a breath.

This is really not small.

You know, this is the community of a military compound!

In this kind of community, there is such a small two-story building, it is really unusual!

"This house looks really good. Just this house, if it is placed in any other community, it will be several million!"

"Can other communities compare to this one? Let alone millions of houses, you can't buy them even if you have tens of millions!"

"The third child, why did your family move here? What's the situation?"

When Father Lin heard this, he responded with a smile: "Isn't this Lin Yi from my family? He performed very well in the military area and was assigned to him by the state."

When the words fell, all the relatives were shocked.

They knew about Lin Yi in the military area.

But I didn't expect Lin Yi to be so good now.

Has the country allocated houses?

What a contribution this is made!

"Well, everyone, we are all standing, let's go in first." Father Lin greeted everyone and walked into the hall.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin's mother, Lin Yi's aunt, and aunt all went to the kitchen busy cooking.

Sitting in the living room are Lin Yi's uncle and uncle.

"Come on, taste this tea, which Xiaoyi brought back yesterday." Father Lin poured half a cup of tea for everyone 11 times and smiled.

The uncle picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly.

In the next second, his eyes stared suddenly, and the tea was sweet in the mouth, without any bitterness. After tasting it carefully, he could feel the faint fragrance of tea.

"This tea is ok, sweet in the mouth, sweet aftertaste, not bad." The uncle appreciated the tea.

For so many years, he has drunk a lot of good tea, but it is better than today's tea. There are only a few kinds of tea, and the price is deadly expensive. As the big boss of a factory, he has no luck.

"Really good, this tea is good, Xiao Yi, where did you get this tea?"

"Xiaoyi has lost money, this tea is not cheap, right?"

The relatives were full of praise for tea.

Father Lin was very generous and waved his hand: "Wait a moment, you will leave..."

Lin Yi hurriedly came to his father's side and said in his ear: "Dad, this tea is for special offer, but it is for the leaders above! I didn't bring much when I came back this time!"

When the words fell, Father Lin's expression suddenly changed, and the words that came to his lips were swallowed immediately.

"Come on, drink tea, drink tea."

The relatives looked at each other without saying much, and continued to drink tea.

"By the way, look at my brain, I didn't take a cigarette." Father Lin patted his head and took out two cigarettes from under the coffee table.

"Come on, taste this cigarette, which Xiaoyi brought back to be filial to me." Father Lin opened a cigarette, then opened one of the boxes, and smoked one by one.

All the relatives saw their eyes straight, their mouths opened wide, and they were able to squeeze an apple.

"Xiao Yi, the special red panda? And the special Hua Zi?" The uncle raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Lin Yi in a daze.

"This cigarette is not easy to handle, right? Where did you get it from!"

"What's wrong, it's a special offer from the military region! Moreover, you have to have a position in the military region before you can bring it back!"

"Good guy, Xiaoyi, what are you doing in the military area? So awesome?"

Lin Yi smiled, found a reason casually, and said, "It's just that my performance has been relatively good recently. The leader gave me some of them and asked me to bring them back."

Everyone took the cigarettes and lit them.

"This cigarette is easy to smoke, it's different from what we usually smoke."

"That's a special confession from the military area, Xiaoyi can be very promising now!"

A group of relatives swallowed the clouds, and even Father Lin, who had quit smoking, also smoked a stick.

"Let's talk for a while, I'm ready to eat." Mother Lin walked out, saw Father Lin smoking, and said nothing, reminding her.

Soon after smoking the cigarettes, the dishes are ready.

Everyone came to the big table and sat down in a good place.

After the dishes are ready.

Lin Yi and Father Lin took four bottles of special Moutai and put them on the table.

Father Lin said angrily: "Come, drink this today!"

After speaking, he opened a bottle.

The eyes of the relatives straightened again.

"Special for Moutai? This is the highest standard! Xiao Yi, this is what you brought back?" The uncle looked directly at Lin Yi and asked in surprise.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Lin Yi nodded and said: "The leader also gave a few bottles."

When the words fell, everyone took a breath.

Good guy, the highest specification special Moutai!

The special wines are also divided into grades, but Lin Yi's uncle recognized it at a glance. This is the highest-quality special-for-Moutai.

He was lucky enough to have a small cup before.

The relatives were even more surprised. Even if you don’t drink, they all know that this wine is good. Moutai is known as the national wine.

And the special Moutai is the top of the list of liquors!

Lin Yi actually brought back several bottles!

This special wine, special tea, and special cigarettes are all brought back.

What exactly does Lin Yi do in the military region?

"Come and come, taste them all, taste them all, don't be polite, there are still four bottles after drinking." Father Lin smiled and poured a glass for everyone.

When the words fell, the relatives were once again confused.

How much is this to bring back, four bottles after drinking?

For a while, the aroma of wine overflowed on the entire dinner table, almost overshadowing the taste of the food.

"Come, let us all welcome Lin Yi back." Father Lin toasted.

Everyone toasted together.

After a glass of wine, Father Lin picked up his chopsticks and greeted everyone to eat.

Toot toot~

Just then, Lin Yi's cell phone rang on the desk.

"I will answer the phone first, leave me alone, leave me alone, eat first." Lin Yi apologized.

But everyone was quiet.

Lin Yi answered the phone: "Commander Su, what's the matter?"

It was Commander Su Jiansu who called: "Lin Yi, I heard you went home?"

"Yes, Commander Su, eating here." Lin Yi responded.

Commander Su thoughtfully said: "Well, that's it, let me make a long story short. The leader has set the time for the honoring ceremony. Then you will come to the capital with Professor Yan and Chief Huang."

"Okay, Commander Su, I will contact Master Huang then." Lin Yi replied.

"Well, say hello to your parents for me, and I won't disturb you eating."

After speaking, Su Jian hung up the phone.

Lin Yi put the phone away and put it on the table again.

The relatives sitting around all looked at Lin Yi, their expressions a little surprised and puzzled.

The call was from the commander of the military region?

The commander of the military region called Lin Yi himself? What kind of route is this!

Toot toot~

Soon after putting down the phone, Lin Yi's phone rang again.

Lin Yi smiled apologetically, picked up the phone and saw that it was a strange number.

Answered the phone.

"Hello?" Lin Yi asked first.

A rough boy came on the other end of the phone: "Hello Lin Yi, I am the commander of the southern theater, Han Zhangyuan, we met at the celebration banquet."

Lin Yi thought about it for a while and he did see it. He also said hello at that time: "Hello, Commander Han."

"Excuse me, Commander Han, is there anything wrong with calling me?" Lin Yi asked.

Commander Han’s voice soon came: "That’s right. I would like to invite you to visit our southern theater to take a look at the current training situation of our military. Our military region is the first unit to adopt Qi and blood power. I unilaterally think I would like to invite you to come over and chat to see if there is any place for diligence. I have already greeted the leader, and he said that as long as you ask for your consent, it is enough."

"That's it... Commander Han, then I'll take time to go to the military area." Lin Yi nodded.

"Thank you very much, then I will be waiting for you in the military area!" Commander Han smiled.

After speaking, he hung up the phone.


Lin Yi's phone kept ringing. Basically everyone just had a bite of food, Lin Yi could receive a call.

Moreover, because the dinner table is very quiet, everyone can vaguely hear part of the conversation.

The callers are basically the commanders of the military districts, or they are chief divisions or professors.

Of course, they didn't say anything about scientific research projects or confidential information during the phone call.

Hearing these titles, the faces of all the relatives became very surprised.

What exactly does Lin Yi do in the military area?

Why do so many phone calls come to him during dinner time?

"Xiao Yi, what are you doing in the military area?" Uncle couldn't suppress his inner curiosity and asked.

Lin Yi was taken aback, and smiled: "I just help each other between the various military districts. If I need me, I will go there to help. The commanders of the various military districts also know me."

Lin Yi certainly can't tell what he really wants to do. It's about confidentiality. Once it is leaked, there will be major problems.

When the relatives heard this, their faces were suspicious.

Suddenly, my heart became suspicious.

Help in the military area? Or do the various military regions help each other?

Isn't it that simple?

If it's just that simple, can he bring back these things? And the state also allocates this kind of house?

It's impossible!

Lin Yi must have made a great contribution to the army!

Obviously everyone couldn't guess it, but seeing Lin Yi didn't want to say more, everyone understood that it might be due to the principle of confidentiality, so they didn't ask any more.

After all, in any case, Lin Yi is really prosperous now!

The prosperous is shocking!

For a while, all the elders of 510 looked at their juniors, with hatred in their eyes.

At this moment, Lin Yi compared all the children of relatives, and he officially became the child of another family.

"Take a good look at your brother Xiaoyi, learn more from others, your brother Xiaoyi is really good." My uncle sighed and educates his son.

The uncle also patted his son on the shoulder: "Why don't you go to the military area to take a break?"

When the uncle’s son heard this, he was immediately excited: “No, I can’t mix with Xiaoyi to the same degree...My brother has definitely made a big contribution, but it should not be said that the state is confidential!”

Lin Yi laughed, noncommittal.

Father Lin's face was full of pride.

His son is so prosperous now that he has made a lot of face in front of his relatives.

Although, I don't know what my son did.

The same is true for Mother Lin. Having a son like Lin Yi makes the two old men laugh from ear to ear.

At this time, Lin Yi’s cousin stood up, held the wine glass, and held it in front of Lin Yi: “Come on, my brother, I toast you a glass. Now, you are free."

When the words were over, the cousin raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

Lin Yi was also unambiguous, stood up and drank the wine in one sip.

Immediately afterwards, my cousin also raised his wine glass and stood up: "Brother Yi, I also respect you and learn from you. I hope you will rise up!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's done."

"Brother Yi, I will also go to the military area to look for you when I have the opportunity. Don't forget your cousin then."

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay, there will be opportunities in the future."

My cousin also stood up and said, "Brother, I respect you too. You are really amazing. You must have done a great job, amazing!"

Lin Yi naturally refused to come, he was very confident about his drinking capacity and went straight to it.

Soon, Lin Yi's cousins ​​were all respected, and Lin Yi was still like a okay person.

The elders of each family looked at their children appreciatively and nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Father Lin began to make a round, and filled the people with glasses again: "Come here, don't talk about it, drink, drink."

Immediately afterwards, the whole family stopped discussing these and continued to eat vegetables.

But Lin Yi's success in this matter left a deep mark on each of them.

At the same time, what makes everyone most curious is, Lin Yi, what big things did this kid do so that he can be like this? ! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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