I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 145: Professor Lin Yi Hunting Moment!

When he first got on the bus, Lin Yi hadn't noticed that there was a problem with the taxi.

But after driving for a few minutes, Lin Yi felt that there was a problem.

Let alone the three cars that followed, the taxi master's expression is very weird.

From time to time, he raised his head and looked at himself in the back seat.

Moreover, Lin Yi is carefully observing the taxi driver along the way.

The taxi runs very smoothly, and it is definitely not like other taxis.

The most important thing is that Lin Yi cares most about the faint murderous aura of the taxi master.

Combining the above points, Lin Yi quickly anticipated what would happen.

However, to Lin Yi's surprise, this group of people actually dared to assassinate themselves in Yanhai City?

What kind of price did the people behind the scenes offer, dare to let them take such a big risk to do this thing.

As soon as he said this, the taxi master sitting in the driver's seat darkened, but it was fleeting.

Then he smiled and said, "Young man, do you watch too much movies? I'm a taxi driver, what killer, mercenary... I, I don't know what you are talking about..."

With that, the speed of the taxi increased.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Master, the clothes on your body expose you."

When the words were over, the taxi master's expression changed, and he looked down at his clothes subconsciously.

At this moment, Lin Yi leaned forward, a cold flash in his eyes, flashed to the back of the driver's seat, put one hand on the master's head, and the other grabbed the master's chin.

Then, twist it hard.

The whole process takes less than a second.

The taxi master has not had time to react.


A sound of broken bones sounded, the taxi master tilted his head, and a smear of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yi didn't hesitate too much, opened the door of the car and jumped out.

Although this was Lin Yi's first murder, he was very clean and did not hesitate.

Because the taxi has just turned a corner, the speed hasn't risen much, only about 3 to 40 miles.

As soon as he got off the car, Lin Yi heard in a daze that the intercom in the car came out with a rugged, brawny voice, speaking in the Chinese language.

"Monkey, what's the matter! Is the target aware of it? Monkey..."

Then, there was a bang.

The taxi hit a car parked on the road, and the front of the car dented in.

Lin Yi got out of the car, rolled forward, got up from the ground, glanced at the surrounding scenes, and ran towards the side road.

In the car, Lin Yi discovered this path, which was the only way out by Lin Yi's calculations.

The road under construction is very long. Except for a three-story unfinished building, the surrounding area is empty and empty.

This group was obviously here to assassinate himself, he knew this well, and there must not be too few people.

If I run toward an open place, there are so many people, I can't stand it at all, and once I use a gun, I can't escape.

The best way at present is to kill all those people so that he can truly escape the crisis.

Otherwise, Lin Yi can only wait for the arrival of support.

The moment Lin Yi ran into the alley, the three cars that had been following the taxi.

Accompanied by the sound of emergency braking, the car was stopped on the road.

Then, several burly men dressed in loose clothes and hats got out of the car.

These people are all dressed up with big beards, and everyone has a bit of hostility. Although they are well hidden, the cold eyes under the hat still betray them.

At a glance, these people are not ordinary people.

"Boss, the monkey died, and the kid broke his neck."

At this moment, a bearded man stepped forward, frowning.

The leader was taken aback, his eyes flashed with astonishment: "Can you kill a monkey? Isn't he a scientist? Is he still a practitioner?"

After pondering for a moment, the boss said: "Everyone, be careful, this Lin Yi is not as simple as it seems."

"Then what do you do now? Boss" the beard asked.

The boss sneered: "He took the initiative to ran into this ruined building. It just so happened. We don't have to worry about it. Leave two people here to guard and don't let anyone in."

"Also, let other people come over, we must not let him escape here!"


Before coming, they had surveyed all the terrain in Yanhai City.

This road has just been built, and there are not many cars passing by. There is still an unfinished building next to it. The exits on all sides are blocked, leaving only this small road for people to walk on.

In the end, they decided that once Lin Yi came back, they could bring Lin Yi here to start.

These people dormant in Yanhai City for a long time just to wait for Lin Yi to return.

After all, this is Lin Yi's home, and they firmly believe that Lin Yi will return one day.

Just today, they learned of Lin Yi's return through their eyeliners in Yanhai City, and they arranged the assassination.

When the words were over, the boss turned his head and ordered: "Try not to use a gun, otherwise we won't be able to run."


After finishing speaking, the boss waved his big hand, commanding the people behind him, and chasing into the alley.

A group of people chased into the path. As soon as they entered the path, a cold light flashed in everyone's hands.

A sharp, bladed dagger appeared in everyone's hands.

At the end of the path, there was only one unfinished building.

"Separately act, keep in touch, and report as soon as you find the target!" The boss issued an order and rushed to the unfinished building at the end of the path first.

The remaining people also ran towards the unfinished building.

Not long after, a group of people came to the unfinished building.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

There was no sound around, there was no one.

At this time, the boss waved his hand, and everyone immediately dispersed and went up to the unfinished building from various places.


At this time, on the second floor of the unfinished building, in a cement room without a door.

Lin Yi stood in the corner of the room, frowning.

He is editing a text message with a mobile phone in his hand.

"A group of people assassinated me in a three-story building on Xihe Road in the outskirts of the city."

Soon, Lin Yi edited the text message and sent it out immediately. In the recipient's column, the note was Brother Li.

It was Fu Yuheng's guard.

After doing all this, Lin Yi turned on the mute function, retracted the phone, and watched the situation vigilantly.

Since drinking the medicine, his five senses have been greatly improved, and his physical fitness, reaction speed, etc. have all been significantly improved.

At this time, those who were assassinated had already been on the second floor.

This is one of the reasons why he didn't call.

Ta Ta Ta

At this time, two faint footsteps sounded in Lin Yi's ears.

He could hear that these two footsteps were walking towards him.

Soon, these two footsteps came close to him.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and recognized the position by the sound of footsteps.

The next second, Lin Yi rushed out of the doorless room.

Two killers were standing outside the room. As soon as Lin Yi appeared, the three of them immediately faced each other.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi slammed his legs, his figure flashed, and came directly to the side of the two of them.

Afterwards, with both hands in the shape of a knife, he slashed hard towards the back of the two men's necks.

Neither of them reacted, but felt that their eyes were dark, and they fainted on the ground.

Plops, plops, and the two fell to the ground.

Lin Yi picked up the dagger on the ground, with an indifferent expression, wiped the necks of the two directly, and two streams of blood splashed on the ground.

Then, Lin Yi's face was full of gloom, and he left quietly.


the other side.

Boss led the two people and walked carefully on the concrete floor. They were on the first floor.

There was dead silence around, and there was no sound.

Thump, thump

Two falling sounds came.

Boss's face changed suddenly, and he lowered his voice and said, "No! There is a situation on the second floor!"

While speaking, he held the communication device in his ear and whispered: "Hedgehog, mouse! What happened on the second floor?"

There is no response from the headset.

"Something went wrong! Remind others to be careful!" the boss ordered, his face a little grim.

It seems that Lin Yi is still underestimated.

"Boss, found..."

Puff, puff, plop, plop.

At this moment, there was an exclamation in the earphones, but before the words were finished, only a few sounds came from one after another...

"Boss, we found the target here, request..."


"Boss, there is a situation..."


Hearing these responses, the boss's face grew gloomy.

"On the second floor, Lin Yi is on the second floor. Go to the second floor immediately to find him! Don't use daggers, use guns!" the boss ordered in a deep voice.

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Boss calmed down for a moment, his eyes were filled with astonishment and disbelief.

This Lin Yi was beyond his expectation.

The people who were sent to the second floor before, didn't finish speaking, so they didn't respond directly.

This shows that they are all dead!

Moreover, it should be killed by Lin Yi!

But how can Lin Yi do this?

You know, they are top killers and have received super-intensity training since they were young. The people who came to assassinate Lin Yi this time are all elites among the elite.

However, at least three people have been killed by Lin Yi.

What exactly does Lin Yi do? Isn't he just a scientist?

Scientist, is it so strong already?


Thinking like this, the boss directly retracted the dagger and took out the gun from his back.

"You two, go and support the others immediately!"

While speaking, the two behind them nodded at the same time, and walked directly towards the stairs not far in front of them.

On the other hand, the boss himself walked up the second floor from another road.

Go up to the second floor.

He soon found the bodies of three people.

The Boss was vigilant about the situation around the corpse, and when he found there was no problem, he came to the corpse.

The knife was fatal, and he wiped the neck directly, very decisively, without any muddle-headedness.

"Can a scientist really do this..." The boss was deeply puzzled.

Without thinking about it, he was holding a gun and watching the surroundings very vigilantly.

"Be careful, everyone, this Lin Yi is by no means as simple as a scientist! He may also have abilities that we don't know!" Boss reminded in the headset.

Bang, bang, bang

Three gunshots sounded in the empty, unfinished building.

The voice came from the third floor.

Boss immediately followed the sound and looked to the third floor.

"Boss, found on the third floor..."

At this moment, a horrified voice came from the headset.

Puff, plop.

It's the same situation as before.

I didn't finish speaking, and I didn't respond directly.

At this moment, the boss suddenly realized that the relationship between them and Lin Yi seemed to be reversed.

Originally, they should be hunters, and Lin Yi is the prey.

But now, 5.7 Lin Yi seems to be a hunter, and they are Lin Yi's prey!

"How many people are there!" the boss forced to suppress the shock in his heart and asked.

In the earphones, there is no response anymore, just like in the current unfinished building, it is very quiet, dead quiet.

"Who are you guys anyway?"

At this moment, Lin Yi's voice suddenly came from the headphones.

Hearing the words, the Boss jerked his soul abruptly.

"Lin Yi! Did you kill everyone?" The boss swallowed and couldn't believe it.

"Who are you guys?" Lin Yi asked again.

The boss was already a little flustered.

He has engaged in assassinations many times. There are not hundreds or dozens of people who have been assassinated. They are all people with bodyguards around him.

He has not experienced anything, and he has also experienced any crisis.

However, he never felt the real panic like this time.

Lin Yi gave him the feeling that he was like a ghost, where he would suddenly appear from somewhere, and then he would get rid of one person on his side, and disappear quietly, waiting for the next person to be solved.

Lin Yi was the first person who made him feel a little scared.

Such a person is simply terrifying.

But the task still needs to be executed, and he is very sure that if he can't kill Lin Yi in the next period of time, he will definitely be killed by Lin Yi.

In order to survive, he couldn't hold back either.

Ta Ta Ta

At this moment, a heavy footstep sounded right behind him. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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