I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 159 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

at the same time.

China, in the combat headquarters of the Blade Military Region.

Lin Yi and Fu Yuheng, together with their superiors and generals on the screen.

At this moment, they are all watching the big screen, from the first point of view of the Jackal Special Forces after landing on the island.

Da da da da, bang bang bang

Gunshots echoed in the headquarters.

Soon, the gunfire stopped abruptly, and there was silence in the entire command center.

No one speaks, they are all watching the big screen nervously.

The signal jammer installed by the Jackal Special Team on the island has no effect on China, so they can see the battle scene.

"The battle is over, the threat on the island is lifted! No one on our side was seriously injured or killed!"

Soon, the voice of Captain Jackal came from the big screen.

Upon hearing this voice, the faces of all the people in the command post suddenly became happy.

"Good job! Next, you will find a place to hide on the island, and we will leave the rest to us!" Lin Yi smiled, his tone very happy.

The higher-level leaders and the generals also breathed a sigh of relief, astonishment flashed in their eyes.

No one was seriously injured or killed in the Jackal Special Team, and it successfully completed the mission! This is very good news for China now!

What's more, the performance of the 10 special forces of the Jackal Special Forces is too good!

Faced with the SEALs, the world's top special forces, it is really rare to be able to completely wipe out the opponent without any casualties on your side!

Of course, they all know that the special forces of the Jackal Special Forces are able to do so, thanks to Lin Yi, if there is no medicine developed by Lin Yi, the special forces would not be able to do this.

But now, the special forces have achieved this, and they are still using a nearly crushing method to completely wipe out the SEALs!

At this moment, everyone in the audience saw the overall rise of the Chinese soldiers and the scene when they were on top of the world!

There is a more important point.

The capture of this small island means that the situation is completely opened. China is definitely not as passive as before.

Even, they can choose to take the initiative to force Country M back!

"Professor Lin, how do we start implementing our plan next?"

At this time, Su Jian asked.

"Country M must have learned the news that the SEALs were annihilated, and we must have recognized that China will do it. According to Country M's temper, we will definitely not give up!" A general made his own opinion. .

"Yes, maybe, country M is ready to come directly to the China waters and put more pressure on us." Zhao Bing followed closely with brows, and said very worried.

"The most important thing is the ten special forces on the island..." Fu Yuheng said with frowning.

When the words were over, everyone's expressions were a bit ugly.

The special forces did an excellent job of accomplishing their tasks, but likewise, they may also be captured by country M.

We must hurry up to end this absurd exercise as soon as possible, let Country M completely end, and rescue the ten special forces!

This is the most critical issue at the moment!

After all, winning the battle for the islands does not mean that country M has completely lost, nor does it mean that China really won.

The rest is the real confrontation.

The capture of the island is just an opportunity for this final confrontation, the most important thing is to look at this final confrontation.

"The actions of country M have been monitored, and they are moving closer to the waters of China!"

The detective responded quickly, with a serious expression.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Sure enough, country M's actions are still so fast!

This has already moved closer to China. Then, in the future, they will definitely encircle the entire island, and then use the ten special forces on the island to threaten China.

"The next plan is to prepare and wait!" Lin Yi blurted out without thinking.

"Wait? Waiting for what opportunity?" The superior leader asked in confusion.

Everyone in the command center looked at Lin Yi in unison.

They were a little puzzled. Lin Yi didn't seem to mention this issue in his previous plan.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But now Lin Yi says, wait for the opportunity?

Lin Yi confidently said: "Leader, the country M has changed. They can only pressure us from two aspects. The first is the airspace, using their fighter fleet, and the F22 fighters. The other is the deep sea area, using them. Nuclear submarine."

"In terms of airspace, we have the J-20, so we don’t have to be afraid of country M. In the deep sea, we still have the kelp that was laid out before. According to my calculations, today is just the last day of the growth period, and we are about to enter a period of decline. The kelp is the most suitable and the strongest!"

"As long as the enemy nuclear submarine dares to pass the kelp array we have arranged, they will definitely be entangled by the kelp array! At that time, they will not be able to go if they want to go! The next thing, but our China has the final say!"

Lin Yi quickly gave an overview of the next plan.

The superiors and the generals looked at Lin Yi, still a little worried in their eyes.

They still slightly doubt whether Lin Yi's kelp-wrapped submarine project can really be completed as desired?

This is uncertain, after all, it has not been confirmed before!

But up to now, both the landing operations from the beginning and the overall command are proceeding very smoothly.

At this moment, they still choose to believe in Lin Yi and leave everything to Lin Yi to do.

After speaking, Lin Yi turned his head and ordered.

"The order continues, and the 095G nuclear submarine immediately went to the adjacent areas of the China Sea and the Gonghai Sea, dived at a depth of 500 meters, and was on standby!"

"Send five J-20 fighters to circulate in the airspace. Anti-submarine fighters and anti-submarine warships, all to the adjacent sea area, don’t show combat form, make a defensive form! After reaching the designated position, all are on standby without me. No one is allowed to move!"

Lin Yi gave several instructions one after another, with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes!" The staff immediately relayed Lin Yi's order.

"Next, it's time for a good show!"

When the words fell, Lin Yi looked at the big screen with a tick at the corner of his mouth.


At this time, in the industrial sea area, the underwater depth is 550 meters.

An Ohio-class nuclear submarine is heading straight ahead in the direction of the China waters.

At a distance of five nautical miles from the nuclear submarine, there is also an Ohio-class nuclear submarine heading toward the waters of China.

The commander of this Ohio-class nuclear submarine is Marcus.

This time he will be the commander of the nuclear submarine.

At this time, Marcus was standing in the command room, watching all the data fed back on the screen.

"Marcus, what's the current situation? Have you found the location of China's latest generation of nuclear submarines!" Bruce's deep voice came from the communication device.

Marcus swiftly responded: "So far, nothing has been found. There is still about 10 nautical miles away from China's waters. There is no abnormal situation!"

"Be careful, China is tricky. Be careful what they do in their backs!" Bruce's voice came again.

Marcus is also a little wary. Since his experience last time, he has cast a little shadow on China's latest generation of nuclear submarines.

He naturally knows that being careful is the best.

Thinking of this, Marcus affirmed: "Please rest assured, Admiral Bruce. Once an abnormality is discovered, I must act carefully and not fall into China's trap."

After speaking, Marcus hung up the communication.

"You must pay close attention to the data, and there can be no errors! Do you understand it!" Marcus ordered, his tone very heavy.

"Yes! Lieutenant General Marcus!" All the staff responded in unison.

They also know that China's latest generation of nuclear submarines are powerful.

But no matter how you say it, looking at it now, they don't have any threat.

After all, they have not yet entered the waters of China, and currently just want to put pressure on China.

China will definitely not take the lead, nor dare to take the lead.

Once China starts at such a time, it will be China that is at a loss.

At that time, country M will be able to take advantage of international fishing vessel pressure to launch a round of offensive against China.

At that time, China's pressure will be even greater, and it will not dare to act rashly.

But Marcus still did not relax any vigilance, or carefully observed various data.


Twenty minutes later.

The Ohio-class nuclear submarine has traveled about five nautical miles, and is currently only five nautical miles away from the China waters.

On the way, there was no abnormal situation and it was very calm.

Looking at it now, Marcus is even more convinced that China dare not do anything against them, at least not within Gonghai!

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lieutenant General Marcus, two nautical miles ahead, I found a mountain range under the sea!"

At this moment, the sonar detector shouted immediately.

"What? Submarine mountains?" Marcus was taken aback, and immediately stepped forward to check the situation.

The sonar detector pointed to the screen, and there was a topographic map simulated by the sonar detection system based on the seabed topography.

"Lieutenant General Marcus, look here."

On the screen, a mountain range outlined by a dotted line appeared abruptly, blocking the entire trench tightly.

"Why are there mountains here? Is there something wrong with the sonar system?" Marcus wondered.

This is Gonghai, and the seabed is unfathomable. They only dived 550 meters before they encountered the sea mountain range. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

Without hesitation, he immediately turned on the communication device.

"Lieutenant General Chakus, are there any submarine mountains found two nautical miles ahead of you?"

What Marcus asked was nothing but the commander of another Ohio-class nuclear submarine.

Soon, Chakus responded: "We also found the sea mountain range!"

This is weird, well, how come there are mountains? Or is it a mountain range that stretches for five nautical miles or even wider?

This is not in line with common sense!

"Increase the sonar detection power and see what the situation is!" Marcus ordered immediately.

Upon receiving the instruction, the sonar detector immediately increased the power of the sonar.

After a while, the virtual image gradually became clearer.

Everyone in the command room immediately looked over to a mountain that was very sparse.

Marcus also fixed his eyes.

Soon, he gave a soft sigh, his face full of doubt and astonishment.

"That is, kelp?".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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