I’m An S Level Encrypted

Chapter 177 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The time came to the next day.

The entire laboratory was empty, and all the researchers went back to rest.

The experiments in the past few days have made everyone very tired. At the end of the experiment, everyone was relaxed, and fatigue followed.

Professor Mo and Lin Yi decided to give everyone a day off for a good rest.

Then get ready for the next related work.

Professor Mo also returned to the office and reported the situation to his superiors.

The superior immediately stated that he would find the time in the next few days and come to the research institute of the Guangzhou Military Region again to personally witness the advent of the research on monomer graphene!

Later, after Professor Mo informed Lin Yi of the news, the two chatted briefly.

Then, Professor Mo also went back to rest.

At this time, inside the research institute, Lin Yi's temporary office.

Lin Yi was sitting in front of the computer, his hands crackling quickly on the keyboard.

On the computer screen in front of him was a word document.

Lin Yi just wrote the text on the screen.

"On the research report of monomer graphene."

"Single graphene, a hexagonal structure of carbon element, is only one-third the thickness of a nanometer unit. It is light, thin, hard, and extremely flexible. Several years of research have failed to achieve significant results..."

"Single graphene can be widely used in many fields, such as military weapons, defensive equipment, electronic products, etc..."

"It is concluded from the results of many experiments that there are several problems in the experiment process of monomer graphene. When the monomer graphene is peeled off, it cannot be guaranteed whether the monomer graphene will decompose..."

"The advent of monomer graphene will lead the whole world to a brand new field. China has been researching monomer graphene for nearly two decades. Today, the world has finally ushered in an unprecedented good news. It will also be completely changed due to a change in China's scientific research community..."

"After many experimental results, we have successfully developed monomer graphene with a final determined content of 99%. The final results are as follows..."

Two hours later.

Lin Yi stopped typing his hands on the keyboard and stretched back.

"It's over..." Lin Yi murmured, letting out a sigh of relief.

He just typed a paper about 3,000 words long on monomer graphene.

This is the result of his research with Professor Mo, and Lin Yi wrote it after discussing it with Professor Mo.

Of course, Professor Mo made it clear that it is not necessary to add Professor Mo's name in the signature of the paper.

After all, the success of this experiment depends entirely on the new method of extracting monomeric graphene developed by Lin Yi himself to be able to complete it so smoothly.

Naturally, Professor Mo would not take this credit from Lin Yi.

Moreover, in this paper, Lin Yi did not explain the experimental process in detail, but simply showed the entire experimental process and the final experimental results.

This is enough to attract the attention of many people, and people with a discerning eye can definitely see clearly.

Moreover, in order to prevent the entire experimental process from leaking out, other countries took advantage of the loopholes.

When the experimental results were proven, China had already applied for related patents to the United States for the fields that monomer graphene can be involved in, and many things that can be developed using monomer graphene.

In this way, as long as other countries want to use the technology of single graphene, it must also be approved by China.

It can be said that in the field of monomer graphene, China, as the first country to develop it, has absolute patent rights, and it is also completely able to contain any other countries that are plotting badly in this field and exploit loopholes.

Therefore, once Lin Yi's paper was published, it was shown to the world that the monomer graphene was developed by China and can be applied to related fields. If you want to use it, come to China!

"As soon as this paper is published, it will definitely cause a shock to the world's scientific research scholars. Maybe the entire world's scientific research community will be shocked! At that time, China's scientific research community will also be yearned by research scholars all over the world! "

Lin Yi is right.

The purpose of his dissemination of this paper is not to publish the results of the monomer graphene to the world to attract the attention of others.

Instead, I intend to use this paper to make the world's scientific research community pay attention to China's scientific research community, and to change China's scientific research community's inappropriate comments in the world.

China's scientific research community has always been criticized by some powerful countries in the world, saying that China's scientific research environment and the treatment of scientific researchers are very bad, which has led to the loss of many talents.

Moreover, in this kind of scientific research environment, it is impossible to have any amazing research.

In general, China's scientific research community just can't do it.

But Lin Yi wanted to take this opportunity to tell the world.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

China's scientific research community is not as unbearable as those people say, and China's scientific research community is very powerful!

It can even be said to be very awesome!

Research scholars all over the world can't deal with the monomer graphene, let the research scholars in China research it out!

This is a good opportunity to face the world and prove China's scientific research community!

How could Lin Yi give up such an opportunity.

Thinking about this, Lin Yi opened the special vpn software, went to the Internet, and opened an academic forum.

Lin Yi chose this academic forum for consideration.

This academic forum is a worldwide academic forum.

Well-known scientific research scholars all over the world have published relevant papers of famous research here.

It can be said that well-known scientific research scholars all over the world will pay attention to this forum and obtain relevant information from the scientific research community.

Moreover, this forum was founded by the United States, without the background of any other country, everything is equal.

Publishing a paper in this forum is the best choice, and it is also the choice that best proves China's scientific research community.

Of course, this forum is relatively open, anyone can register, not just limited to scientific researchers.

Without much thought, Lin Yi directly opened the registration interface.

The relevant registration information is very simple, account number, password, email and so on.

After filling in the corresponding information, you arrive at the user name column.

Lin Yi put his hands on the keyboard, and did not start.

There is no hard requirement for the user name of this forum, you can choose any name you like.

According to Lin Yi's character, he certainly cannot use his real name.

Just like the last time in the domestic academic forum, Lin Yi did not use his real name, but chose the username of Booyadoi Dagen.

Later, he was called Professor Dagen by a group of old urchins in the scientific research community.

So, this time, Lin Yi intends to find another way. The username of Dagen can no longer be used.

I have to think about it again.

After pondering for a while, Lin Yi's mind flashed, and he skillfully typed five words on the keyboard.

"Giant X throws the mountain!"

After typing these five words, Lin Yi smiled knowingly.

That's it!

Without thinking about it, he directly clicked to register.

The process went smoothly.

After all, no one would have such a name in such a highly academic international forum.

The username Lin Yi took is unprecedented, and there is no one in the future.

Then, Lin Yi didn't care about anything else. He went directly to the thesis section and posted the paper he wrote to the forum.

Afterwards, Lin Yi simply checked the paper and there was no problem.

He directly closed the website and went back to the dormitory to rest.


at the same time.

Country M is on the other side of the ocean.

The current country M time is 11 o'clock in the evening.

A military area base, inside a secret research institute.

An elderly man in his sixties, sitting in front of the computer, was browsing the academic forum established by the United Nations.

He is the highly respected Professor Jeffer of Country M and the chief designer of the anti-stealth radar.

He has the habit of watching academic forums every day before going to bed, to see what's happening in the world's scientific research community.

The most important thing is to see if other countries have academic research that can surpass that of Country M, so I can take this as a reference.

But according to the experience of Professor Jefir, at present, in the military field, Country M still sits firmly on the throne of the world, and no one can shake its position.

Therefore, every time he visits the forum, Professor Jeffier brings a sense of superiority.

Because country M is number one in the world!

And he is one of the more outstanding scientific research professors in M ​​country, he is of course very proud.

The same is true today, he is visiting the forum with a sense of superiority.

At this moment, the title of a paper attracted his attention.

"` ‖Research report on monomer graphene."

When he saw this title, Professor Jeffier was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered.

"Let me see, this is another country's scientific research scholar who said such a big talk."

In the current world, major powers are conducting research on monomer graphene, although the progress of each country is different.

But no country can say that they have already studied the monomer graphene.

After all, there are huge scientific research problems to be solved for things like graphene. If these scientific research problems are not solved, it is impossible to develop them.

Even in country M, the progress in the field of graphene research has been minimal.

Professor Jeffier still knows this.

But he still wanted to see if this paper was written by someone who was not capable of it.

Clicking on the paper, and seeing the user name, Professor Jefir was instantly dumbfounded.

"Giant X throws Dashan? What kind of ghost username is this!"

The username is directly translated. The moment Professor Jeffier saw this username, the whole person was a little angry.

How does this academic forum look like this? Now anyone can register, and the username is still so inconsistent, which really makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't think much, and continued to look at the following papers.

I browsed this paper briefly, but I didn't understand it.

Indeed, Jefir is not a top expert in the field of graphene, and the degree of understanding of graphene.

After reading it, he immediately cut a picture of a part of this paper, and sent it to another research professor in country M who specializes in graphene, and added a sentence.

"Hahaha, Richard, take a look at this paper on graphene, which actually tells that China has developed monomer graphene, which is really funny.".

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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